
Love for the Lie


When Chan opened his eyes he looked straight up at his father.
His father was even taller than him – it was pretty obvious who he’d gotten his height from.
“Are you ready to go fishing, son?” The father’s dark, rumbling voice threw itself between the walls, and Chan looked around himself in amazement.
Tall, cream colored walls with mighty poles framed the huge, golden floor they stood on, and beautiful antiques decorated what else was just an empty area.
They left the room and in the next moment they were by a gigantic lake. Green trees swayed in the mild breeze and the sun towered at the top of the woods that surrounded the lake.
The heat almost burned his pale skin, and he found himself being topless. Beside him stood his father with a worm between his fingertips and the fishing rod on the ground in front of him.
Chan walked down to the lake, he wanted to feel the water.
He sat down in a crouch by the shore and observed the reflection that was created on the surface of the water.
When he looked down he saw his familiar features – milky white skin; big, dark eyes; chestnut colored hair; a beautiful smile with well-shaped lips.
A beautiful reflection.
There was only one big difference on the water surface.
The figure in the water was a girl, not a boy.
The one that looked up at him was Heeyun, not Chanyeol.
For a few seconds he watched the girl completely undisturbed. She was the most beautiful he’d ever seen. She was also topless and the wavy hair moved with the small ripples in the water, but Chan thought it was the wind that did it – not the water.
Slowly, so slowy that he thought he would break from his strained muscles, he bent down. So close that he didn’t dare breathing.
The tension in his body was the only thing that kept him from falling forward.
He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to kiss this beautiful female.
His lips was so close to hers. “Narcissus,” as a hushed whisper it came with the wind from somewhere.
Then he woke up.

“How was the fishing trip with your father, Kris?”
Chan was back at school. For some reason people found it interesting to listen to him chattering about fishing trips with parents. He couldn’t see the same appeal they did.
Today was additionally a day where he didn’t really want to talk about such. Still, he had to.
Normal pulse, no fiddling with the hands, natural body language. He had to focus today.
“Absolutely wonderful – we got some real big fish out there!”
Chan smiled winningly. Of course they would get loads of fish – he was a magnificent specimen when it came to fishing. The art of lying was to believe the lie yourself. Then others believed you, because you weren’t telling a lie, you were telling an untruth.
“I don’t believe that,” someone said.
It took a few moments of astonishment before Chan managed to respond.
He turned his head. Who said something like that? Didn’t believe him?
And there she was.
Tall, slim and casually leaning against a wall. Heeyun.
“Hmm?” some of the girls said. Chan didn’t notice them.
“What did you say?” he repeated.
“Who are you talking to, Kris?” one of the girls asked. Chan didn’t hear it. He stared straight at Heeyun. She smiled.
“I don’t believe you,”
It was as if Chan couldn’t really comprehend what Heeyun said.
“You don’t believe what?” He stood up and walked towards her.
“In you. Your stories. Your lies.”
Nobody had at any time doubted a single word he’d ever uttered.
Chan was speechless. He felt angry as well. Who was she to protest what he said? Or.. Had he done something wrong? Had he begun to lose his abilities to lie?
He stood right in front of her now. Taller than her, but she was still tall for a girl. They were alike in so many ways.
“I don’t lie,” he said intently. The anger only spread. And he had the right to be angry, right?
The knuckles on his hands had whitened where nails were shoved roughly into his palm, and he glanced at them with a pained expression.
Normal pulse, no fiddling with the hands, natural body language – he couldn’t manage even one of them.
“You’re fluent in the language of lies,” she spat. “Compulsive liar, narcissist, schizophrenic,
Chan looked up in shock.
“You’re all of them!” she hissed.
The beautiful face was distorted in anger, but he found it beautiful anyway.  He remembered what she’d told him about narcissism. And compulsive liar… That was a pathological liar – one who lied just because.  “Schizophrenic? Compulsive liar?” Chan mumbled. Desperately he tried to stop the train of thoughts.
“Your whole life is hidden underneath this façade of a good life,” Heeyun continued. Everything came pouring out, but Chan didn’t want to listen. He hit his fist to the wall behind her and felt the pain that shot up through his arm.
“Not from you, don’t say anything! I’m not lying! I…” he tried to continue, but was interrupted by her.
“Kris? What kind-of name is that? Mansion? You live in a poor man’s apartment. All this about a chauffeur and limousine is complete bull. Family? You have none. Looks? Okay, I’ll admit you’ve got that. But what else?” Heeyun paused. “You’ve got nothing.”
“Shut up! I’ve got you! I’ve got you! Can’t you see?”
In one last attempt he threw his arms to the wall, one on each side of her face. Tears had burst their way through tear ducts and were on their way down his cheeks.
“I love you,”
His breathing was labored now. They were so close together, but still no parts of their bodies were touching. For a few seconds there was only silence. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of his breath throwing itself in and out of his lungs.
Then Heeyun was about to say something again, Chan could sense it – but he couldn’t let it happen. He didn’t want to hear it.
So he did the only thing to stop her lips from slipping the words out of them. He smashed their lips together, tears wetting his cheeks, but closing his eyes as his hands went up to cup her face. He was wallowing in the pleasure of feeling her lips against his, mumbling I love you between his lips.
Then something happened.
He felt the small change underneath the skin of his palms and the way he slowly had to lift his head.
As he opened his eyes in astonishment he saw the girl he’d once kissed was now the reflection of himself – the one he’d been fooled to yearn as he’d watched the surface of the water change with his train of thoughts.
He was embracing his mirror image. Chanyeol. Kissing him.
The tall, beautiful boy with chestnut curls and milky white skin.
He didn’t know what he was supposed to feel. Disgusted? Surprised? Pleasured?
He looked at the eyes of himself as the silence enveloped them again. Still their proximity was so close. He let his arms fall to his sides, to achieve the no parts of bodies touching.
The voice that spoke in the end was distorted. Mixed between the voice of a male and the voice of a girl. Whispers covering everything and buzzing his mind.
“Your only love is your own reflection,” the voice said.
He saw one last glimpse of the girl once again distorting the beautiful image of his own reflection, saying those last words before both she and his mirror image disappeared into thin air.
Chan swallowed the wall with his eyes for a few seconds, eyes wide open and looking for the girl, the boy – anything. He was shocked. What had happened?
A few seconds more went by before the truth reached him, and when it did he collapsed on the floor. His sobs filled the whole room as tears started streaming, but Chan didn’t notice any of the people standing around him. The ones who’d witnessed what had just happened were too shocked to move even a muscle. They were all shocked. Where had the façade gone?





This is done. 

If you have any questions or (very much loved!!)interpretations of what this story is about and what happened I would love to hear it *-* Comments on my writing would be very pleasurable since I'm striving to get better.. (a) 

Also, this story was something I wrote in my native language(actually not completely true, but it's a written language that's a lot like the other written language we have..) - English is obviously not it - and so it might get a little weird gramatically some places as well as choice of words. Two words that where very essential you actually don't have a good word for, and so it ended up like this.. 

Well well! Happy new year! Please comment - comments are love! :D Signing out to write more oneshots with not-so-depressive/weird-theme.

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there will only be two chapters for this story peeps!


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Chapter 2: This is a really good story ! I loved it