Jebal (Please)

"Sooyoung! Get up! You're going to be late again!" My mother's voice was irritating me, where did she get all her voice? It's so early in the morning. "Y-yeah, I'll get up." I replied although my eyes were closed and my face was on the pillow. "Oh you better do it! I'm tired of going at your school because of your tardiness! your teacher keeps on calling me, saying you always come to school late. They might think it's my fault because I'm not waking you up! You kno-" "Eomma! Will you stop talking so fast and loud. Aish!" I got up and went straight for the bathroom. When I looked at the clock, the time was 6:43AM; Classes start at 7:15AM It's a 8-Minute walk from here to school. My eyes widened. I brushed my teeth, wash my face and put on my uniform. I went to the table to take a piece of bread and headed out. "Ya! Ya! You didn't take a bath?!" My mom shouted while I put on my shoes. "I took a bath last night, it's more than enough. See you later mom!" I said, I opened the door and ran as fast as I could. It was already 7:13 and I'm guessing I won't be there on time. "Running again Sooyoung?" I looked to my right and saw a well-built guy with a handsome face. "Leave me alone." I replied.

"You're still mad at me? Oh come on Sooyoung. Come, ride on my bike so you won't be late." He said in a pleasing voice. "I'd rather be late than ride on a bike with you... Jerk!" I ran faster so he wouldn't catch me, but what was I thinking? He was riding a bike, there's no way I could outrun him. "Fine, then let's be late together." He said and winked at me. "Ahhhhhh!" I lost balance and tripped on a stone while I was looking at his angelic face. It was him to blame! I looked at the time and yay! It was exactly 7:15. it's better to be absent than late again. I might get suspended anyway. "Oh, are you alright? Your knee is bleeding." He stopped his bike and went down to me. "You see my knee bleeding right? I'm on the ground right? My left shoe is beside me. My skirt was almost lifted and the best part is, it's already 7:15.. Do I look okay to you?!" I didn't notice that I was already raising my voice. I was so irritated I didn't want to look at his face.. "I'm sorry, it's my fault you fell down." He said in a lonely voice, looking at his eyes I knew he was really sorry. I felt bad and stood up. "It's okay, as long as you treat me lunch today." I took my shoe and put it on, he took my bag and gave it to me. "Since we're already late, let's go to a convenience store and buy some band-aids." He suggested. "Lee Yoo Gun, that's so.. so.. stupid. What are you thinking? We better hurry and go to school let's ride that bike of yours." I replied with an irritated voice. He scratched his head and picked up his bike, we rode it to school and when we came the principal was waiting at the front gate. "I knew you were going to be late Choi Sooyoung, oh but why is a honor student with you? Mr. Lee Yoo Gun, you better explain yourself!" The principal yelled. "I-it was my fault, I-"  

"I wasn't asking you Ms. Choi." Mr. Yoon better known as Snorlax because of his appearance spoke before I could finish my sentence. "You are going to community service Ms. Choi for 5 Days. You will be cleaning 3 classrooms each day." My eyes widened and before I could speak, Yoo Gun said that it was his fault and he wanted to join Community Service with me. "Very well Mr. Lee, the two of you will be joining Mr. Jung Shi Min in community service starting today, which is Monday, both of you will take part in cleaning our classrooms." JUNG SHI MIN! Lucky me, I'm with two of the most popular guys in school. Now the girls will hate me more. Aish, could this day get any worse?

I went inside the classroom and sat on my desk glaring at Shi Min who was in the front row. "Should I say sorry for you being late Ms. Choi?" Our homeroom teacher Mr. Im said to me. I looked outside the window and pretended I didn't hear anything. When the bell rang I stood up and walked outside. "Sooyoung!" I turned around and saw Han Sangmi, my very best-bestfriend called me. She's popular in school since she's pretty, smart, kind and talented. I'm not jealous or anything, in fact, I feel very lucky that she was my bestfriend. "I made some omelet for the two of us, I knew you were going to be late so brought extra rice." She smiled and offered me her lunchbox. I stared at her lunchbox for 2 seconds and took it. "You're really the best-bestfriend Sangmi, someday I'm going to repay you!" I said and held her hand. We're very close, like sisters if that's what you call it. When we went to the canteen, we sat down, ate and chatted. I fell silent when I saw Shi Min walking, I really hate him! I'll never forget what he did to me. Just because his handsome, has a good body and part of the school's swim team doesn't mean he can get anything he wants. I didn't notice he was walking right to me. I was shocked and couldn't react.

"I heard you're going to Community service. Finally, cleaning would be interesting. I'll see you later." He smiled and left. Like I would clean  the same room he was going to clean. No way Jose! I'd rather clean a whole dirty classroom by myself than do it with him. "Sooyoung! You're going to Community Service? Who am I going to walk home with?" Sangmi said with a sad look on her face. "I know!" She stood up. "I'm going to clean with you!" She suggested. "Is that legal?" I asked. "Well, as long as they won't know I'll help right?" She replied with smile. Lunchtime was almost over so we decided to go back to our classroom. After classes, it was time for community service. I heard Shi Min calling me, but I ignored him and went outside with Sangmi. He ran and pulled my hand "Let's go together?" He asked. "Sorry Shi Min! She's going with me!" Sangmi said, she pulled my hand and we walked faster. 

"Sooyoung! I have something to tell you. It's important." He screamed. I don't care if he has something to say or what. I hate him! We walked and went inside a classroom. I swept the ground, Sangmi erased the writings on the board. We fixed the chairs together. We did this for the next two classrooms. I wonder how Yoo Gun is doing now, he doesn't even clean his own room. I'm sure he's in trouble now. "Sooyoungie! Let's go home, I'm tired." Sangmi told me while she took her bag and looked at me. "Yeah.. Let's do that." 




Sorry for the short chapter. I'll do better next time. Thank you for reading~ I hope you'll wait for the next update! :) 

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Chapter 1: my feeellllllzzzzzzz ! i have so many feeeeellllllzzzzz !
paige269 #2
It sounds so interesting~~
update soon *_*
rainbowloveyou #3
this is going to be amazing.