The Teacher.

Beauty and the Beast


                "When is our teacher coming??” Jiyong asked excitedly, bouncing up and down like a child on Christmas morning. “I really really really want to meet him!”

                Daesung had managed to find a way to get Seunghyun into school again- by hiring a private tutor that would be able to tolerate such a troublesome group. It took him a couple of days, but it did the job. The prince was reluctant at first, but began to warm up to the idea as he watched the boy bounce around in such joy.

                “I’ve been literally waiting for 4 days!” Jiyong exclaimed, smiling so brightly that he could power a small country with that energy.

                “He’s coming, he’s coming!” Daesung chuckled, ruffling the boy’s hair. “He said he’s almost here!”

                “AHH!! I’m so excited!” the boy gushed, holding on to Seunghyun’s arm. “Aren’t you excited, Seunghyun? We finally get the chance to learn again!”

                “Y-Yeah!” the beast stammered, trying to match the boy’s enthusiasm. Truthfully, it was very hard. He wasn’t sure who the private tutor would be, what he looks like, how he talks, how he deals with things, how he’ll perceive Seunghyun as… “I’m sure this will be VERY interesting!”

                “Hey, be nice to the man.” Daesung warned, his eyes piercing into Seunghyun’s soul. “I’ve gone through many great lengths in hiring this man. Be nice.”

                “I wasn’t saying anything!” Seunghyun whined.

                “Yah, you were implying it, I’m sure.”


                DING! DONG! DING! DONG!

                “AHHHH HE’S HERE!!!” Jiyong squealed, spazzing out so much that his heart was almost about to burst. “COMING!!” he said, literally flying towards the front door.

                “I’ve never seen someone so excited for school…” Seunghyun muttered to himself, laughing nonetheless.

                “Hey. Put yourself in his shoes. He had to leave school at an early age. And his mind is still open and fresh; I’m not surprised that he’s this joyful.”

                Jiyong opened the door and was greeted by a young, handsome gentleman and an adorable white Samoyed dog at the door. “Annyeong!” the boy greeted, bowing excitedly as he crouched down to pet the dog. The dog happily obliged, sniffing Jiyong and his hand.

                “O-Omo. Annyeonghaseyo.” Daesung said, smiling. “Please, come in.”

                “Annyeonghaseyo.” Seunghyun bowed politely, hesitantly but subtly eyeing his tutor.

                “Hello!” the man said in English, causing Seunghyun’s heart to drop. He was a er at English. “My name is Dong Youngbae, but you can call me Taeyang.” He said, sticking out his hand for a handshake.

                “Y-Yes. H-Hello.” The prince stammered in English, mentally kicking himself for not paying attention during school. He accepted the handshake and leaned over towards Daesung. “Are you sure you didn’t accidentally hire a professor from the United States or something…?”

                “Ah, rest assured, I was just messing with you.” Taeyang said in Korean, chuckling lightly. “We’ll get to English another day.” He suddenly pulled out a cane from behind him and began feeling around for his luggage, tapping on the ground ever so slightly.

                “H-He’s…” Seunghyun started, pointing at Taeyang’s cane.

                “Oh, I forgot to tell you. He’ll be staying with us for quite some time.” Daesung said, eyeing Seunghyun with a stern look. “That’s why he brought his belongings.”

                “N-No, I mean…”

                “Yes, Seunghyun. I’m blind.”

                The whole atmosphere fell silent as Taeyang’s words were heard, so silent that a sound of a needle dropping would be deafening. Thankfully, Taeyang had no problem with the awkwardness, probably because he has been handed with these situations beforehand already.

                “Oh, didn’t Daesung tell you?” he laughed, bending down to pick up his suitcase. “I’m visibly handicapped. That’s why Sangchu is with me.”


                “Yep! He’s my assistant. My right hand man. But… It seems as if Sangchu already prefers this young boy over me!” Taeyang joked, laughing as Sangchu barked happily. “You must be Jiyong!”

                “Ah, yes!” the boy said, standing up abruptly. Sangchu seemed to pout and began trotting over to where Daesung was. “I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier. It’s just that… Sangchu is so adorable!”

                “Then I have no doubt that you two will become best of friends!” Taeyang said, smiling brightly.

                Daesung patted Sangchu’s head and headed over to Taeyang, offering to take his luggage upstairs. Sangchu made his way over to Seunghyun slowly and hesitantly, not like he did with Jiyong and Daesung.

                Argh… I’m not a big fan of dogs… Seunghyun thought, biting his lower lip as Sangchu neared him. The dog sniffed his leg and snorted out of disapproval.

                I’m not a big fan of you either. A voice popped up in Seunghyun’s head, causing the prince to jump in surprise. You smell funny.

                What!? His mind screamed in panic. Who is this!? He thought, looking around with wide eyes.

                Down here, buddy.

                Seunghyun looked down and saw a quiet and still dog. You??

                Yeah, numbnuts. Me.

                But how?? Seunghyun asked the dog with a confused look.

                Hey. I know you’re not human. That’s why you can communicate with me. The dog replied in an as-a-matter-of-factly tone. And you don’t smell like a human.

                Oh… that would make sense. Seunghyun said, nodding to himself.

                You got turned into a beast, didn’t you? The dog continued, looking up into Seunghyun’s amber eyes.

                WHAT!? Seunghyun felt his stomach churn. How does this dog know all of this!?

                “Having a little staring contest with Sangchu?” Jiyong laughed, ruffling Sangchu’s head.

                Let’s go somewhere else and have a talk. Sangchu said, standing up and trotting towards an empty room.

                “Y-Yeah! It’s an intense game, Ji!” Seunghyun smiled, following the dog. “I’ll be right back! I’m showing Sangchu around the house!”


                I heard all about it, man. Sangchu began, jumping on a chair in the room.

                Heard all about what? The prince asked, cocking his head to one side.

                I heard about Chae Lin turning you into a beast. It was supposed to be the crime of the century. Newspapers covered it like crazy. She’s a criminal. Dangerous.

                SERIOUSLY!? Seunghyun’s jaw dropped from the immense disbelief.

                No. Just kidding. But she really did get in a lot of trouble though. Sangchu said, bobbing his head up and down.

                Wait. Wait. Hold up. Rewind. Who are you, again…? Aren’t you supposed to be this humble dog that helps out Taeyang because of his blindness? Seunghyun asked, knitting his eyebrows together as he tried to put the pieces together. How would you know about all this stuff?

                Sangchu let out a big sigh. Okay. So you know how in your world, y’all have prisons and people doin’ time and community service and all that?


                Well, in our world, the same thing happens. I was a troublemaker back over there. Always the one getting into trouble back at school. So… I got in trouble for hanging this kid’s life by a thread. I had a really bad temper, and smart with spells too. My temper got the best of me and I almost killed a kid. Well, they sentenced me to community service.

                Pah, community service? Where I come from, they lock you up and maybe even kill you. Seunghyun scoffed, folding his arms.

                You don’t understand what community service means over in my world, Seunghyun. Sangchu said, laying his head down on the couch. Community service is far more intense and back-breaking. You know what my sentence was? To come to your world as a dog, helping out a blind person. I’ve been a dog for 8 years now, still helping out Taeyang. I know some people who are also sentenced to be in this world as well. Chae Lin was supposed to be one of them, but someone took her place and went instead.

                Sangchu knew who that person was- Daesung. But, Seunghyun wasn’t supposed to know about his guardian, Daesung. Even Taeyang wasn’t supposed to know about Sangchu and where he came from.

                …oh my gosh. Seunghyun said, putting a hand over his mouth.

                Yeah. It at first, but I’ve grown to love Taeyang. But now I have to babysit you motherers. I guess I haven’t reached the worst of my sentence.

                Yah, we’re a delightful bunch. Seunghyun pouted.

                Delightful… Don’t even make me laugh. I can smell your love for Jiyong from a mile away. It’ll only be a matter of time until you guys will be all up on each other, kissing… making babies… that kind of stuff.

                SANGCHU. NO. BAD DOG. Seunghyun scolded, feeling his face getting red.

                Aish, here we go… Yah, my name isn’t really Sangchu. My mother didn’t name me “lettuce”.

                Then what is your name, Mr. Lettuce? Seunghyun asked, placing his hands on his hips.

                Choi Dong-wook. You can call me Seven.


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I updated twice in a day! Make sure you read both "goodbye... For now" and "crotchshot" both!


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Chapter 56: you broke the 4th wall!
Chapter 17: Oh no evil seungri no. Ji is not ur new found toy
I want gtop gtop gtop
yolanee #3
Chapter 53: Tablo? Evil? Can't see it. xD
Chapter 28: LMFAO!!!! Top is such an idiot he is too much haha
Chapter 72: This story was amazing filled with mixed emotions! I'm going to read the sequel now, keep it up! ^^
Vip_Elf #6
Chapter 73: I loved this story!
Vip_Elf #7
Chapter 67: Omg these past two or three chapters have me crying so hard I'm just glad they're all alive
Elizabeth_081906 #8
Chapter 74: Lmfao I'm dying! I am not ! Just curious...(;
mzjonghyun #9
Chapter 72: such a great story I love it