What Is Love

What Is Love


"Do I have to go umma?"


"Waeyo?!" You whined.

"Because I said so, plus you will get to see your cousins in the states."


"Don't look at me we already bought your ticket already."

You huffed and stomped upstairs to your room. Once inside you looked at your room, you were kind of sad for leaving all your kpop stuff behind. The walls of your room were filled with posters of your favorite groups. Your most recent group you fell in love with was Exo m. Especially the lead singer Chen.  He was your absolute favorite member.

You heaved a sigh and finished packing, since you had extra time before dinner you decided to go online. That's when you saw it. KCON was being held in LA. As if on cue your phone buzzed you looked at it.

It was a text from your cousin Tiffany:

Hey are you up for going to KCON with me?

You replied:

Of course! Exo m is going to be there!


So is BAP!

You jumped into bed and turned off the lights, the drifted off to dreamland.

You woke up to your mother stressing because you were going to be late. You quickly dragged yourself out of bed and to the bathroom to wash up.

'That was such an awesome dream! Why did she wake me up?!' You pouted thinking about the dream you had.

In the dream you were at the airport and sitting down when Exo M walked through the airport. You got excited seeing them. Then you were suddenly in the airplane when Chen sat next to you.

And then your mom woke you up. You quickly finished washing up and got dressed. You wore your favorite skinny jeans and a plain white low cut shirt with your favorite purple and white varsity jacket. After the maids carried your bags out to the car and you followed suit.

While you were waiting in the airport you looked around hoping you would see Exo M there like you had dreamed. But there was no huge crowd of fangirls and there was no extra security waiting. You frowned a bit, and then followed your dad to board the plane.

You got not the airplane and took your seat. You had to sit in a row that only had two seats, yours was by the window.

You quickly put in your head phones and your music so you wouldn't have to talk to the stranger that would sit next to you.

Your father was sitting in front of you. You looked out the window watching the workers load baggage into the plane.

"Excuse me?"

Your music was so loud you couldn't hear the person.

"Excuse me?" He asked one more time tapping your shoulder.

You jumped from the sudden feeling, you took off your headphones and looked over at the source of the tapping.

Your eyes widened seeing who the person sitting next to you was. Your heart was pounding so hard against your rib cage he could probably hear it.

"Hm?" You tried to control your emotions answering him.

"Tell if I'm wrong but were you listening to Exo M?"

You bit your bottom lip and nodded slowly.

"So you know who I am?!" He smiled brightly.

Seeing his bright smile you instantly smiled too.

"Who's your favorite member?" He asked in pure curiosity.

"Tao" you lied.

He heaved a sigh, "Well we're stuck sitting next to each other for seven or more hours so I will use my charms and seduce you to liking me more~" he wiggled his eyebrows cutely and then let out a chuckle.

"Alright then~" you laughed, "you can try but I doubt you'll change my mind~" you continued to tease.

"Why does everyone love Tao?!" Be whined, playfully pouting at you. You couldn't help but laugh at his childish ways.

'Wow she has a beautiful smile' he thought to himself as he watched you.

"Please fasten your seat belts we will be departing soon" said a woman over the intercom.

You and Chen both fastened your seat belts and settled in for the flight. You sat back and relaxed as the airplane took off into the air.

As the plane flew to LA you and Chen talked. You talked about many different things you told him your life story about how you were born in Seoul and when you were going into high school your parents wanted to extend their hotels. Just so happen they made a business deal with a friend in China, so that’s why you lived in China.
He just sat there and listened to you speak. He didn’t know why but he loved the sound of your voice, the way you smiled talking about the times when you use to live in Korea. He would laugh along with you and reminisce about the time he spent in Korea and what he use to do as a kid.

The whole plane ride you just fell more in love with Chen. He was such a sweet heart your fangirl heart couldn’t handle it. You could feel your heart melting with every childhood memory he told you. It made you feel special, and his smile, the look he had on his face when he was talking about his memories sent sparks to your heart.

Once in a while the other members would walk back to where you guys were to check on their member. So it gave you a chance to meet the rest of them, they were nothing like the image they had on their music videos. Tao was so cute, and he loved to talk. Lay was quite shy but after a while he got comfortable around you and was actually a troublemaker to the older members. Luhan was a real sweetie, he was so caring and cute. Xiumin loved food and you couldn’t help but laugh when he would come to visit but end up stealing Chen’s food. Kris was nice, he was taller than you thought you were only up to the height of his chest.

After a few hours of talking you and Chen got to know each other really well, and you ended up falling asleep. Chen woke up about an hour after the two of you fell asleep, he jumped slightly when he realized his head was on yours. He carefully lifted his head off of yours and looked down at you. You looked so peaceful sleeping on his shoulder. His eyes travelled over all your features, fully taking in your beauty that he couldn’t quite appreciate when you first met because he didn’t want to seem creepy. But you had this cute nose that you had a habit of scrunching when you would giggle. Your eyes were so captivating; there was something about them that seemed to look into his soul and make his heart beat accelerate.
Your smile was engraved in his brain, every time he closed his eyes he could see it.

He was admiring you and all those memories you had shared with him. It made him feel special that you would share such precious memories with him. You were officially ingrained in his heart forever. He had never met someone as sweet, funny, and pretty tough as you. Another fact was that you were a fan and didn’t attack him the moment you saw him, and beg him for a picture or an autograph. His heart had dropped when he remembered you saying that Tao was your favorite.

‘Why can’t you like me instead?’ he thought as he looked at you, ‘what does he have that I don’t?!’

Just as he was thinking you began to stir. You slowly opened your eyes to see Chen sitting next to you, but he seemed to be lost in his thoughts. Your eyes widened when you realized that your head was resting on his shoulder, you immediately sat up.

“Mianhae~” you bite your bottom lip.

Hearing your voice he was pulled out of his thoughts, “no it’s okay~ I don’t mind really” he smiled reassuringly at you.

You nodded in response. The rest of the flight seemed to pass by quickly, right after the plane landed everyone started to stand up and get their bags. You waited patiently for people to pass by, there were many thoughts running through Chen’s mind.

The two of you finally reached the end of the jetway he pulled you back. You blinked in surprise at his sudden actions.


He scratched the back of his neck nervously, “well I… we’re friends right?”

You nodded happily, “of course~ Unless you don’t want to be…”

“Aniyo~ I’d love to be friends with you… I was just wondering… Could… Could I have your number? You know so we can keep in touch?”

You nodded and entered your phone number into Chen’s phone as he entered his in yours. After you gave back each other’s phones he smiled at you, your heart melted.

“Oh I was kind of wondering… Is your favorite still Tao?” he asked as the two of you walked out of the gate.

Your dad was waiting for you, as you walked towards your dad you replied, “mianhae I have to go my dad will be angry if I make him wait” you chuckled and ran off.

‘She didn’t answer me~?!’ Chen threw a little fit in his mind.

“Chen!” Kris called.

“Coming~!” he quickly joined the rest of the members.

When he joined them, he received a bunch of suspicious looks from the members.


“So… What’s the deal with you and _____? Do you like her?” Xiumin asked while grinning from ear to ear.

Chen’s breath hitched in his throat when he heard the question, “I-I… We-we’re just friends…”

“Right~” Lay smirked. Chen just looked away and followed their manager to the car.

The whole car ride Chen was staring out the window. He couldn’t get the way you playfully sang their song, your gorgeous smile, your voice. You were stuck in his mind; he was in love with you. Because he was in love with you he couldn’t shake the thought that the one girl he actually fell in love with liked another member. He jumped when he felt a sudden vibration in his pocket. He smiled brightly seeing it was from you.

(bold=you; italics=Chen)

Hey, about your question… You were my favorite member the whole time :)


You chuckled to yourself in the car seeing his reply.

Lol yeah ^^;

You lied to me?!

I didn’t want you to think I was some crazy fan…

As much as he was surprised by your answer it made him smile like a fool.

It’s okay I understand~ But don’t lie to me ever again okay?

I promise I won’t lie :P

Are you coming to KCON?



I just can’t make it… I have to spend time with my cousin~

Well then bring your cousin to KCON

You smiled at his persistence. But decided not to reply and just let him think you weren’t going.

After you arrived at your cousin’s house and settled in she started fangirling to you about B.A.P, of course you didn’t mind but right now all that was on your mind was Chen. He was so adorable.

The next day you and your cousin got up early and got ready. The two of you headed to KCON. You were kind of excited because you knew you would get to see EXO M again.

Chen was so distraught that you weren't going to see him perform. He was so sure that because you were a fan and he was your favorite you would watch. He was also kind of disappointed because he thought his new friend would be at their performance.

"Chen!" Kris called.

Chen quickly snapped out of his daze and went to join the rest of the members to rehearse their performance.


The day seemed to drag on and on for Chen the worst part was he couldn't check his phone at all. They weren't allowed to use their phones because they had to do press conferences, fan meetings, and after they had to prepare for their performance.

After the press conference they had their fans line up to get stuff signed. On the inside Chen groaned seeing how long the line was, and that meant there would be no time for him to talk to you.

He smiled and enjoyed how much international fans they had. But in the back of his mind he kept thinking about you.  After about 45 minutes passed he gave up on seeing you.

In the mean time you were stuck in line with your cousin to get autographs from BAP. You finally got up to the table and after meeting BAP you thought they were even more adorable in person.

Luckily for you by the time you finished with BAP the line for Exo M had gone down. You unfortunately were at the back.

After sometime you were finally able to reach the table your cousin was excited and jumping around. So you let her go before you.

"____?" Tao whispered when he looked up to see you holding out their album.

"Sshh don't make a big deal just sign it and treat me like a normal fan okay?"

He smiles and nodded.

The same thing happened with the rest of the members until you reached Chen. All the members knew he liked you... No they knew he was in love with you.

He saw another album being held out in front of him, he took it, "what's your name?"

You didn't answer you just smiled.

He looked up and to his surprise he saw you standing in front of him.

"______?!" He whisper screamed, "I thought you said you weren't coming~"

"I lied I wouldn't miss it."

"I told you to not lie to me~"

"Mianhae I wanted to surprise you"

He smiled and looked at the other members who were just staring at the two of you.

"Just tell her Chen chen" Kris said from across the table.

"Tell me what?"

"Ani.... Not here."

He quickly got up and dragged you into the stairway behind where they were.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Look... Ever since we got to know each other on the airplane I can't get you out of my mind. You're ingrained in my mind and I can't get you out... I think that I-"

"Chen Chen!  Sorry to break up this conversation but we have to get ready for our performance tonight~" Kris said and dragged Chen away.

"Sorry _____!" Kris called out after they left. You blinked a little confused by Chen's words. But you shrugged it off and went to find your friend.

The two of you got a great spot by the front of the stage. The two of you screamed and cheered for the performers. Finally Exo M appeared on stage. Their performance was great, you laughed at Kris being forced to show his aegyo to the crowd. After that Kris said they were going to do a special performance.

At that moment Chen and Luhan stayed out in the stage and started singing. You immediately knew what song they were singing and it was your favorite song. You watched as Luhan started to sing, then your eyes shifted to Chen his eyes meeting yours. You smiled him. He would occasionally look out to the rest of the crowd but then he would bring them back to focus on you.

"I lost my mind, the moment I saw you
Except you, everything get in slow montion" he sang as he stared at you.

In that moment you knew what he was trying to say to you on the stairs earlier that day.

'I fell for you too, the real you' you thought as you watched him, nothing but a smile on your face the whole time.

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Chapter 1: This is soooo sweet!! HAHAHAHA Create a sequel!! =D
ShawolMBLFT #2
Chapter 1: Waaaah!! Chheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!
Chapter 1: OMO this story is so freaking perfect I can't even... And I feel like I'm cheating on Bacon because of the Chen feels of this story omo~ But I like it! (^u^)b
Chapter 1: This is so freaking cute!! I just love it and you so much for writing a Chen fic :DDD Cause not many ppl like Chen :( I LOVE CHEN ALOTT HEEHEE ok enough spazzing xD great story! ^^
crestaoba07 #5
Chapter 1: sequel please!!!!

how i wish this would happen for real, :3
nana_lve_fanfic #6
Chapter 1: Sequel pls~~
Chapter 1: I love it <3 I wish that happens to me someday :$
Chapter 1: Love it so much!