The Boy Who Cried Wolf pt 1

The Wonderful Land of Super Junior Crack Fairy Tales


Once upon a time, in a small town that had no name do to the author's laziness and lack of creativity, there lived a boy by the name of Ryeowook. He lived with his mother Leeteuk and his father Kangin who really play no big role in the story whatsoever so perhaps it would have been best to leave them out. Oh well.




As I was saying. Ryeowook lived in this small un-named town where there only shepherd had recently gotten sick (Coughing, sneezing, throwing up, and nasty shiz like that). So Ryeowook was sent to look after the sheep until the shepherd was feeling better, which frankly Ryeowook didn't mind because he would finally escape his mother’s incessant rambling about Farmville, which even though it hadn't been created yet at this point of time, Leeteuk was just cool enough to have.



So Ryeowook was sent to the field to watch the sheep for approximately 3 days. However, in hindsight no one actually said how long the shepherd would need to get better. Maybe they just wanted to get the boy out the house. Nevertheless, whether they wanted him out the house or if it really would take the shepherd 3 days to recover, Ryeowook was to stay and watch the sheep for 3 days and protect them from wolves. He was armed with a gun to assure his parents that he would be safe if a wolf did indeed come. If worse came to worse and he dropped the gun or broke it, it would be his fault and he would be devoured and not a single person would mourn over his death-



Just kidding.



If something happened to the gun, he was to yell for help. Lucky for him the town was close so maybe someone would hear him. On the other hand, maybe not.



He was given his gun and put in the field and he sat down on the damp grass and leaned against a sleeping sheep. As the night progressed, Ryeowook began to get sleepy and a tad loopy and began having one-sided conversations with the sheep. He grabbed a nearby sheep and pulled it closer to where he sat.



"You sir, look like a very nice sheep" Ryeowook said as he held the sheep close. "Nice sheep need nice names. I shall name you Dave!" For he thought that was a very nice name, "And together we shall rule this field! And Tim. Well Tim over here can just watch". Tim was the sheep he was leaning on. "No offense Tim but you're quite the pushover, you can rule no one like that. Dave is much better than you." He said as he patted Tim's head. He took quite a liking to Tim and Dave though and they were his best friends for the night. Eventually Tim woke up and gave a low 'baaa!' then began to nip at Ryeowook elbow. A sign that the sheep was most likely tired of having this boy lean on him. 



"But Tim!" He shouted, "I thought we were friends! Friends let friends lean on each other!" 



Tim then walked away with what looked to Ryeowook like a scowl on his face. Well! He had never been so offended by anything before!



"Fine! I don't need you! I have Dave!" He shouted as he plopped back onto the grass next to Dave. He watched as Dave ate grass, "Does it taste good?" He asked. Since there was no answer, he took Dave's silence as a yes and grabbed a few blades himself then stuffed them into his mouth. The taste was bitter and he spat it back out in.



"You Dave, are a liar." He said as he spat some more green globs of chewed grass out of his mouth.



While Ryeowook tried his best to get the unwanted taste out of his mouth, he noticed something in the distance. 



A dark figure was lumbering off with Tim.



He searched for his gun but couldn't seem to locate it, so he got up and ran towards the figure screaming "Wolf!" without giving very much thought to the fact that wolves didn't walk on two feet and most certainly didn't look like humans. Long story short what this boy was doing at the moment wasn't the brightest of ideas, but I imagine it would be very funny to read about on some type of writing website.



When he had finally caught up to the figure, he turned it around and snatched Tim from his grasp. 


"Why were you walking away with Tim!?" 



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