It's the beast's fault!

Beauty and the Beast


                Seunghyun sat patiently at the designated restaurant that his mother had specifically planned out to meet him. It was definitely upscale and high-class: there were quite charming waiters, exquisite food, beautiful background music, and top executives that filled the restaurant, falling short to none of Seunghyun’s expectations.

                It didn’t surprise him that his mother chose this place. In fact, they used to eat here as a family quite often. He chuckled to himself as he remembered the countless times he’d beg his mother to order more food because the small portions of expensive food were not enough for his ever-growing body.

                It’s been too long since they’ve seen me… he thought to himself, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He checked his phone and sighed. He had left so early because of Jiyong that he arrived to the restaurant half an hour earlier than planned.

                That was so dangerous… he thought, clutching his chest. The feelings that were coursing through my body… I’ve never… felt anything like that before. I’m almost tempted to say that I’ve fallen in love with the boy.

                Have I?

                I’ve indeed grown fond of him in such a short amount of time…

                But I’m more inclined to think that it was the inner beast that was screaming out to the boy. The events that have led up to this point… pinning him down on the bed, losing my temper because of him… it was all the beast’s doing.

                But… surely true love could not be found in the boy. It just wasn’t possible.

                Seunghyun sighed as he closed his eyes, rubbing his temples.

                Kwon Jiyong, how do you manage to drive me insane like you do?

                “Seunghyun-ah!” a voice called out, breaking him from his deep thoughts.

                He whipped around to see his mother happily waving at him, dragging her slow husband along with her. “O-Omma. Appa.” He breathed, smiling brightly as he saw their happy complexions.

                “Aigoo, look at my son!” his mother gushed, embracing him tightly. “Look, honey! He’s grown up so much!”

                Seunghyun laughed brightly as he realized how much he missed his mother’s lovely personality. His father also laughed, patting the young man on his back.

                Suddenly, his mother paused, her eyebrows kitting together as she studied Seunghyun. “Hmm… you feel… different…?” she mumbled to herself, staring into Seunghyun’s eyes.

                Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. She’s gonna find out.

                “Ah, if you’re asking if I’ve been working out, I’m glad you noticed!” he joked, hoping that’d distract her from trying to figure something out. “I’ve worked hard to look this good!”

                His mother’s facial expression lightened immediately, a big smile tugging at her lips. “That’s what I thought it was! Aigoo, my son!” she gushed, pinching his cheek.

                “Honey, you’re gonna smother him…” his father said, shaking his head as he lightly laughed.

                “Nice save, dad.”

                The three continued to converse for a considerable amount of time, catching up for old time’s sake while ordering food to their heart’s content. They talked about almost everything: from Seunghyun’s mom’s daily life to the pope’s hat to the meaning of life to the color of Seunghyun’s tie…

                “Wait, hold on. Who else are we supposed to meet?” Seunghyun asked before his mother whisked them off to another topic.

                “Oh! The mystery girl!” his mother smiled slyly, wiggling her eyebrows. “She should be coming any time soon!”

                “Really, mom…?” Seunghyun said, unamused. “I don’t even get to know her name?”

                “That’s the whole idea behind the mystery girl!”

                Seunghyun shook his head and laughed. Mom can get a little crazy sometimes… He thought, smiling fondly. He began to fiddle with his napkin as he listened to his mother fuss about his father’s shirt and how stripes on plaid never works.

                “Omo, I wonder what that noise is coming from.” His mother murmured, standing up to take a better look. Her eyes widened as a young girl was escorted towards the three by two men, one who had talked with her earlier.

                “Here she is, as you have requested.” The same man said, bowing as he held the girl firmly.

                Seunghyun squinted his eyes to see the girl’s complexion, curious to see what she looks like. His eyes widened to see a girl who looks scarily similar to Lee Seungri, but in a much more feminine form. His heart skipped a beat as he imagined if Seungri saw his face right now.

                It was indeed Seungri. Thankfully, no one recognized him. That would’ve been both awkward and BAD. VERY BAD.

                Is that… Seunghyun? Seungri thought, rubbing his eyes. He looks… normal. Not… a beast. Those witches… what the…?

                “Are you Jung Min?” His mother asked Seungri, a confused look plastered on her face.

                “Um, no… I think you’ve been mistaken.” Seungri said, furrowing his eyebrows but bowing nonetheless. “You’ve gotten the wrong person, m’am. And if there is nothing else, I shall take my leave.” He said, bowing once more and turned to leave.

                “O-Oh, dear… I’m so sorry about that. I’m sorry to have troubled you.” Seunghyun’s mother said, stopping Seungri. “To make it up to you, I want to invite you to have dinner with us, if it isn’t any trouble for you. Please, order to your heart’s content.”

                Seungri obviously could not pass up the opportunity of free food, so he agreed to stay seating himself right next to Seunghyun. Obviously, he felt quite uncomfortable towards sitting next to the prince because:

1.       He had thought that Seunghyun was an alleged ‘beast’ for a couple of days.

2.       Seunghyun was normal as hell, nothing out of the ordinary.

3.       Seungri had just turned into a girl, of course he’d feel uncomfortable. What if he gets found out?

                But he stayed, nonetheless. The four conversed quietly, earning a chuckle or two occasionally. It was honestly very nice, being entertained by Seunghyun’s mother and her embarrassed son.

                But don’t think that I’ll change my mind about Jiyong. Seungri thought, sipping on a glass of wine. I got many things up my sleeve, Choi Seunghyun.


                Night had fallen and Seunghyun had managed to drive home in the dark without ramming into any trashcans, light posts, innocent pedestrians, or soda machines. In his opinion, it was a successful drive.

                He checked his watch and sighed at the time: 12:07 a.m.               His mother decided to keep him for hours before letting him go. That plus Seunghyun mindless wandering the city after becoming hopeless lost caused him to come home this late.              

                He stealthily opened the door, making sure that it doesn’t creak and wake everyone up. What am I thinking…? I live in a freaking mansion. No one’s gonna hear me sneak inside the house. Why am I even sneaking inside…?

                “You’re late.”

                Seunghyun froze, knowing full well whose voice it is.

                “D-Daesung…” Seunghyun started, turning around and offering a big, guilty smile at his sleepy but stern friend.

                “I got hopelessly lost in the streets of Seoul and this is how you welcome me home? I could’ve died out there!” the prince whined.

                “Oh what a poor soul you are.” Daesung said dryly. “You left Jiyong here all alone. He was waiting for you all night.”

                Of course, that was like a punch to the prince’s stomach. “J-Jiyong… where is he?”

                “Sleeping on the couch.” Daesung yawned, crossing his arms and leaning on the staircase. “Poor boy was trying to make up for the lost time that you weren’t here. He tried romantic comedies to fill his tiny, lonely heart.”

                “If you’re gonna continue this, I may just melt into a puddle and die.”

                “Just stating facts.” Daesung said, shrugging. “It seems like the boy has fallen for you. All he talked about the whole day was Seunghyun this. Seunghyun that. Don’t ever leave him ever again, okay?”

                Seunghyun felt his face turn beet red. Jiyong… falling for me?

                “Yeah. It seems that way.” Daesung said, reading the prince’s thoughts. “But I don’t know. It’s only based on my assertions. But it seems like you’re not interested in him so why bother?” Daesung smirked, walking away.

                “W-Wait. Daesung.”


                “Where is the boy?”

                “He’s sleeping on the couch in the living room. It’d be ideal if you brought him up to his room. It’ll be unhealthy if he keeps sleeping on the couch like this.”

                “A-Arasso.” Seunghyun said, feeling his mind go blank as he dragged his feet towards the living room.

                Daesung tiptoed off, keeping a considerable distance behind the beast to see what he manages to pull off.

                The prince neared the sleeping boy, his blanket bunched up at his feet. He crouched down and watched the boy’s peaceful, sleeping expression. Jiyong’s soft breath lightly tickled Seunghyun’s skin, bringing a small smile to his lips. He is so precious.

                Seunghyun slowly and gently pulled the blanket over the boy, wrapping the boy in warmth as he watched the boy slumber in peace.

                He looked around to see if anyone was watching, especially Daesung. That snoop. After checking if anyone was watching, he nodded to himself, smiling contently. Slowly, he neared the boy’s face, his eyes trailing down to the boy’s lips. Closing his eyes, he softly pressed his lips against the boy’s soft lips, feeling his whole body tingle and his heart race. There was so much innocence in this boy that Seunghyun felt drawn to… yet he could not find the right words to explain what he felt about the boy.

                Finally realizing what he had done, he quickly pulled himself away from the boy, blushing another shade of deep red. He got up quickly and began walking quickly to his room, leaving the boy there to sleep without knowing a single thing.

                “Wait, aren’t you going to carry him up to his room?” Daesung said, popping his head out from his room.

                “H-He’s fine!” Seunghyun said hastily, running up to his room.

                It’s just my inner beast. Yep. Just my inner beast. Yep.

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I updated twice in a day! Make sure you read both "goodbye... For now" and "crotchshot" both!


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Chapter 56: you broke the 4th wall!
Chapter 17: Oh no evil seungri no. Ji is not ur new found toy
I want gtop gtop gtop
yolanee #3
Chapter 53: Tablo? Evil? Can't see it. xD
Chapter 28: LMFAO!!!! Top is such an idiot he is too much haha
Chapter 72: This story was amazing filled with mixed emotions! I'm going to read the sequel now, keep it up! ^^
Vip_Elf #6
Chapter 73: I loved this story!
Vip_Elf #7
Chapter 67: Omg these past two or three chapters have me crying so hard I'm just glad they're all alive
Elizabeth_081906 #8
Chapter 74: Lmfao I'm dying! I am not ! Just curious...(;
mzjonghyun #9
Chapter 72: such a great story I love it