What the...?

Welcome to Sirius


Hana P.O.V


Something was tickling my nose, while I was sleeping. I kinda felt disturbed by it and woke up, slowly opening my eyes as they caught something green.

*Green? I don´t have something green in my room* I thought as I remembered every single detail in my room.  I rubbed my eyes and opened them again. Not believing where I was, I jumped up and looked around. Everything around me was field.

“Where the Hell am I?” I yelled out, brushing my bangs out of my face frustrated. Why wasn´t I in my room, in my so comfortable bed? I sighed out. I shouldn´t panic. It would just make things worse. I sat down and looked up at the sky thinking. Maybe I was just dreaming. I just should lay back again and try to fell asleep and then wake up again. So I layed down, closing my eyes, trying to get back to sleep. Several minutes passed by and I opened my eyes again, just to see that I still was at the field. I groaned and fell back, observing the sky. But the sky… there were 2 moons. Confused I sat up, thinking I would get nearer at them. I was amazed by it. These moons looked like Ying and Yang, one of them black and the other white. But I got interrupted by my thoughts as I heard voices. Not sure, how I should react, I decided to hide at first, but hiding on a field was hard, really hard. I searched a place where hight grass grew and made myself as small as possible. But of course it didn´t help much.

“Hey! You there! What are you doing here?” I looked up and saw a quite tall boy in front of me with black hair and next to him stood another boy, who was some centimeters shorter with blonde hair and both of them wore kinda royal clothes. I blinked a few times, realizing that I got caught. Then I stood up and wiped away the dirt, which was on my pajama.

*Wait! I´m still wearing my pajama?* Embarrassed and red like a tomato I looked down and stepped from one foot to the other.

“Hey! He asked you something!” The shorter boy said, but not so roughfully like the other. I gulped and searched for an answer.

“I´m sorry. But I can´t find my way home. Do you know, where´s the way back to Seoul?” I asked, now looking up. My blush disappeared and I got my confidence back.

“Seoul? What´s that? I never heard about that.” My face dropped as I heard that. So I wasn´t even in South Korea. Slowly panic appeared on my face. It seemed like the boy with blonde hair noticed it and patted my shoulders.

“Everything is alright. We will help you. You´re in Sirius and I´m Chunji and the aggressive looking guy here is CAP. You have luck. We are the guardians of the princess and the prince.” He winked at me and I felt more comfortable. I nodded and he gave me his hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. A pink color shaped on my face and I smiled shyly, while Chunji smiled too. We walked along the field for several minutes as we arrived in front of a forest.

“We should be careful. Gors could be there.” CAP said as he grabbed his sword and looked around. I grabbed Chunji´s hand tighter and my whole body shook. I didn´t know what or who Gors were, but I knew they were dangerous. But Chunjis eyes told me, that he would protect me. And I trusted him. As we entered the forest, we tried to be as quiet as possible.

“Oh. I forgot to ask for your name.” Chunji whispered to me.

“My name´s Park Hana.” I whispered back and I noticed the suspicious face, but it soon turned into a bright smile again. Nothing happened so far and I was relieved till I felt pain in my right foot. I looked down and saw my foot in a thorn bush. I tried to free myself, but the thorns just got deeper in my leg.

“Ouch. Chunji. It hurts!” I said, my face distorted in pain. Chunji turned back and looked to me with worried eyes. CAP also turned back and saw my foot in the thorn bush.

“Chunji, hold her hands and shut . I try to free her, but it will hurt.” CAP explained, while he kneeled down. I already prepared myself for the pain and Chunji hold my hand and with his under hand he covered my mouth. With bare hands CAP grabbed the thorns and ripped them out of the ground and out of my flesh. It damn hurt. Tears flowed down my cheeks and I grabbed Chunjis hand as tight as I could and bit in his hands, so I could forget the pain. Some minutes later, my foot was free again, but it still hurt. CAP tore of a piece of his cape and wrapped it around my bleeding foot.

“Can you walk?” Chunji asked and pull his hand away from my mouth. I tried to set down my foot and tried to walk. It hurt and I limped a bit, but I could bare it. I nodded and we began walking again, this time in a slower pace. We nearly reached the end of the forest, when someone jumped in front of me. It was an ugly human being. Its mouth was wide open and it showed his foul yet sharp teeth. It had long, yet greasy hair and its whole body was covered in red and full of scars and warts. His nose was only 2 holes in its face and his finger nails were sharp and long. I shrieked and jumped back, totally forgot about my pain. CAP pulled out his sword and Chunji hid me behind his back.

“Human…I smell delicious female human flesh.” The monster said and looked to me, his eyes full of lust and appetite.

“Touch her, Gors and you´ll be dead.” CAP yelled and focused his sword to the Gors.

“Hahahahahaha. Royal Guardian, don´t underestimate us.” The Gors said and grinned disgusting. And suddenly out of nowhere  4 other Gors appeared. Chunji pulled out his sword also.

“Chunji. I count to 3 and then you run away with Park Hana, okay?” CAP whispered in his ear, but Chunji shook his head. CAP glared at him and I saw how Chunji shrugged shoulders. I guessed, he gave up. Chunji walked back to me and picked me up bridal style. CAP stood protective in front of us.

“1…2…3!” CAP yelled and started to attack the Gors. He killed the first as he cut the head of it. Blood spurted out on CAP and the ground and the head rolled to us. When I looked down I saw, how the eyes of this monster were still opened and his mouth was wide opened , tongue showing. I felt like I had to puke. It was the worst thing I ever saw in my life. Luckily, Chunji covered my eyes and started to run away.

“Chunji! What are you doing? We have to help CAP!” I yelled at him, while I tried to get down.

“I can´t! My first priority is to protect you and have you save. And CAP can handle it alone. You saw how fast he killed the 1st one.” He explained to me, but didn´t stop with running. I didn´t know what to answer so I just looked back, where CAP was still fighting against these monsters.

Chunji ran a while till we rested at a stream. He sat me down and I hold my hurt foot in the good-feeling cold water. Chunji observed the whole area and then came back to me and sat right next to me. With his hand he took some water and drank it. I looked on how the water disappeared in his mouth.

“Say Hana. Is it possible that you are relatives with Park Sora?” Chunji asked out of sudden. Shocked I looked at him. He knew my grandma´s name, but where from?

“Y-yeah. She is my grandma. How do you know her?” I asked, my voice sounded like I disbelieved him.

“Your grandma was an awesome woman. Here people would call her a hero. But I shouldn´t tell you the story. The king would tell it you.” He explained while he ruffled my hair. I just stared at him. My grandma? A hero? I couldn´t believe it. Suddenly I got homesickness. I didn´t want to be any longer here. I hated it. I wanted to go home, lying in my bed and be with my aunt.

I buried my face into my legs, which I curled up in front of my chest and sobbed. I couldn´t handle it anymore. I felt someone patting my back and then embraced me from the back.

“You want to go back, right? I know, you aren´t from here, but don´t worry Hana. I will help you to find back.” Yeah, that´s what I needed right now. Someone who comforted me and it was totally alright for me that I only met Chunji today, I trusted him more than any others I knew and I could rely on him. We rested about 10 minutes and then continued our way to the kingdom, where we would meet the king. Chunji offered me to carry me again, but I denied it. I didn´t want to bother him more. But because my wounded foot still hurt, we walked in a really slow pace. It felt like hours or days for me and I was totally out of breath, but Chunji was still full of power. I guessed it was because he was trained for this.

“Hana! Look! We finally arrived!” Chunji yelled and waved so I should come to him. Hard breathing I stood beside him, looking at the wonderful scene of the kingdom. It reminded me of the kingdom in tangled. A smile appeared on my face and Chunji took my hand and intertwined our fingers. Together we walked in the grand city, all people looking at us. But I didn´t care. I kinda felt like returning home and it was an amazing feeling. Suddenly 2 boys came rushing to us and bomarded Chunji with questions.

“Ricky, Changjo. Calm down. One question after one question okay?” Chunji smiled brightly and hugged each of them. It seemed like they didn´t notice me so I coughed a bit and both pair of eyes were now tugged on me.

“Oh, Chunji. You sure brought a cute girl with you. Can I ask your name? Oh yeah and I´m Ricky.” Ricky introduced himself and showed me such a cute smile that I lightly blushed.

“Omo, so cute! She blushed.” I got even more red and looked shyly down.

“This is Park Hana.” Chunji introduced me to the others and I looked up again and saw their wide-opened eyes.

Park…?” Changjo asked in disbelief, his eyes still wide opened.

“Yeah, She is the granddaughter of Park Sora.” Now the jaws of the both young males dropped. Changjo was the first, who calmed down.

“So, does this mean, she will save us?” He asked excited, his eyes sparkled, but I felt really dumb. Were they talking about me?

“Excuse me, but did I hear right? I will save you?” I asked looking sternly to Chunji, who gulped.

“Yeah, you heard right. You came to save us, didn´t you? Like your grandmother did it.” Changjo said and Chunji was kicking him hard in his legs. I guessed, he shouldn´t tell me that.

“Chunji, what´s going on here?” I asked, a bit upset. I felt like he lied to me the whole time. Chunji took a deep breath and sighed.

“Calm down, okay? The king will explain everything to you. How you got into this world and why we know your grandmother. But we do not know her personally of course. And why you may have to save us.” He explained rubbing his neck sheepishly. Now it was my turn to have my eyes wide-opened.

“May? She has to save us. It´s her duty.” Ricky yelled, but got smacked by Changjo.

“Wait…Does this mean, you know the whole time that I´m her granddaughter and you didn´t tell me a bit of it?” I looked disappointed and hurt to Chunji.

“Believe me. I first didn´t know you would be her granddaughter. When you said you wanted to go back to Seoul, I just thought about the possibility, you could be the one, the old majesties talked about. And when I heard your name, I knew it couldn´t be by accident anymore. I wanted to tell you the truth, but somehow I couldn´t find the right words.” He told me and I just hissed at him and glared. Then I had a great idea. Chunji and the other 2 guys decided that we should meet the king and as they started to walk in front of me. I slowly walked away from our little group, trying not to get attention.


No one P.O.V


“I hope, you will calm down, when we reached the palace. Don´t worry. The king and the princess are nice. But be aware of the prince. He is…kinda cold.” Chunji talked to Hana as he turned around to face her, but he didn´t saw a Hana behind him. Panicked he looked around and told Ricky and Changjo about the missing Hana.

“Hey! There she is!” Changjo yelled and pointed to a frail figure, who sneaked between the people. Chunji and Ricky turned their head, just to see that Hana was now running away from them.

“!” Both of them yelled as they tried to follow her, but it was useless, she had already a big gap.

“Chunji! I thought she was hurt. Why is she so fast now?” Ricky whined as he panted hard. He and Changjo sat down, trying to control their breath.

“Maybe she got an adrenaline push.”Changjo suggested. Chunji walked circles, mumbling words to himself.

“Ah! What the hell! Why are girls so stubborn?” He yelled as he sat down.

“Lord Chunji, I forbid such language in my country.” Chunji looked up in shocked as he saw the person who stood in front of him and the other boys.

“Your highness.” They gasped. They felt suddenly lost, not knowing what to answer.

“Ah. Chunji. We know each other since we were little and you call me “Your Highness”? I often told you to call me Juniel.” A young beautiful woman with brown wavy hair and almond brown eyes sat right next to Chunji. Chunji´s face turned deep red as Juniel laid her head on his shoulder. Ricky and Changjo noticed the blush on his face and immediately started giggling. They know Chunji had a deep crush for the princess.

“So, who´s this stubborn girl you yelled about earlier?” Juniel asked as she took her head away from his shoulders. Chunji remembered then the girl he forgot.

“Aish, this girl…” He hissed as he looked annoyed away.

“Are you probably in love?” Juniel and poked his arm.

“No, your high- I mean, Juniel. The granddaughter of Park Sora appeared in Sirius. But she ran away when we wanted to bring her to his majesty.” Chunji explained the situation and ended with a long sigh.

“Omo, she´s here? But why did she ran away?” Juniel covered his mouth with her hand as she heard that Hana came.

“I guess, it was too much for her to find out, she would be our longed savior.” Changjo answered calm. He got control over his breathing again.

“I see. I just hope, she wouldn´t see Niel, before we find her. Let´s go back to the palace to order the people, who are in charge of finding people, to find her.” Juniel jumped up and pulled Chunji up too. She still hold his hands as they walked to the palace. Ricky and Changjo followed them, while whispering something each other’s ear and giggling.


Hana P.O.V


I just sneaked between a woman and an older man, when I heard Changjo yelling. I looked back to them and noticed that they discovered me. I tried to run away, but the pain in my leg was too hard. I stopped one time leaning against some barrels. But somehow the barrels lid couldn´t hold my weight and broke down. I couldn´t hold balance and fell in one of the barrels. As I tried to get out of it again, I heard Chunji, Ricky and Changjo walking past the barrels. I decided to get out, when I couldn´t hear them anymore. As I was sure, I got out and limped into any direction. I didn´t know, where I was limping, when I stopped in front of a huge garden, where a massive fence was around.

*Ah, really. Now I´m there where I didn´t want to be.* I thought as I looked deeper in the garden. Somehow I knew it was the palace garden. Of course everyone would know it from the start. The garden was too huge for a simple house or even a mansion. I wanted to turn back and walked the whole way back, but I heard someone whimpering. I turned to the garden again and saw a frail blue light in one of the huge rosenbush. As I tried to look nearer I figured out it was a small fairy. I felt suddenly sorry for her and my urge to help people, who were troubled, let me climbing over the fence, but the clumsy me fell down in the garden. The pain in my foot got worse and I slowly believed that it was broken. But the only thing I could think of now, was to help this little creature. I limped to the rosenbush. Without hesitation I grabbed in it, not caring how the thorns’ scratched my arms bloody. I didn´t mind anyway anymore. I hurt myself today a lot. This were just some scratches. Finally I reached the little fairy and pulled her out.

“Hey, everything’s okay now. You´re save.” I cooed and over her fragile body. She stood up and flew to my face. It felt like she kissed my cheek as she returned to my hand smiling. I replied that smile with another.

“What are you doing here?”

phew! finally finished with the 2nd chapter :D hahaha somehow it sounds like Chunji is the main character xD but uhm...no. He will appear often too, but not so often anymore than now ^-^

I somehow liked that chapter~ i had quite much ideas for it :3 and it turned out kinda long too, not like the 1st one :D

thx to my 3 subbies~ I love you <3<3 and pls continue to support me :D




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next chapter in process~ thx to my 3 subbies


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Chapter 3: Its okay don't worry you were probably busy. I totally understand. But at least you updated right? ^^ Don't give up okay! (^^)9
AptonKey #2
Chapter 2: Wow, I really like this
AikoChanLove123 #3
Chapter 2: Niel caught her right? Please update soon!! (^_^)9
Chapter 1: I like it! =D I hope you update soon!! =D