I trusted him.

Beauty and the Beast



                Pit pat. Pit pat. Pit pat. Pit pat. Pit pat. Pit pat.

                The sound of frantic footsteps splashing onto drenched Seoul ground filled the streets as Dara began to track down Chae Lin with Bom, Hi, and Minzy in tow.

                W-Where are we going?? Minzy cried, popping her head out of Hi’s small backpack.

                “We’re following Dara as she tracks down Chae Lin… and I think she’s onto something…” Hi huffed, covering her head from the rain that continued to fall.

                “I can feel her presence very strongly.” Dara hissed, dodging honking cars and swerving trucks. “Hers and Tablo’s.”

                “Careful, Dara! You’re gonna get hurt by all these cars!” Bom cried, trying to apologize to the furious drivers on the road.

                This place… it’s starting to look kinda familiar. Minzy observed, her head bobbing up and down from Hi’s running.

                “It is?” Hi asked, looking around. “It doesn’t look familiar to me.”

                “This is the place where we came from…” Bom breathed, nearing a dark alley.

                “The presence of Tablo is so thick, it sickens me.” Dara snarled, inching closer towards the darkness.

                Hi, I’m scared… Minzy whimpered, burying herself into the backpack.

                “Don’t be…” Hi murmured, feeling uneasy herself. “B-Bom and Dara w-will take care o-of us.”

                Suddenly, a couple of trashcans toppled over loudly, causing everyone to jump in surprise. A low, menacing laughter filled the air, rumbling violently in everyone’s ribcages.  Dara’s hairs on her neck stood up, indicating the terror and confusion mixed with anger that swirled within her.

                “Show yourself.” Dara barked, taking a small step back. She felt her voice tremble a bit, but she dared not make it visible to the force that stood before her.

                Small footsteps echoed through the narrow alley and out stepped Jiyong, unharmed.

                “J-Jiyong!?” Bom whispered, taking a couple of steps closer to him. “W-What are you doing here?”

                “Don’t.” Dara said firmly, grabbing Bom’s hand while not moving an inch.

                “What gives, Dara?” Bom demanded, wriggling out of Dara’s grasp. “Wasn’t Jiyong missing for the longest time? We found him! Let’s bring him home for Seunghyun and Daesung!” she reasoned, pulling out her phone.

                “Wait. Look closely at the boy.” Dara said slowly, narrowing her eyes at Jiyong.

                The boy just stood there motionless, a strange and eerie smile plastered upon his lips as if he were a doll. A porcelain doll. A striking image of one who was dead: stoic and pale.

                “His eyes…” Hi whispered, taking a couple of steps backwards.

                “They’re Tablo’s… glowing green.” Dara said lowly, being confirmed of her assumptions. “Hi… run. Run as fast as you can. NOW.”

                Hi knew she didn’t even have time to question Dara’s command so she ran for it; she ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She felt the panic rise up in her, knowing that what she saw right there was not a good thing, at all.

                “You can run, but you can’t hide.”

                Bom and Dara whipped their head towards the boy, shocked to see that it wasn’t the boy voice they heard, it was Tablo’s.

                The boy smirked and lingered around in the alleyway, occasionally kicking a couple of scraps of paper on the ground. “What brings you here?”

                “What the hell did you do to Jiyong?” Bom snarled through clenched teeth.

                “Jiyong? What are you talking about? I am Jiyong!” the boy said innocently while keeping that smirk still plastered on his face. He hopped onto a trashcan and swung his feet playfully, watching the girls’ reactions.

                “ing Tablo…” Bom hissed, balling her fists.

                Dara lost it. She stormed up to him and held him by the collar, pinning up against the wall. “You ing tell me what you did to Jiyong. Or-”

                “Or what? You know you can’t hurt me.” he whispered, still keeping that smirk on his face.

                Dara knew it. She knew that she couldn’t hurt the boy because she could possibly harm the boy himself without hurting Tablo at all.

                “What… is your motive…? Why are you here?” she hissed, pressing harder into the boy’s chest, almost suffocating him to death. “Where… is Chae Lin?”

                Tablo smirked and closed his eyes, breathing a low sigh as he moved out from the boy’s body, leaving a lifeless shell behind. He took the boy from Dara’s hands in one swift motion and flew upwards, laughing to himself at how helpless the two seemed.

                Seungri isn’t so useless after all, Tablo thought, chuckling to himself. Getting me this boy is probably the best thing he’s done so far.

                “I want you to get a little taste of what’s about to go down in a couple of minutes, that’s all. It’s all thanks to your little friend, Seungri. He’s the one who thought of all of this. I hope you stick around. We’d love to have an audience. And… as for Chae Lin…” he said, waving his hand to make Chae Lin appear by his side, “She’ll stay with me. She’ll have a front row seat, not to worry.”

                Chae Lin was struggling by his side, trapped in the same shadow ropes that bound the boy earlier.

                P-Please, run while you have the chance. Chae Lin begged, her eyes welling up with tears.

                We can’t do that, Chae Lin. Dara said, clenching her fists. Just sit tight. We’ll help you.

                Don’t give up on us, CL. Bom said with conviction, her eyes still fixed on Tablo.

                “We’ll see you later!” Tablo sang, waving them goodbye. And with in a flash, they all disappeared into thin air.

                “ing hell…” Dara said, running a hand through her hair.

                “What are we going to do…?” Bom murmured, biting her lower lip.

                “We won’t be able to handle this by ourselves.” Dara said, closing her eyes. “We’re going to need serious backup.”


                Hi, where are you going!? Hi! Minzy cried, popping her head out of the backpack once more.

                “I’m going to find Daesung. I know he’s around somewhere. I’m tracking him down.” Hi murmured, trying to shake out the eerie image of Jiyong out of her head.

                What are you going to do when night comes!? You won’t be able to find him in the dark!

                “I have to try, Minzy!” Hi cried, searching the passing cars as she felt Daesung’s presence closer and closer.

                Minzy looked at the town clock that stood in the middle of the circle intersection. It’s 5:30 pm! It’s going to get dark soon! The sun is coming down quickly!

                “I can feel him nearby!” Hi shouted as she waved down the car that held Daesung’s presence. The car skidded to a halt as she knocked frantically on the driver’s side of the car.

                “Lee Ha Yi!?” Daesung cried as he lowered the car window.

                Minzy!? Se7en exclaimed as he saw the little puppy nestled in Hi’s backpack.

                “Daesung! We don’t have time!” she cried, huffing as she tried to regain her breath. “J-Jiyong… he’s in trouble!”

                “JIYONG!?” Seunghyun cried from the backseat.

                Hi nodded frantically, climbing into the car as the prince opened the door for her. She bowed in thanks and clutched onto Daesung’s headrest, directing him to the dark alleyway that she had just escaped.

                “J-Jiyong… I think he was possessed by Tablo. He had green, glowing eyes and had that smirk on his face…” she shivered, recalling the eerie sight.

                “W-Who’s Tablo? J-Jiyong was possessed by Tablo?” the shirtless prince asked, his eyebrows furrowing. “And… Lee Ha Yi-ssi, who are you?”

                S-, Lee Ha Yi! He doesn’t know that I’m a wizard! Daesung cried silently.

                Oh, my gosh! I’m so sorry! She exclaimed, biting her lower lip.

                You have to be careful, Hi! Se7en said. He doesn’t know that I’m a wizard either.

                Aish, I’m terribly sorry... Hi said apologetically, mentally scolding herself.

                “T-Tablo is Seungri’s friend.” Daesung said, hoping to clear some stuff. “C-Chae Lin told me that Tablo is an evil wizard a-and from what Lee Ha Yi said, he probably possessed the boy or something. She’s a friend of Chae Lin from their world.”

                “P-Possessed…??” Seunghyun said through clenched teeth. “H-How could they do that to Jiyong…?”

                “L-Let’s just remain calm, Seunghyun.” Daesung said, his eyes focused on the road.

                “H-Hyung, why do you know so much about this?” Seunghyun asked, curling up into a ball ask he bit his lower lip. “I-I mean, this whole time, you haven’t questioned anything about any of this magic yet.”

                Daesung remained quiet as everyone else in the car was silently anticipating his answer. Would he reveal himself right there, right on the spot? Or would he lie about it more?

                “N-Now… is not the time to discuss this.” Daesung finally said, pulling into the dark alley that Hi had directed him to. “We have to save Taeyang and Jiyong.”

                “T-Taeyang is hurt as well!?” Seunghyun cried, clutching the headrest of the passenger side.


                “Daesung! Sangchu! Seunghyun! Lee Hi!” Bom cried, running towards the group getting out of the car.

                “B-Bom…” Daesung breathed, running up towards her. “Where’s Jiyong? And Taeyang?” he asked, clutching onto her shoulders.

                “T-That’s not even the worst part.” Bom whispered, tears forming in her eyes. “C-Chae Lin…”

                “C-Chae Lin?” Daesung pressed, feeling his stomach churn violently. “W-WHAT ABOUT HER?”

                “T-Tablo…” Bom choked out, tears running down her face. “H-He has… her…”

                Daesung let go of her shoulders, his arms falling limply as he stumbled forward, trying to process what came out of Bom’s mouth.


                Has Chae Lin?



                “D-Daesung, where are you going!?” Seunghyun cried, running after his friend.

                “He ing took Chae Lin.” Daesung said with a shaky breath. “He… ing… took her…”

                “Wait, Daesung! We have to stay calm!” Seunghyun tried holding Daesung back, but his efforts were fruitless.

                “YOU’RE ING TELLING ME TO STAY CALM?” Daesung barked, whipping around to the prince. Bom ran up to Daesung and held him back before he does anything to the prince.

                “Daesung…” Bom struggled, tempted to knock out this lunatic out with one of her few spells that she knows.

                “YES I AM.” Seunghyun thundered. “WE’RE GOING TO HAVE TO SAVE JIYONG AND TAEYANG AS WELL. AND IF WE CAN’T REMAIN CALM ABOUT THIS, WE AREN’T GOING TO GET ANYTHING DONE.” He shouted while being held back by Hi.

                “S-Seunghyhun-ssi, please…” Hi tried calm down the beast fruitlessly.

                “My very life, my very breath, my very sunshine of my life is in the claws of that wretched bastard, I am doing everything in my power to save her.” Daesung hissed, finally breaking out of Bom’s grip, making his way towards the alleyway where Dara stood.

                “Have you ever thought that I’m going through the exact same thing?” Seunghyun said softly, letting his words ring throughout the alley as clear as bells.

                Daesung stopped for a moment, feeling much regret in his selfish words. But, his pride did not allow him to turn back and apologize. Instead, he continued walking.

                “Omo, omo, what do we have here?” Seungri’s words echoed. “What a show.” He said, emerging from the shadows, hands crossed and a smirk plastered upon his lips.

                “Lee Seungri.” Seunghyun snarled, no longer giving a damn about anything else. “ing give Jiyong to me.”

                “Wait, wait, wait!” Seungri laughed, flying high up in the air. “This was getting too good! Please, go on! Don’t mind me, I’m not even here.”

                “Do you think this is a ing joke…?” Daesung asked, his eyes piercing up at Seungri.

                “Mm… kind of.” Seungri sang, pouting playfully. “Or, you can end me here, where you use your magic and kill me or whatever. But I highly doubt that you’ll do that.”

                “M-Magic…?” Seunghyun breathed, turning to Daesung. “You’re… a wizard?”

                Daesung clenched his teeth and looked up at Seungri. “Stop saying all this bull. What do you know about me?”

                “More than your friend over there knows, that’s for sure.” Seungri shrugged, leaning back.

                “D-Daesung, is there something that you need to tell me…?” Seunghyun asked, looking dead straight at his friend.

                “Do you?” Seungri asked, feeling so much amusement from this little bit of tension between the two.

                Daesung remained silent, unsure to reveal himself or not. There were so many risks that came with revealing himself. All his work will deem useless as the administration find out. He’ll get in so much deep , but there was no running from it anymore.

                “Well, if you’re not going to say anything, I’ll help you out.” Seungri said, flicking his wrist effortlessly. A large, old washing machine emerged from the pile of rubbish and was quickly thrown towards the prince.

                Without a second thought, Daesung lunged forward and extended his arms, shouting a spell and caused the washing machine to dissipate into a cloud of smoke.

                Seunghyun stood there, dumbfounded and mouth agape. “D-Daesung…”

                Daesung gazed at Seunghyun with an apologetic look as he closed his eyes in regret.

                “Why didn’t you tell me…?”

                “I’ll tell you why.” Seungri said, ascending down. “This kid was a little troublemaker back in his own world. They sent him down here, on earth, to repent for his actions, being stuck with a little of a child like you. He was forced to look after you, trying his hardest to make you into a better person, because all he cared about was going back to his world to be reunited with his Chae Lin.”

                Seungri studied Seunghyun’s shocked expression and chuckled to himself and continued. “Lo and behold, Chae Lin becomes impatient and one day turns you into a beast, hoping that you’ll change and mark Daesung’s work as finished, allowing him to return back to her.”

                Seunghyun stood there, speechless as all trust seemed to fall away from Daesung. His knees began to grow weak as he realized that he couldn’t trust anyone anymore.

                “Selfish, all of them.” Seungri spat, hinting immense disgust in his voice.


                And with that said, Seunghyun began to run away. To where? He didn’t know.

                Somewhere far away.

                Somewhere far away from the so-called friend who had betrayed him.

                Whom he used to call ‘hyung’.

                Whom he used to share cookies with when he was a child.

                Whom he told all his secrets to.

                Whom he trusted.


                “You satisfied yet?” Daesung whispered, feeling so much hate seep in his voice.

                “Hmm… not yet.” Seungri sang once more, crossing his arms.

                “Weren’t you looking for someone…?” a voice said from the darkness, causing the group to freeze and slowly look towards the source of the voice.

                Out stepped Tablo once more with CL still bound in the ropes of shadow. He effortlessly flew towards Seungri and held a struggling CL by his side.

                “CHAE LIN!” Daesung cried, immediately being held back by Bom and Dara. “Let go of me.” he snarled at the two, his eyes bloodshot and deadly.

                “You can’t hurt them. You’re going to hurt her as well.” Dara hissed, holding onto him tighter as he continued to resist.

                “LET HER GO!” Daesung thrashed, his eyes pleading as he watched CL shake her head violently. “I-I’ll do anything.”

                “Anything…?” Tablo said, his eyes rising. This is too good.

                “A-Anything.” Daesung whispered, falling onto his knees.

                “As you wish.” Tablo said, dropping her down.

                CL landed on the cold, hard ground, crying out in pain. She struggled to scramble onto her feet but only managed to crawl towards Daesung at the very least.

                “W-Why did you do that…?” she breathed, holding his face. “Y-You should’ve just r-ran while you had the c-chance.”

                Daesung shook his head weakly, tears streaming down his face. “I-I had to do it for you.”

                “Time’s up.” Tablo said, wrapping Daesung in one of his ropes and pulled him up, making him vanish into thin air.

                “NO!!!” CL shrieked, helplessly reaching out for him. Just when I was broken free from my catatonic state, he disappears from me.


                Why is all of this happening?

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I updated twice in a day! Make sure you read both "goodbye... For now" and "crotchshot" both!


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Chapter 56: you broke the 4th wall!
Chapter 17: Oh no evil seungri no. Ji is not ur new found toy
I want gtop gtop gtop
yolanee #3
Chapter 53: Tablo? Evil? Can't see it. xD
Chapter 28: LMFAO!!!! Top is such an idiot he is too much haha
Chapter 72: This story was amazing filled with mixed emotions! I'm going to read the sequel now, keep it up! ^^
Vip_Elf #6
Chapter 73: I loved this story!
Vip_Elf #7
Chapter 67: Omg these past two or three chapters have me crying so hard I'm just glad they're all alive
Elizabeth_081906 #8
Chapter 74: Lmfao I'm dying! I am not ! Just curious...(;
mzjonghyun #9
Chapter 72: such a great story I love it