Chapter Five

Once In A Lifetime



He got on the bike and I seated in front of him. I was kind of uneasy being enclosed in his arms, technically he was. His hands were on the handle bars leaving me close to his body. I found him really manly at that time, his scent smelled of a fragrant musk even though he was sweating.

I took him to places where we used to go when we were kids. Some changed a lot and are barely recognizable and some didn’t change like it was yesterday. It was tiring, telling stories of how this got into this and how that became that but I didn’t mind. Our last stop was his favorite uphill near his grandfather’s rice fields. I often see him there when he wants to be alone, and it was the place where I saw him for the last time before they left for the city.


We stopped at a familiar cliff like with a tree on top. I smiled because it reminded me of Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin, the uphill where they used to play. Then I remembered that it was the place I used to run into whenever dad scolds me or I just wanted to be alone.

“Remember this?” she asked while I was looking around.

“Yeah. You could say that. Haha, I always hide here when my dad scolds me.” I said upon recalling that memory of my childhood. She sniggered a little, showing again her infamous eye smiles. I’m pretty sure she has a boyfriend, a girl this pretty shouldn’t be left without someone taking care of her.

”Are you still that incorrigible Siwon?” she asked when she heard about me and my father’s disciplinary antics way back.

“Um, a little.” I motioned with my fingers then she held out a lovely smile.

We sat down, watching the sunset and the day slowly go by. That afternoon was well spent, at least for me. I had a good run of my childhood.


We were sitting under the tree, feeling the cold wind the slowly prodding night time brings us when I uttered him my curiosity.

“So, what brings you back here?” I shyly asked, hoping not to go overboard and let him get the wrong thing.

“Um, my grandpa, he says he needs some help with things here. My father sent me here actually. It was not really planned, I was informed the day before which explains my cold appearance when we met again.” I was surprised by his honesty, but I pretended I was half interested so I just nodded.

“You? Why didn’t you go to Seoul for school? I mean, grandpa Hwang can send you there, I mean, he really has that capacity but I think you chose to be here.” He asked me back.

“I like it here. And besides, no one will take care of grandpa. Dad’s a pilot so he rarely or he has little time when he comes home. I’m happy here.” I said turning away from his gaze and looking at the crimson sun’s direction.

“Hm, I think someone’s making you happy here.” He smirked and chuckled. I gave him a death glare then suddenly he folds back to his meek self.

“I always wanted to be a pilot. But my dad won’t let me. He said things like that should be left for other people and my fate directs me to business. Which explains why I’m stuck in his office every single day of my life.” He confessed. I felt sorry for him, outside, he might seems like the happy-go-lucky guy but deep inside, he’s a bit fragile. Even though we just met again a day ago, I can tell what he hides.

The mood turned quiet after his statement, and then I heard a phone ring. Siwon was shaken from his moment and stood up to answer it.

“Oh, hi. Glad you called. I missed you.” I was curious of who he was speaking to, he had a slight tone change when he answered it, like his voice a bit happy. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on the call but he was standing right next to me so it was an earshot. The phone call took longer than usual, he asked things about how the caller’s day was, what she did and if she ate dinner. I have a guess on who might be the caller when this one thing he said confirmed it.

“Okay, I miss you baby. I love you. Be home soon alright?” I was right it was her girlfriend.


I was jumping inside when I finally found a signal hotspot in this isolated place. The phone call was Hara, for a day I forgot that I had a girlfriend but when she called, I really missed her. After that I remembered I was with Tiffany, she was still her usual calm self, looking far away.

“Sorry, it was uh, Hara, my girlfriend.” I said apologetically. She nodded saying it was alright. After that she asked me if we could come home, I said yes and insisted that I will bring her home to assure that she’s safe. We rode again in her bike and I started pedaling through the rocky road.


We arrived in this house almost as huge as grandpa’s, I can’t remember how it used to look like when we were kids but it was also familiar for I have been there about once or twice.

“Sure you don’t want to come in?” she invited me over, but I declined, thinking of how much of a hassle it may take and grandpa might be worried about me now.

“Um, maybe some other time—“I said but a voice from the inside came halting.

“Tiffany is that you?”

“Neh, harabeoji!” she said. I got her bike inside their patio then suddenly grandpa Hwang came storming out of the house.

“Siwon! What a pleasant surprise to have you here. Come inside.” He invited me, but I just bowed and started scratching my back head again. I can see Tiffany trying to hold her cute laughter on my action.

“Um, kamsahamnida harabeoji-nim, but I have to get home for dinner. Grandpa might be waiting for me. Good night.” I bowed again while slowly making my way out backwards.

“Blessings to you my son. Take care.” Grandpa Hwang said to me.

“Kamsahamnida. Um, Tiffany, thank you for today. Um, I’ll make it up to you, um, thank you again.” I said with heads down.

“Hey, friends right? You don’t need to pay back.” She said while I flustered at the thought that Hwang harabeoji-nim was there and he might get the wrong thing.

“Um, neh. Kamsamhamnida again. Uh, good night.”  I don’t know what was wrong with me during that time but I was really awkward and weird. 


A/N: Hello again! Sorry for such a boring and short chapter. I have to run to school, I thought I could double update today but I was suddenly on call. RUNTS. But anyways, not much SiFany fluff on this chapter. I know, I know, but we can't get fluff is Siwon is still in a replationship. The next few chapters are going to be intense so hold that out. See you latersssss peeplz! 

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Please update your story Authornim..I love this story...Keep writing!! Fighting!!
Please update this story Chinggu!~
Update soon please...I love your story!:)
I really really LOVE this story! <3 update very very soon please~ :D
FanyGG #6
Chapter 7: The heck Siwon!!! You need to break up with Hara first before you said those words to my fany >:( good thing fany didn't accept you. You need to be more patient lol
davichi407 #7
Chapter 7: i have read all chapter. yeaayyy i like your story. i drowned to your story haha. i am so curious about siwon's past. because tiffany said that siwon have bad past. and where is siwon's mom? why siwon's father doesnt like siwon? *sorry a lot questions hehe*
update fast and keep update. thanks :)
Snsdsj #8
Chapter 7: Thanks for the update hope Siwon will keep his promise to Tiffany.
Chapter 7: Siwon, just break Up With hara you Just said she didn't love you back!!

Be With Fany! Haha