calling cheekysmile123

imagine creativity


you and your bias


you can go and live your life... but just remember that half of it belongs to me


Storyline by cheekysmile123 ~ Life with you (divorce version) ~

poster link:



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Story title: just a peek
Link to story:
Mood: dark,scary, bloody
Characters: taeyeon, minhyuk, key, creepy little girl
Quote: I see you
Background: hum....something scary with a hospital room
Specific color: black red grey white
Chapter 20: Thank you^^ I really like it : ) well... at least you remember... thank you so much
Chapter 19: Thanx, ure the best person ever in this world!
story title: Raising my moon
link of AFF story:

mood: confuse,bright

characters : OCgirl and Jongup
Photo of Characters:
Jong up :

Oc girl: up to you (I cana't choose)

quote: this brought us together and this is why we are together

background : anything you want but with a family concept in it

specific color : Pink and white would be fine

PS : just forget about my previous request.. I already delete it by the way-_-
Chapter 11: story title: Serial No. 13

link of AFF story:

mood: Dark, Morbid Humor, Psychotic, Serial Killer

characters: Super Junior’s Kyuhyun and Ryeowook

character 1: Kyuhyun

character 2: Ryeowook

quotes: Even I didn’t know to what extent I loved Ryeowook

background image: Anything you want : )

any specific colors? if so, please list: Nope ^-^ Pick whatever you feel is best! I really love the posters you’ve made!

Note: I know the title is Serial No. 13: Externalization, but it's a series of stories that just goes by Serial No. 13 :' ) Sorry for the bother! Thank you so much!
Chapter 16: Oh yeah!
The bew title is The End of Our Story...

I an soooooooooo sorry!
Chapter 16: I love that one!!!!!!!!!!!
But is it okay if you do NOT change the whole thing but...
I made a sequel:(
So can you take Minwoo and Kwangmin out and put L.Joe???

I am soooooooooo sorry:(
Chapter 17: Ooh y! Ugh I wish I can make posters like this :(
woah i love the second one thank you thank you thank you
a good poster deserves shout-outs
yumyumyum19 #10
Chapter 14: Ummm sorry though it was night time and I was a little tired so yeah but I don't mind if you want me to do a redo