You Can See Me?

You Can See Me?


EXO is having a day off and there is no way they aren’t spending it to its best. Usually that meant sleeping till noon or the evening and watching TV, but mommy Kyungsoo isn’t having any of it today.

“Get up you guys! It’s disgusting for me to see such lazy asses in this dorm!”

Kyungsoo’s scream was heard all over the dorm that they shared with all the EXO members and was heard clearly since Kyungsoo was the main vocalist and has experience in screaming at his team mates.

“Why do we have to get up so early anyways?!” a certain annoyed Luhan woke up from his beauty sleep and was staggering to the living room.

“Well firstly you guys had enough sleep already; I mean it’s 2 in the afternoon for Christ sake.”

“Your point?” Luhan remarked making sure he was sending the death knives into Kyungsoo’s eyes as if they were bull’s eyes.

“Yeah give us a reason why we should wake up?” Tao appeared still holding his Panda that Kris bought him for their anniversary a few weeks back.

“Firstly I have tickets to go to an amusement park FOR FREE and thought that my wonderful, lovely members would love to join me.” Kyungsoo swayed leaving a cliffhanger on purpose.

“Wait. Which amusement park.” came a deep voice from the bathroom.

“Disneyland.”  Kyungsoo said with a smirk.

And with that the members were all rushing in and out of rooms, and toilets to prepare for the trip they’ve dreamed of since debut. Well Kyungsoo shouldn’t blame them too since he was excited he has the tickets in the first place. Thank you uncle who owed me big for covering his drunken during New Years.





All the members said in chorus as they saw the scenery before their eyes that consisted of heart dropping rides and snack bars everywhere. Lucky thing today was a weekday or they would have been stuck in long lines all day.

“Let’s go on that one first!”

Everyone turned to the direction Lay was pointing and saw a giant ride dropping a ton of people once they were brought up high fast.

“That. I want to ride that one.”  Said a determined Chen and everyone agreed with him. Well all except for Kyungsoo. I mean that thing looked like it could give him a heart attack and it felt like he was gonna get one if he kept looking at it. Averting his eyes, Kyungsoo tried not to show the horrified look in his eyes. Unlucky for him, Kai saw it and took that opportunity to be alone with his hyung.

“Hey Kyungsoo hyung can you follow me to the snack shop?”

Kyungsoo quickly agreed, thanking Kai in his mind for getting him away from danger.

Boy was he so wrong about that.


Before arriving at the snack shop, Kai halted Kyungsoo and took him aside. “Hyung since I saved your just now, why not repay me back?”

 “What do you mean pay you back?” asked a confused Kyungsoo as he tilted his head.

Aw such a cutie. Jongin leaned down to Kyungsoo’s lips and pecked on them. “Let’s do a prank I’ve thought of doing for a while.”

“I don’t like the sound of this Kim Jongin…” Kyungsoo said with a tint of pink on his cheeks from the unexpected kiss.

“Nahh it’s nothing like last time, this one is way less troublesome.” The said “last time” they did a prank was on the Girls Generation members and boy were they pissed. Kyungsoo shivered at the memory and hoped this was less destructive.

“Okay… what is it?”

“We are gonna go in and pretend we’re ghosts and just troll through the store until a sales lady asks us if we needed anything. Then we’re going to look confused and say ‘You can see me?’ and walk away, leaving them in their shocked state. It’s gonna be hilarious!” Kai boasted proud of his master plan.

“That is funny but isn’t it a bit low for your standards? Usually you would be throwing garbage or sour milk as one of your ‘amazing’ pranks.”

“I’m doing it this way because A) I’m bored as from not doing any pranks because of our schedule and B) I just wanted to spend time with my Kyungie hyung” Kai said with his signature smile.

Well that got Kyungsoo blushing like a tomato in front of his hot boyfriend. And Kai took it as a sign that he got Kyungsoo in his plan.

“Fine but this is only so I can pay back what I owe.”


Through they went in the store and looked at all the merchandise and candy and what not, trolling as they avoided any contact with the items and just looked from afar.

“May I help you?” asked a cheerful saleslady who strode over to Jongin’s and Kyungsoo’s side.

As if on cue, they both stopped their actions and stared at the saleslady. They then turned to look behind them and then looked at each other again with blank expressions plastered on their faces. Silence was still evident in the atmosphere while the duo looked at the lady with confusion in their eyes.

“Y-you can see u-us?” Kyungsoo stared with his wide eyes at the lady who slowly started to get the picture.

“Um umm” The said lady stuttered, baffled at what the smaller man just said.

With that they both slowly descended from the shop still staring oddly at the lady.


“OMG DID YOU SEE HER FACE? I SWEAR SHE WAS GONNA FAINT OR SOMETHING.” Jongin exclaimed when they found out they were far enough away from the store as they erupted in fits of laughter.

“Yeah she was ‘um umm umm’” Kyungsoo imitated as he was clutching his stomach from the intense laughter he was having. “Wow I’m so glad I did that prank with you, it was hilarious!” The petite man smiled his famous heart shape smile to his still laughing boyfriend Jongin.

“I know baby that’s why I wanted to do it with you.” Jongin said lovingly to his Kyungsoo from the floor he fell on during his laughter fit.

“Well I guess it was worth it seeing you like this.’ Kyungsoo smiled and extended his hand for Jongin to reach, but was pulled down when he tried to stand up.

They looked at each other before they started laughing again at their little special moment.

“Hey I think we should go. The guys should be done by now and I don’t want them wandering loose like zoo animals.” Kyungsoo stated in a worried voice.

“Okay let’s go find those buffoons.” Jongin stood up and slipped a strong arm around his hubby’s waist protectively as they strolled back to the ride. “But first comes first.”

Before Kyungsoo could ask, Jongin swooped down and planted a sweet kiss on the latter’s lips.

“Now we can go.” Jongin smiled as he saw Kyungsoo biting his lower lip shyly. 

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Chapter 1: Playful!jongin is cute!
Omo!kaisoo is cute!
LOVE_123 #2
Chapter 1: CUTEEEEE! I love that prank, maybe I should try it mwuahahah!
Good job, KaiSoo forever <33
Chapter 1: This is so cute >.< c:
Coldsun1996 #4
Chapter 1: Awwww so cute kaisoo<333
Chapter 1: Cute Kaisoo!!! ^^
Hehe , cute kaisoo prank !!