
The Fallen

Kang quickly shoved Kris on his back and drew his dagger out of the Guardian's chest.

You, along with the other Exo boys, were so shocked and confused as to what was going on that nobody chased after Kang when he sprinted towards the door, running back into his liar.

When the door slammed shut, you all snapped out of your trances and ran over to Kris.

Your hand flew up to cover your mouth when you saw a pool of blood starting to form on his chest.

Lay immediately kneeled next to Kris's side and placed a hand over the leader's body. He knitted his eyebrows together and squeezed his eyes shut as Kris coughed and wheezed.

"Lay! Do something!" Chanyeol yelled.

"I'm trying!"Lay turned around to face Chanyeol, "You know my powers don't work on Guardians!"

As the two of them continued to argue, Xiumin took off his jacket and pressed it to Kris's wound, applying pressure to keep the blood from flowing out of his body.

You clung onto Suho's arm, tears filling your eyes as all the boys scrambled to think of a plan to save their leader.

"What are we supposed to do?!" Chanyeol looked at Suho with pleading eyes.

Suho removed you from his arm and gently pushed you towards D.O, who instantly wrapped a comforting arm around your shoulders.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do," Suho said, his leader mentality instantly kicking in, "Xiumin, keep doing what you're doing. We don't want Kris to lose any more blood."

"Kai, Lay, you guys go back to Homebase. Get all of the medical supplies that you need and come back here as quickly as you can."

The two boys nodded and started making an oral list of what they would need to treat Kris's stab wound and save his life.

"D.O, Chanyeol, and Tao," he looked up at them, "You stay here and make sure that Miyoung and Kris are safe. Kill any Demons that try to come up here."

"What are we going to do?" Sehun asked with a hard look in his eyes.

Suho looked at the remaining boys, "We're going to go find Kang."

"I want to come with you!" Chanyeol stepped forward.

"Me too!" Tao agreed.

"No, you guys need to stay here," Suho ordered with a stern voice.

"But he hurt Kris! Kris is dying because of him!" Chanyeol exclaimed as the both him and Tao towered over Suho, "We want to be ones who kill Kang!"

"I can't let you do that!" Suho yelled back, not the least bit intimidated, "I don't want you two doing something rash and we end up losing you guys too!"

Chanyeol was about to retaliate back but ended up closing him mouth, knowing that Suho was right.

"Fine," he muttered bitterly before walking back over to Xiumin.

"Okay everyone, move out!" Suho commanded.


The boys halted in their places and turned towards Kris who weakly called out to them.

They immediately crowded around hurt Guardian and looked at him in worry.

"Don't go," he wheezed, "It's not worth it."

"What do you mean, 'It's not worth it'?!" Baekhyun shouted, "You got stabbed! We have to do something!"

"Just let us go back to Homebase and get supplies," Lay pleaded, "I know how to fix this!"

Suho crouched down next to Kris, "Let us help you," Suho said, his voice starting to tremble, "We can't let you die."

Kris let out a labored breath and squeezed his eyes shut in pain, "The dagger had poison on it and it's already spread throughout my body, I can feel it. The wound's already too late to treat."

The boys felt sick to their stomachs when Kris started coughing as he struggled to breathe.

"My blood!" you exclaimed and pushed through the wall of boys before kneeling next to Kris, "If my blood gives immortality it should save you!"

You quickly started to rip off the bandages that were around your elbow, "It should right?!" your tear filled eyes looked up at the boys who were staring at you in shock.

"No, Miyoung," Kris used a good amount of his strength to place a hand on your arm, "Don't."

"But Kris," you argued, tears starting to run down your cheeks.

"Don't worry about me," Kris cracked a smile even though he was in excruciating pain, "You guys just need to get out of here," he looked up at Suho, "Don't chase after Kang, he's probably waiting for you guys to come after him. Just run."

Suho could feel his chest tighten as he watched Kris grow weaker and weaker.

"Kris, you can't die," Suho shook his head with fear filling eyes, "I can't lead the boys by myself."

"You can," Kris ordered, "And you will."

Suho bit his lip before he bowed his head and squeezed his eyes shut, refusing to let any tears slip out in front of the other members.

Kris painfully turned his head towards the rest of the boys to see their shoulders sagging and their eyes trained to the floor.

"Keep your heads up, you guys still have an Angel to protect," he reminded them, his eyes motioning towards you.

"Duizhang…" Chen mumbled, the sound of his voice breaking your heart.

"You guys are going to be fine without me. And on the bright side," he said with a soft smile as his eyelids starting to droop, "I can be with Hyerim now."

The boys stared at Kris with stiff expressions as they watched him close his eyes and take a few deep breaths.

They all straightened up when Kris slowly raised one of his hands.

Tears ran down a few of the boys' faces while the others held theirs back, trying to stay strong for their leader, when Kris pointed his thumb up into the air.

Kris looked into each one of their eyes before taking a deep breath.

"We are!" he yelled with all the energy he had left.

"ONE!" their voices echoed through the night as each one of them held a thumbs up out towards him, despair on their faces.

Kris gave them one last faint smile as he dropped his arm back to his side and closed his eyes. 


And there you have it. Let me know what you guys think. (I'm not going to say the usual "Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter" because I'm pretty sure that none of you enjoyed that)

~Admin Kelc

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Chapter 22: I KNEW IT. I knew Kang's full was "KANG HYUNWOO"!!!
Joker_ #2
Chapter 38: Wont miyoung notice after awhile ? "Why am i not aging"
wonderdream #3
Chapter 2: Hi Kelc:) this story is amazing. Thanks for writing this^_^
dizzgzbats #4
Chapter 37: It all makes sense now. The story is so sweet, don't worry suho you'll reunite with her, i hope. Good job author!