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everyone needs someone
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  High school, 2008   Kris Wu wasn't the type of guy who usually hung around people a lot. He was quiet, reserved and he constantly had a cold exterior. Not many people were particularly intrigued by him enough to actually approach him to get to know him better. He preferred it that way; it meant less hassle and less people to deal with. That way, he could safeguard his feelings without having to deal with someone else's feelings. He wouldn't feel guilty if he did something wrong and it involved someone close to him.   Everyone admired him from far but none dared approach him.   In school, he was the freakishly tall guy who was always alone but had plenty of admirers - both male and female. He was the type of guy who either spent his time buried in books at the library or out at the back of the school at an old basketball court, shooting baskets by himself. He wasn't mean or unkind to people around him, he just preferred to be alone. It wasn't like it actually bugged him... the silence was actually comforting to him. Everyone avoided him like plague.   All but one.   Park Chanyeol, also widely known throughout the school as the "Happy Virus", was utterly determined to get the mysterious Kris Wu out of his lone abyss and into the society of which Kris had always wanted nothing to do with. Chanyeol, who was also two years Kris' junior (but almost equal in terms of height), was hell bent on being friends with Kris, despite his friends saying things like, "give it up Yeol, you'll never get through to him."   Chanyeol brushed them off, thinking that yes, I will be able to do it. And so, began his journey to befriend a lone creature, one who absolutely loathed the society that had formed in it's modern day.   --   "I.. I think I like you, hyung."   An eerie silence creeped into the atmosphere.   "Just stay away from me, Park Chanyeol. I don't need anyone."   Kris internally winced. That sounded harsher than he had imagined in his head. On the outside, Kris Wu looked at Park Chanyeol with desolated eyes, empty hollows that seemed to go on forever with no end.   There wasn't unhappiness in them, no anger, no
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a_die_me #1
Chapter 1: this sho shuweeeeetttttttttttttttttttttt! #nuffsaid
Chapter 1: Kris Wu's cold heart had melted and Chanyeol had claimed it.

Yes. Fuccckin yessssssssss /hands in the air/

This is perfect.
Chapter 1: Awww :) such a great story <3
nycbean #4
Chapter 1: Loooooooooooove it!
Chapter 1: cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute♥
Chapter 1: awwwwwwr. ; u ; so cuuute. ♡