Introducing Agent Yuri/Black Pearl.

The Proffesional Spy/Lover

Yuri POV

We just finished  performing Gee at Music Bank.We got down the stairs and went backstage.

"That was great girls!".Taeyeon said.

"Unnie, I have to go now,I have to go see my aunty. We have to go take care of my Grandmother.".I lied.

"Oh arasso, but don't take too long....We have to practice!".She said.

I nodded and ran off.I hid in a storeroom.

I took out my compowder and pressed the suit selector.Into my spy uniform.

I pressed it and my clothes transformed into my spy uniform.

(Just imagine Yuri in that uniform)

Then I pressed the transporter button which can teleport me directly to WOOHP.

I closed my eyes.In a blink of an eye, I was in front of Jerry who is arranging some office documents.

"Goodmorning, Agent Yuri.Ur mission today is in Paris.Good Luck.Gladis will show u our new toys.".He said.

"Toys, Jerry?Toys?".I asked with a smirk.

"Well, just trying something new.".He said.

"Doesn't suit u.".I said with a chuckle and heading to the weapons area.

"Good-Morning-Agent-Y-Here-Are-Some-New-Weapons-For-Ur-Mission.".She said in a robotic voice.

"Here is the blowdryer 2000.Don't point it at urself.It it highly dangerous.".She warned.

I nodded.

"This is the stereo booster 3000.Here wear these when u wanna use the stereo.".She said.

I nodded again.

"And, ur highly classed and new, Jetpack!!!".She said.

I nodded.

I took the stuff.

"Good Luck agent y.".She said.

I nodded.

-After Mission-

I returned back to my dorm.Relaxed as usual.My clothes were back to normal.

After having a mission, I never get tired.Or sweaty.

To me it's a gift.

I was alone in the dorm.

Suddenly,the door bell rang.

I opened the door.

It was Minho???

"Annyeong Noona!What u doing?".He asked innocently with an innocent smile.

"Nothing really.". I said.

He looked down at the floor.

"Just wandering, I have nothing to do, all the hyungs are busy. I have no scheduele now.

Wanna hang out?". He asked.

I chuckled.

Man, he is so cute. Wait, what am i thinking.

"Arasso. Just let me change.". I said.

"No need noona! We can stay here and watch tv!". He said with an innocent smile.

"Neh.". I said.

He came in and sat on the couch.

"What movie u wanna watch Minho?". I asked.

"The Lorax! No!! The Avengers!!". He said excitedly.

"Calm down Minho, U aren't Taemin r u?". I asked with a chuckle while getting the movies.

"Aniyo. Mianhe Noona.". He said.

I put the bluray disc into the bluray disc player and stood up straight.

I put both hands on my waist.

"Yah! Don't call me noona. U make me sound old!". I said.

"Arasso Yuri!". He said with a smile.

"C'mon! The movie is starting.". He said pulling my hand and I fell on to his lap.

"Yah! Why did u do that?". I asked with a glare.

"Mianhe.". He said.

I got off his lap and sat on the couch.

Aish this guy is so childish. Does he think he is the maknae.




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Isamost2012 #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^