Suiting up.

Bloodied Antlers.


Technically, Sehun shouldn’t be afraid. He shouldn’t.


Why should he?


He had the fastest steed in the palace, a very deadly, trained, bodyguard, and a whole army at his fingertips, ready to be summoned at a click of a finger lest he need them. All for, what? A bunch of singing, dancing mythical creatures? Creatures that left flowers wherever they walked? Puny, weak, creatures who were half-man, half-animal? The very image itself was laughable.


So, why was he afraid?




“Everything is ready, sir. The horse is saddled up and your supplies are in the bag.” A servant bowed a full ninety degrees to Sehun, who nodded shakily in return and turned to Zitao.


“Whenever you’re ready, then. Do you have anything you have to bring along? A tomahawk? Crossbows? Catapults? Boiling oil?” Sehun fumbled with his helmet, nearly dropping it, before he took in a deep breath and placed it on his head.




“Ah…ah, yes?” Sehun stammered and turned to face Zitao, or, Tao, as he insisted to be called. Strangely, the whole room had suddenly gone dark, and smelled really musty, like sweat. Gross.


“You have your helmet, ah, how should I say this…” Tao chuckled uneasily and waved his finger in a loop around Sehun’s head. “You have your helmet on backwards.”


Sehun paused for a second, the truth of the matter sinking in to his agitated mind. Then he coughed, and scrabbled to pull the headpiece off him.


Wheezing a bit to get the stale smell out of his system, he cracked a weak grin. “I- I knew that.” Sehun coughed out a few nervous laughs and rubbed the visor of his helmet with his sleeve.


“Are you okay?” Tao pulled on a vambrace*. It looked burdensome, and bore years of wear and tear, but even through the cuts and worn fabric, Sehun could see an intricately carved pattern that curled silver all around the armour in a series of vines and symbols that seemed to glow if the light caught it just right. It was embellished in the tough leather, gleaming and glinting against the brown.


He’d always had a thing for intricately carved works of art.


“You seem…very out of sorts.” Tao adjusted the buckle of the straps on his left arm and looked up at Sehun carefully. “Are you sure you’re ready to do this? I’m sure the King would-“


“No.” Sehun interrupted and slid his helmet over his head. “No, I have to do this.” He stood up. “I’m sorry for being so distracted earlier.” He lied easily. “This is the first time I’ve had to find a fabled beast and actually capture it, so I was just a bit worried. Nothing much.”


Tao looked at Sehun for a while, his dark eyes travelling over the slightly darkened patch of skin on Sehun's jaw, which was probably a burn, over the smooth cheeks that had barely any stubble on then even though the knight hadn't shaved in days, over his right eyebrow, where a still-healing cut had left a bare line through the hair. Then his gaze softened, and he sighed.


“So young.” He muttered. “Too young to be doing this.” He pulled on a pauldron** which had similar designs to the vambrace and attached it to his left shoulder by a strap that buckled across his chest and under his right arm. Finally, he tugged on some uncomfortable-looking gauntlets*** that completed the set, complete with spikes now.


“Well, I’m ready.” Tao stood up too. Now fully armoured and looking like a real bodyguard, Sehun suddenly realised how much taller the elder was. His uniquely designed and battered armour amplified the previous frightening aura he had had when they first met. Only the soft look in Tao’s eyes and the calming quality in his voice kept Sehun from pissing his pants and running away simultaneously.


But it wasn’t like Sehun’s armour was drab. He had the full deal, from special greaves**** and pointed boots that had been carved by the finest crafter in the palace to exquisite pauldrons on both shoulders which, too, had been made by the same person. And if that wasn’t good enough, he had a cloak. An orange piece of what felt and looked like silk, but was many times more resistant to wear and tear. It rustled and billowed whenever he walked, and made an important sort of noise that gave him power, he liked to think.


He gave Tao a quick glance-over and cocked his head to the side.


“What, no boiling oil?”



Vambrace* - A piece of armour for the forearm.

Pauldron** - A piece of armour for the shoulder and uppermost part of the arm.

Gauntlets*** - A protective glove worn with medieval armour. 

Greaves**** - A piece of armour used to protect the shin.

Sorry for the short chapter haha. I learnt so much about medieval armour and weapons :3

Nothing much to say, just thanks for subscribing and commenting :D



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Typing up the next chapter now I've planned out the entire story already dis gon be gud


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Chapter 8: I love thisss
Pebblestran5 #2
Chapter 8: Ugh this is lovely I love it omg
UKISSKissMe1313 #3
Chapter 8: update soon!
Your story is awsome, author-nim!!!
Chapter 8: Can't really see the letter!!! But still welcome back
Chapter 8: hello~
lmao this story is so amusing, luhan and lay and xiumin and everybody and oh pls help XD
star_x #7
Chapter 8: /crying
why luhan why you are like that ;;
star_x #8
Chapter 7: yixing is so persistent(?) with his opinion, it seems.
hmm.i wonder what will happen after this >.<
Chapter 7: Awesome!!!!