JunHee was an average Korean 21-year-old woman except she had a secret that no one else knows about. She was the girlfriend of a famous idol by the name of Shin Soohyun from UKISS. Even though the groups dating ban had been lifted and the members are free to date whoever they please, JunHee and Soohyun did not want to risk it and kept their relationship a secret except for UKISS themselves. To other people, they appear to be close friends who hang out all the time. 

     She sighed in relief as she took off her shoes in the front door of her apartment. She looked at the time and her eyes widened, "OH CRAP! THEIR MV IS ABOUT TO BE RELEASED!", she exclaimed. She quickly got on her house slippers and rushed to her labtop which sat on the coffee table in front of her couch. She turned it on and logged onto Youtube and searched the terms 'UKISS, today' and saw that the music video had not shown up yet. She sighed in relief and laid back onto the couch, a notification on her phone caught her eye and she grabbed it and flipped it open only to see a text from her boyfriend.

To: Jagiya

From: Soohyun

     Hey, I'm gonna be a little late getting there, Dongho screwed up the choreography so we have to go over it again, I promise I'll get there soon ok? Saranghae!~ <3 <3 xoxoxox

      JunHee smiled and shook her head as she typed back in reply,

 To: Soo-Oppa

From: JunHee 

       Ok, get home safely!~ Saranghaeyo!~ <3 xoxoxo

      She closed her phone and looked at her screen and her eyes widened as she saw the music video appear. She clicked the link and the music video started. She shook her head when Eli showed up but than her eyes widened and only one thought was on her mind, '!'. Soohyun showed up looking like a gothic prince and when he stared into the camera intensely, JunHee felt a warm feeling in her stomach and blamed it on her late lunch of chicken fried rice. Her head unknowingly started to bounce to the beat and before she knew it, the music video was done. She whimpered like a puppy dog and played it again. 

         Around a hour or so later, Soohyun stepped through the door and took his shoes off and set his bag on the ground. As he got up, he started hearing the familiar tune of their latest single from Japan. He walked towards the source and saw his girlfriend sighing dreamily when his parts showed up and he smirked and walked to her and sat down beside her without her knowing it.

         "The music video turned out pretty well didn't it?", he asked her. She murmured, "Yeah", before her eyes widened and she turned her head and saw him smirking at her. She quickly paused the video and chuckled nervously before asking, "when did you get here?". 'Oh gosh, I hope he didn't see me fangirling over him', she thought. Soohyun wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close and kissed her softly. 

        "I got here just a few minutes ago, only to see my girlfriend fangirling over a certain music video", he said and she blushed. He chuckled and kissed her again, except a bit harder. She gasped and he caught it in his mouth as they became involved in a heated make-out session. Her hands roamed up his chest and waved her hands into his hair as his arms found their place around her waist. He pulled her closer to him to the point she was sitting on his lap. They broke apart for some much needed air and he put his forehead on hers and closed his eyes, trying to regain his control and his breath. 

       "I missed you so much Jagiya", he murmured. He rubbed his nose against hers and buried his face in her neck, JunHee smiled softly and run her hands through his hair and held him closer to her. 

      "I missed you too Soo-oppa", she murmured back. She felt him smile against her neck and thought, 'At least, unlike the song, I won't ever be alone again'.

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e4ever #1
Chapter 1: Jinja awesome
Park_HyeSun #2
Chapter 1: The story's okay, but when the random(?) make out session appeared I was pretty surprised o.o