No Mercy.

Through Ups and Downs ¦—ed i t i n g )
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 chapter ten 
no mercy
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This chapter *i think* is a bit boring. The next chapters, there will be 12, mwahaha. Each chapter explains each members' struggle and their audition. please anticipate!

#nowplaying - BAP - No Mercy (because i love zelo and this song)


Tao, Kris, Chanyeol, and kai had prepared for rapping class when Suho came running, looking worried, and locking the dorm door.

“Whoa, whoa, hyung..Chillax.” Tao and Kai said at them same time and high-fived each other.

“Don’t dare you got your feet out of this dorm. Practice here.” He said.

“Whoa, whoa. We only got less than 3 weeks to practice for auditions.” Kris frowns.

“I know Kris. I know. But the students here are going crazy after the new policy. They went... abusive. Look.” Suho points his left temple. It’s a bit bruised.

“Holy mother of —aaake mushroom! What’s dath?” Tao asks.

“Tao, you cursed a lot lately.” Kai chuckled.

“Well, apparently, two swimmers were trying to bang my head into the pool’s bottom in hope that i got injured.” Suho sighs, as Lay came and hand him a tube Thrombopop Gel.

Suho smile and mouthed ‘thank you’ before applying the ointment.

“You’re okay right, hyung?” Kai asks, full of concern.

“I’m fine. Only a slight headache. I never thought studying is as dangerous as World War II.” Suho sighs.

“But we have to practice if we want to stay.” Sehun suddenly came out, already in practice jacket and pants.

“Oh dear maknae, let’s just practice at dorm. It’s WAAAAY safer here. Last thing I know is that I had a bruise here, and Leesseul, got one in her upper arm.”

“The girls are getting vicious. Pooof. Scary.” The tought of this makes Kai, Sehun, and Tao shrudder in fear.

“That’s why we have to stay here.”

“But Baekhyun hyung.... and D.O hyung...” Tao suddenly said.

“Wait.. oh shizz, I forgot he’s at the singing studio right now with D.O! No way we can get our vocalists beaten out!” Suho cursed inder his breath.

Chanyeol and Kai stood up. “We have to them back here.” They said in unison.

“That’s Plan A. No, scratch that. Plan B. Going outonly worsened the situation. Who knows, you guys are going to be attacked by those creeps.” Kris advises.

“Kris is right. Starting now, were a thick jacket and helmet.” Suho said.

“No way. I’ll look like an emo when i already look like one here.” Tao whines.

“yeah, hyung. The sunbae-nims are going to mock out the hell out of us.” Kai protests.

“No.. since a war between students had emerged since yesterday, all juniors, sophomores, and seniors, are banned to go out beside their homeroom, dorm, and the student hall. We cannot go there. 6th until 10th floor are banned for freshmen. For the sake of us.” Suho explains thoroughly.

Jut after Suho said that, someone banged at the front door.

“YAAA! YEOROBUN! WHOEVER INSIDE OPEN DA DOORRRRR” they hear a thundering voice.

“That must be Baekhyunnie hyung! Ermah, he’s alive!” Tao beams.

“Nuguseyo?” Suho answers calmly.


“Aww. Right.” Suho said and unlock the door and Baekhyun with D.O tagging along, clutching on the hem of his blazer, came running through the front door and lock the door vigorously.

“Dafuq. What happened?” Sehun asks.

“Well, apparently, D.O and I were practicing when a flock of students emerged and we fled befor they do something violent with us.” Baekhyun sighs.

“Thank god.” D.O pants, trying to catch his breath.

Then, the rest of the gang appeared. They all gathered in the living room.

“So, here it is. I guess we don’t have helmets. In this dorm.” Lu han speaks up.

“You got a point there, Xiao Lu.” Kris nods.

“That’s why I suggest you all, to use this. Xi Lu Han and Kim Jongdae Almighty Invention!” he declared like a proud mama and Chen appeared with a freakish looking thing on his head.

“Er.. Chen Chen... what’s that...” Xiumin muttered at his roommate.

“Well, We mix up pillows and math books and voila. It’s a shock resistant head. First, wrapped a pillow on your head, attached the thick book, and strap it with shoelaces. Lu Lu is so smart.” He praised himself.

“And Jongdae too.” Chen yells.

“Yeah.. and Jongdae too.”

“So. No way we’re going to use that, xie xie.” Sehun said.

“Wae? It’s cool, and stylish.” Jongdae adds as he straps the weird looking helmet onto his own head.

“Which part of that hideous thingy that you called stylish?!” Lay giggles.

“Well, you can change the book, to a more colorful one. And change the sholace as well.”


“okay whatever. Always travels in groups. Of minimum 4. It’s quite scary, the atmosphere.” Suho said as the other nod.

“Okay, so who’s practicing dance?” Kris asks, taking out a notepad.

“Tao, hai you, Lay, hai you, Kai, hai you, Sehun, hai you, Chanyeol, hai you, Chen, hai you... wo. OK.” Kris nods.

“Singing?” Suho asks.

“Baekhyun, D.O, Xiumin, Lu Han, geurigo... na.”

“okay, dismissed.” Suho said. The rest nods.

Kris went to his room to take his hoodie. He glanced at Tao and Chanyeol. Both of them are stuffing some things into their caps.

“What’s that?”

“Socks. So our head will be safe from fracture.” Chanyeol answers innocently. The leader just shook his head and chuckled as he headed outside, waiting for the other.

After he collected his fellas, they walked together, hand in hand. Tao, Kai, and Sehun, clutching each other’s hands, didn’t dare to let go. Chanyeol and Chen, walked non-chalantly. While kris and Lay just stay silent, silently laughing at the fellow members.

After minutes of stairs climbing, they arrived at the practice room. It’s empty.

“Wow. It’s empty. Wow.” Kai beams.

“Weird. Students are supposed to be practicing in this current predicament.” Lay furrows his brows.

“Idk. Let’s just ractice before someone appears.” Chanyeol said as he puts down his belongings and begin stretching.

Tao walked to the speaker and connect his iPod.

What song guyyys?”

“ROKKUGO!” Chanyeol beams, earning glares.

“Phoenix.” Lay said.

“Two Moons.”


“Try Western Song.” Kai suggests.

“Papa americano~” Chen sings off-key.


“It depends. What genre are we going to rehearse?!” Sehun yells, impatience.

“Let’s stop doing our usual strong routine and try something different. We never knew what the judges demanded on the D-Day.” Kris said, ending the endless discussion.

“Let’s try ballet. Or contemporary. Or slow dances whatever.” Chen said, energetic.

“I’m good at ballet.” Kai said.

“So you can do pirote?!” Tao’s eyes twinkled in excitement.

“Pirrouete, duh. That’s... a bit girlish but nah, I can do it just fine.” He smiles proudly.

“Okay. Do you know any good ballad? Tht iss trong enough, because I know with the rebellious traits of us, we won’t nail crisp soft dancing.” Lay laughs.

“One Republic. Apologize.” Tao snaps his fingers.

“Huh?” Sehun said in confusion. He knows that song, but never really hear it.

“And it’s too late to apologiiiiizeeee~” Chen sngs again, thank god not off-key this time.

“Aaaa! Arasseo! Arasseo! Kajja! Let’s practice!” Sehun smiles cutely.

“Tao, do you have the song?”

“Duh, of course. Hey, Kai, can you show us a demonstration of the moves and blah?” Tao asks,playing the song.

Kai gave him a thumb up and begin to do sort of little moves here and there when the slightly ajar door barged open.

A group of students in Gym Clothes hurried in.

“Get out.” They said.

“MWO? We use this place first you es! Wait—you’re all guys. Okay then, gigolo!” Chen said fearlessly.

“Get out! Before we do anything to you.” The tall man who seemed to be the leader said.

“Blech.” Tao snickered. That guy is tall, but not as tall as Tao or Kris.

“hey, TwinTower, get out. Before we beat you up and minced you for dinner.” He barked.

“No. Way. Over my dead body.” Kris growled.

And the tall man throws his fist to kris’ left cheek, sending it stinging.

“Hey! You! What did you do?!” Sehun shrieks, coming to Kris.

Kris stands up, ready to fight when the tall man grabs his nape.

“Let him go.” Tao growled.

“So little maknae is trying to fight the leader..?” One of the gang member mocked.

“i said, let him go.” Tao hissed.

Kris froze, he knew Tao is going to do something harmful to the man so he’d rather freeze.

“Shikkeuro. “ A short man said and kick Kris’ shin. Kris hissed and kick him back in the stomach. Surely wushu is useful.

“i make my final speech. ing. Let. Him. Go.” He hissed, taking one step forward.

The tall man sneered.

And the next second, he’s lying on the ground, the left corner of his upper lip bleeding.

Tao stares at them. He’s so scary that Sehun decided to hide behind lay and chanyeol.

“You, messed up with my friends, i, mess up you face.” Tao said as the gang members dragged their bleeding leader out.

“We’re giving no mercy.” The bleeding leader hissed back.

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 author's note 
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» no no no, no merseeeehhh we are the ba p hiyeeeeeeah
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Thank you!
dumping so many chapters at one time to make you all forgive me :*


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blauen #1
Chapter 5: Love this page so much!
Chapter 20: Awwww, i hope tao will be okay :(

Thanks for the update!!^^

Ps. I love the song!!
Chapter 19: ouch!! i can hear tao's heart breaking!! </3

thanks for the updates!!^^
Chapter 18: omg!!! this chapter is just priceless!!! xD
Chapter 16: OMG!!! i was imagining their audition with the background song... and all i can say is A M A Z I N G!!!!!!! xD
thanks for the update!!! and good luck on your national exam!!^^
Chapter 12: YEAHH!! no one can doubt Baekhyun!! \m/
good luck with your try out *i know every body hates math, but it shouldn't be really hard since you have it with indonesian rigt???* c:
You have no idea how much I 'ooo-ed' in your foreword
Chapter 10: LOL i love how Tao cursed with manner XD
____-aake mushroom~~ XD

update soon please<33
Chapter 5: hi!! new reader's here ^^
LOL i just love your fic, can't stop laughing from the start till the end XD

hope you'll update soon c:
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