Implying Pleasure


Title: Implying Pleasure

Pairing: Sehun/Luhan

Rating: pg-13

Length: Drabble

Genre: Fluff

Summary: By the end of it, Lu Han was slightly sweaty. 


Hi~ :D

This is the first story I'm posting here on aff.

I've been a silent reader for a while now, but my friend encouraged me to start posting my fics.

It's really short, because I don't think I could ever right more than 1,000 words, but we'll see ;)

Constructive criticism and/or comments are welcome!

Also, I posted this drabble on my lj account :



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Chapter 1: are this end?
Chapter 1: Rolling like a buffalo XDD
Chapter 1: ____ you got me bahahaha XD
XDD omg, i loved it!!! I'm rotfl so badly right now XDD
Chapter 1: haha i'm a _______ too
at first i think they were having ... but no?
that ramen must be so damn delicious for lulu to moan in pleasure lol