
Through Ups and Downs ¦—ed i t i n g )
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 chapter twelve 
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#ost - Narsha - I'm In Love (male ver.). Don't play this just yet until i tell you to :*


D.O stared at the mess he just made.

“Ckck hyung. It’s just a matter of minutes before dinner and you’re not cooking? World record.” Kai said.

“Shut up.” He said, ignoring him.

“Wow, you became ignorant too.”

“Shut up Kai. I’m stressed enough dealing with Chen and Xiumin and the whle auditioning thing.” D.O sighs.

“okay, okay, I’ll stop.”

“Whatever. I’m bussy sorting my music sheet. I’m trying to pick one for the audition.”

“Well. You’re doing solo?”

“No of course not. Chen finally agree to do a duet because clearly, I’ll freak out if I have to perform alone and nobody likes a panicky D.O.” He said.

Kai let out a snort. “Tsk.”

D.O shrugs and continue scrambling until Kai slaps his back.
“Ouch! That hurts! What was that for?!”

“Can I and Xiumin hyung join?! We will be the roommate quartet. You and Chen hyung could sing your heart out while Xiumin hyung and I dance. That’s like... brilliant!” Kai claps his hands at his own idea.

“Sure...? I don’t know. Ask Chen.”

“You should pick something a bit ballad. Then Xiumin hyung and I can do some contemporary or we’ll just figure out something else.” He said.

“I’m thinking about Narsha.” D.O said.

And suddenly Chen burst into the room.

“Narsha? ABRACADABRA?!” He said, then trying to copy Brown Eyed Girls which ended looking like a cow in flatus.

“No, silly. I’m In Love. I like that song like... so so so much!” D.O beams.

“Why are you guys doing room mate meeting and I’m not invited?” Xiumin peeks inside while nibbling on a carrot.

“Here hyung. We’re discussing about audition.” Kai said, patting the empty space beside him.

“Can I join? I mean, I’m not confident enough to dance alone.” He shrugs.

“That’s why I’m suggesting we make a room mate quartet. Sort of.” Kai said.

“I approve.” D.O shrugs.

“Nado. It’ll be.... cool.” Xiumin nods.

“I’m up to you guys. I’ll just sing.” Chen shrugs back, looking at the music sheet.

“So, soes it mean we’re a band now?”


“No no no, Kai, we’re trying to impress the judgess not trying to seduce  them!” Xiumin protested.

“But that move is so cool.” Kai pouts.

“Okay. Let’s put it after the second reff. How’s that? For the reff, we could just...I don’t know... lemme think. This song is to soft and delicate.” Xiumin said.

“Agreed. You both should look fragile yet pwerful at the same time. I mean, I’m not a dancer. Not at all. But at least, If I were the one of the judges, that would be my criteria.” Chen said.

“Okay, so it’s set we change the moves abit.” Kai nods, trying out some combination.

Then D.O came running.



“I lost the MP3 for that song.” D.O said.

“IGEMWOYA?! YAAAAA NEON MICHYEOSSEO?! We can’t plug in our iPod just like that!” Xiumin said.

“That’s why! Kris borrowed my laptop  for practice and I couldn’t reach him, and the file is in there and in a CD< but someone stole the CD.” He said.

“Who said we can’t plug iPod?” Chen asks.

“It’s written on the rules. Music should be in MP3 format inserted into a single CD. No iPod plugging.” Kai explained.

“O....okay. Then, let’s forget about it shall we? Concentrate first.” Chen said, ushering them to practice again.




Chen lays flat on his back.

His throat is sore due to singing too much. He could use a rest or something.

“Here.” He heard someone.

Tao, the maknae.

“Oh hi Tao.” He said.

Tao offered him a glass.


“As usual.” Tao nods.

“Your mother ecipe again?” Chen asks, eyeing the drink.

“It’s honey water with some spices. It’ll relieves your throat. My mother told me to memorize this recipe because she said I’m going to need it a lot because she knew I rap and talk a lot.”

“And shrieks.” Chen added, chuckling.

“Yea, yea, whatevs.” Tao said, taking the tray with some other glasses.

“You made...”

“12 glasses. Everyone seems tired so I made them this.” He shrugs.

“Oh such a sweet maknae.” Chen laughs.

“Now excuse me I want to deliver some to the girls.” He said.


“Hu Mei, Lesseul, Soojin, and their roommates.” Tao said.

“Admit it maknae. You initially wants to make just for Hu Mei right?” Chen wiggles his eyebrows.

“I have to go.” Tao rushed outside with his tray, blushing madly.
Chen laughs and takes a sip of the drink which really energizes him.

He sit back up, ready to practice again when another person knock the door.

“Come in.” He said.




“Museun irisseo?”

“Do you know about the stolen CD?” Suho said.

“Yeah of course. It’s my group’s CD. Now we have to make another copy.” He rolls his eyes.

“You were with Tao and Kris during the dance practice chaos right?”


“When a gang barged in.”

“Ah that. Ne. Wae?”

“Well, the TwinTower plus Chanyeol—“

“Hey that made Triple Tower.” Chen laughs.

“Chen.” Suho glared.

“Yes, yes, continue.”

“So the Triple Tower told me about what happened. And I heard from lesseul. Just today, that the leader is Oh Junho.”

“Oh Junho?”

“Hmm. Hu Mei despised him so much. He caused riot everywhere. Well, he is the youngest out of 4 and all of his brothers used to study here.”

“no wonder he acts all bossy.”

“Yeap. Lesseul suspects him to be the one that stole your CD. I mean, he had connections here.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Well, because he had siblings here, he knew the teachers, janitors, even securities well. He could get anything easily you know.” Suho pouts.



“It’s stressing me out.”

“Trust me, you’ll do good.” Suho pats his back and left.




D.O shifted nervously in his chair.

“Chillax.” Xiumin said, sitting beside him.

“It’s nervewrecking hyung!”

“You’ll do good.”

“Everyone said that.” D.O sighs.

“You’re good D.O.” Xiumin smiles.

“What if I failed at taking the high notes? What if I accidentally sing Chen’s part instead of mine?”

“You worried to much.” Xiumin laughs.

Just then kris enters the backstage with a white paper crane in his hand.

“Here.” He smiles.

“Look, Kris hyung, i’m not in the mood for origami right now.” D.O said.

“Neither did I.” Chen said, coming out of nowhere.

“Just read. This is the paper crane i gave to you guys a few days ago but you recklessly leave it in the living room. Anyways... Break a leg.” Kris pats Kai’s shoulder and left.

“It’s so hot in here.” Kai said, unfolding the paper crane to make a fan.

“Eo? There’s a note!” He said.

Xiuminnie ge, Chenchen, Kai, and D.O.

It’s your turn, guys.

I’m sure you’ll all get the audiences mind blown.

Xiuminnie ge, Kai, you two are absolutely great dancer.

Chenchen, D.O, your voices will left a deep impression on everybody.

I have my faith on you guys.

Do your best, and let EXO be twelve again, okay?



p.s I’m not going to make a poem  or what because I kekeke


Kai laughs at the letter.

“Kris is right, we will have the audiences getting mindblown. Fighting!” Xiumin said.

Chen nodded.


“Ei. They call our name.” Chen said, taking their place.

The stage is dark.

“Sashireun, jeongmal setabuteo”

The spotlight shone over D.O and Kai.

“Gipeojineun sangcheo...”

Now it shone over Chen and Xiumin.

Oh I’m in love

Chen and D.O take turns singing, harmonizing in several parts while Xiumin and Kai dance their heart out. Delicately.

To the viewers, they are like flamingos or sort.

Like swans.

The crowd erupted into a wild standing ovation.

“We did it.” Xiumin squeezed Kai’s hand, grinning.

“We did it.”

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 author's note 
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» prepare for the next~~~
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dumping so many chapters at one time to make you all forgive me :*


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blauen #1
Chapter 5: Love this page so much!
Chapter 20: Awwww, i hope tao will be okay :(

Thanks for the update!!^^

Ps. I love the song!!
Chapter 19: ouch!! i can hear tao's heart breaking!! </3

thanks for the updates!!^^
Chapter 18: omg!!! this chapter is just priceless!!! xD
Chapter 16: OMG!!! i was imagining their audition with the background song... and all i can say is A M A Z I N G!!!!!!! xD
thanks for the update!!! and good luck on your national exam!!^^
Chapter 12: YEAHH!! no one can doubt Baekhyun!! \m/
good luck with your try out *i know every body hates math, but it shouldn't be really hard since you have it with indonesian rigt???* c:
You have no idea how much I 'ooo-ed' in your foreword
Chapter 10: LOL i love how Tao cursed with manner XD
____-aake mushroom~~ XD

update soon please<33
Chapter 5: hi!! new reader's here ^^
LOL i just love your fic, can't stop laughing from the start till the end XD

hope you'll update soon c:
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