The Kidnapping




“Oh .” I repeat.

And the stupid music is blasting through my eardrums, making it impossible for me to think clearly. Stupid music, stupid job, stupid, good-looking dancers…


Scratch that last part.

I reach for another correction arrow to shoot and make the shoelace guy forget everything.

However, just my luck, I have no arrows left in my quiver.

Remind me to thank Administration for giving us only ten arrows per day.

Then again, no Love God ever shot himself with a correction arrow… So that might explain the lack of infinite supplies.

Meanwhile, the two fated lovers stare at me in shock.

The auburn-haired one is simply blinking at me and possibly trying very hard not to laugh at me, or curse me, or something in those lines.

On the other hand, the shoelace guy’s already tanned face darkens. Not a particularly nice change from the innocent, awestruck expression he was wearing a second ago, if I’m any judge of facial expressions.

Or shoelace guys.

Well, to look on the bright side -which is really not my area of expertise, since I am a sworn pessimist- no one is shouting, just yet.

“What the hell?” The not-at-all-attractive dancer exclaims and continues to glare from my bow to my wings and then back to my face, like I’m some sort of criminal, instead of a lovely Love God.

And did I mention I am lovely?

A freaking flying carpet from Huang Zitao is definitely not worth this, I swear.

Aish! What to do now?

Knock them both out and carry them back to the Headquarters of the Love Department?

No, that’s not possible, my wreck of a motorbike could never hold the three of us.

Then should I make a run for it?

Tsk, no way… I can actually hear Head Cupid nagging me about messing up a match make and then leaving it for someone else to clean up.

And, hell, his tongue is sharp.

Is it my fault, though?

Now, this is not another attack on the concept of love; don’t misunderstand. All I’m saying is that when you’re asked to shoot magical arrows at people you’ve never met in your life, disputes like this are bound to occur.

Seriously, Love Gods need to get their own love lives and stop sneaking around everyone else’s.

We’re always working so hard, getting our wings in a twist for these ungrateful humans and all we get in return are embarrassing, sculptures of ourselves, peeing in fountains and 1,600,000 won a month.

Plus, being called ‘mythical’ and ‘imaginary’.

Well, if Love Gods don’t exist, then what am I doing here, costplaying?



Of course, why didn’t I think of this before?

“Do you like my costume?” I smile a wide, ridiculous grin at the two young men and flash them a peace sign, praying for them to be stupid enough to buy this.

“Oh, it’s lovely…” The pretty, auburn-haired one nods. “Your wings are so beautiful… It’s like they’re real!”

Well, duh!

I hold myself back from smirking obnoxiously at the comment, as I take note of the shoelace guy.

He is looking at me like I killed his cat. Eyes dark beyond darkness and narrowed at me, over a pair of lips sternly pressed together in anger.

 “Are you kidding me?” He just has to shout at me, not even taking into account my poor, weak wings that are already shaking from the loud music.

“N-No?” Not being a stuttering person in the least, I reply.

“I saw you!” The tanned, ugly boy takes an ominous step towards me and I step back, on cue.

“You-you were… With t-that bow a-and… It was… Towards m-me! You shot t-that…” He continued and I find myself strangely fascinated by the way he mumbles every word and pauses from time to time to mess his hair or stomp down his foot.

Then, I restrain myself.

Mumbling and stomping one’s foot on the floor, is what little kids do. There’s no way I could find this behavior attractive when demonstrated by a grown man.

What’s going on?” The pretty-like-a-prince-or-a-highschool-girl dancer chooses that special moment, when I’m berating myself for my thoughtless reaction, to speak to his fated lover.

“This lunatic just-” The shoelace guy opens his mouth to explain and I know I have to act fast, if I don’t want things to escalate very quickly.

I jump forward and clasp my hand over his mouth.

“It’s nothing!” I send a wide-eyed look of assurance to the dancer next to the stereo. “I’m Jongshin’s childhood friend and he is just excited to see me after all this time. Isn’t that right, Jongshin ah?”

The rather taller, dark-skinned dancer, attempts to pry away my hands and he almost succeeds until I pull a fast one on him, elbowing his left side as hard as I can.  

“He says ‘riiight’.” I add, cheshire-grinning at the pretty dancer. 

“His name is Jongin, though…” He puts in, kind of uncomfortable.

“Back when were kids, Jongshin was his nickname.” I retort.

Well, improvising is, admittedly, not my strong point.

“Oh! That makes sense.” I’m not really sure if this pretty boy is extremely polite, or simply stupid enough to believe my lies.

Either way, I’m still thankful that, unlike someone else in here, he isn’t trying to bite off my fingers, or knock me down with his long legs.

“Yeah,” I play along, more coolly now. “We’re going to this costplay tonight, so you will excuse us...”

The pretty guy scratches his head thoughtfully. “You’re going together? But if you’re Cupid, then what is Jonginnie going to be dressed as?”

 “Well, Jongin,” I pat myself on the shoulder, mentally, for getting the name right. “is going to be my target. So he just has to dress as himself.”

Honestly, this girlish guy is something else.

The one moment he sounds completely stupid and the next he asks the most difficult questions.

“And what about the person he’s going to fall in love with? Don’t you need a second target?” The auburn-haired dancer questions and it’s a good one, I’ll give him that, but I really don’t need this kind of interrogation right now.


“I’ve got a lot of childhood friends.” I lie again and apparently the more you do it, the better you become.

I swear, soon, I will become a super spy with kickass deception skills.

Taking advantage of the pretty guy’s contemplative expression, I quietly push the tanned dancer out of the room with me.

I won’t go into details about how ridiculous we both look; me trying to carry him on my shoulder, like a sack of rice, and him squirming and making muffled noises which sound alarmingly like death threats.

Three steps later, when carrying such a big and uncooperative burden starts wearing me off, I put him down and let his mouth free.

The impact makes him grimace in pain and I decide to use this chance to turn the tables. Grabbing the front of his shirt, I pull him up a bit, towards me, while I struggle to fix a menacing expression on my face.

“If you don’t stop glaring and follow me, I’m going to turn you into a frog. Do you know Pororo?” I lean even closer, enjoying only a little bit, the sense of power that his scared face gives me.

Surely I am not a sorcerer to turn anyone into a frog, but boys who spend five whole minutes tying their shoelaces wouldn’t know things like that.

And, true enough, the guy silently nods, the previous leg-kicking and squirming, completely dying down.

“If you don’t do as I say, I’ll turn you into Crong!” To be honest, I didn’t know a couple of small wings and a bow could make me so scary in the eyes of someone.

Then again, I did shoot myself in front of him…


The shoelace guy, possibly Jongin, nods again, more vigorously this time and slowly gets up on his own.

So far so good.

I push my wings back inside my shoulder blades, making sure the coast is clear before we both enter the elevator.

I press the button for the ground floor and relax a little on the elevator wall.

From the corner of my eye I can see the dark-skinned guy biting his lower lip anxiously, until it starts bleeding.

“Can you stop that? You look like I’ve beaten you up, with that bloody lip.” I grumble and he freezes mid-bite to gape at me.

His dark-brown hair is not as short as mine but not long either. It’s sticking around his face, as sweat trickles down his temple and disappears under his jawline. His eyes are dark and piercing, yet the best thing about this face is the lips.

Round, full, plump, luscious, alluring… All the adjectives coming to mind sound too cheesy to ever come out of my mouth.

I swallow hard.

Not good.

Not good at all.

I did get hit with the correction arrow after all, regardless of how hard I try to forget it.

That’s why I hate this love business.

The elevator rings, bringing me back to reality and I motion for the dancer to follow me out of the building.

Obediently, he trails behind me, like a lost puppy, while I cross the road and walk a few blocks away to retrieve my motorbike.

And he must have been quite distracted with burning holes at the back of my head, since he didn’t even notice me stopping and caused us to collide forcefully.

“S-sorry.” The shoelace guy mumbles, eyes glued to his feet now and hands wrapped around himself.

So of course I’m forced to stare at his bare arms, which might or might not be lean and toned, but certainly exposed to the cold winter weather.

Who wears sleeveless shirts in mid-January, anyway?

Cursing inwardly, I take off my black hoodie and throw it at him.

“Just put this on.” I order grumpily, since it’s so much colder now that I’m wearing only a long-sleeved shirt. “I know it’s probably not your size, but it’s better than freezing off, right?”

He doesn’t reply at this and seriously, I’m starting to get ticked off.

Even if I threatened to turn him into Crong if he disobeys me, it doesn’t mean he needs to keep quiet all the time and not even say ‘thank you’ when I practically took my clothes off for him.

Ok, that came out wrong.

But you get the point.

I pull out my cell phone and call Baekhyun for help. However, I’m only greeted by a female voice that encourages me to leave a voicemail.

Despite not being a voicemail-leaving person, I give this my best shot.

“Yah, you irresponsible joke of a Love God! How dare you not pick up my call? Especially after you got me into all this trouble.” I yell at my phone. “This match make you sent me went completely wrong. I’ve been exposed to a human and now I’ve kidnapped him. Do you understand what this means? I swear, if I get demoted because you wanted to go on a date with your badass boyfriend, I’m going to kill you, you bastard!”

Panting and feeling like it’d be a good idea to take up kick-boxing for stress-releasing purposes, I end the call and throw my phone back inside my bag.

“You!” I look up at the tanned dancer who is awkwardly trying to zip up my hoodie even though it’s obviously too small for him. “Get on the motorbike.”

Considering, he’s already seen me shoot an arrow in his face, threaten to turn him into a frog and then shout insults at a cell phone in a span of only thirty minutes, it is no surprise that the shoelace guy, Jongin, I remind myself, obeys my every word.

I drive us both through the crowded streets and outside a small barbeque restaurant- more of a grill actually- in Ogeum-dong.

A chubby lady greets us in the door and gladly directs us to a table for two near the window.

Then I look at the shoelace guy and he stares back at me, his hands in my hoodie’s pockets and his thighs slightly nudging mine under the small table.

Remind me to ask for bigger tables from now on….

 “You can talk, you know.” I cross my arms defensively and lean back on the chair to create some distance between us and, more importantly, our thighs.

A loud gasp escapes the guy’s mouth, like he’d die if I didn’t let him speak in the next ten seconds.

“Why do you have wings? Why did you shoot me with an arrow? And even though it got deflected and hit you, why aren’t you dead? How can your wings go back inside your back like that? Can you really turn me into a frog? And… erm… who are you?” He’s releasing a whole ocean of questions, while I sit here, lamenting my bad luck.

Well, it’s not like the Cupid Headquarters are the ‘Fight Club’, yet in a way, they are, because the first rule is that you do not talk about our work to humans.

And, to quote our Head Cupid, the second rule is ‘you do NOT talk about our work to HUMANS’.

In other words, if I answer all these questions now, I’m as good as dead, cause Head Cupid is going to throttle me with the string of his bow.

But look at this guy!

He’s giving me those pitiful puppy eyes and almost jumping up and down his seat at the prospect of learning all my secrets. He’s just like the little dog I always begged my parents to buy me. And to add to that, I’ve already been hit by my own arrow, while staring at him.

This is like a full-fledged love attack!

Even a level-headed, sensible Cupid like myself, has his limits.

I might not be able to hold back the information for much longer.

To be fair, though, it’s most likely that as soon as I bring the shoelace guy to the Headquarters tomorrow and after I get lectured for like a century, they’ll just use a correction arrow to erase his memory of the past two days. In which case, it wouldn’t be so bad if I told him what’s going on.

I mean, if I don’t, he’ll probably punch my face and run away to tell about this to all his friends. So, maybe I should just explain the situation and calm him down enough to stay with me till tomorrow morning.

Ok. This sounds like a plan!

“Well..?” Now, he is literally jumping excitedly, in front of me.

“I have wings, cause I’m a Love God. The arrow you saw was actually the second one I shot at you and it was to make you forget you saw me. I’m not dead, because these were magic arrows. My wings always disappear so I can pass unnoticed among humans. And of course, I can’t turn you into a frog! What are you, stupid?” I speak quickly, counting my words carefully and bracing myself for the reaction I’m about to get.

“Oh!” I almost forgot. “My name’s D.O.” I finish with a sigh.

The tanned dancer gulps visibly, his eyes popping out of their sockets and mouth agape. His fingers are clawing the table, as he leans over to give me a better look.

The worst thing about this whole situation, though, is that I still find his surprised expressions and puppy-like behavior somewhat magnetizing.

But it’s okay, I assure myself.

Because tomorrow he’ll forget all of this. He’ll forget the magic arrows, the Cupid wings and my threats about turning him into Crong.

Everything, from the color of my hair to the color of my hoodie that he’s wearing right now, all gone like a dream.

A stupid dream, in which he accidentally fell for a Love God who doesn’t understand love.



A/N: I know there wasn't enough plot development in this chapter, but I had fun writing about Jongin freaking out and Kyungsoo being bossy.

Huge thanks to all the subscribers and commentor and of course the readers!

Also, I realized I made too many references to cartoons and movies in this chapter X_x. 

Sorry about that... It just made Kyungsoo's POV look more natural.

Tell me what you thought about this!!

By the way, what do you think about the ChibiPoster for Lovestruck?

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Thank you!


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Chapter 7: OMG!! I love you author-nim <3<3 this fic is so amazing, wonderful and ONE OF THE BESTTTTT!
Wow kai is so cute like puppy >///< and i like how kyungsoo is dominant...and funny taobaek LOLOL
Thank u for ur writing!!!
Please please please continue.....update soon!!!!!
Chapter 7: Lol i cracked up reading this story
nkenyang #3
Chapter 7: omg! Kyung is soooo unconsciously falling head over heals for Jongin and he dun even know it! xD

"at least he likes cats" lmao!
Chapter 7: "Because, seriously, I’m going to, seriously. Any minute now."....Waiting
"and Zitao is the violent, Chinese mafia cop who beats the rest of you into submission. "hahaha perfect image
"Badass Timelord would have kicked my to next century (literally, I’m afraid)" *happy for the reference/great job!*
" Do Chinese people not speak sarcasm? Wait, was that racist?"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
"Reminds me of my grandpa who loved Japanese yakuza movies and only knew how to say ‘you bastard’ and ‘stick ‘em up’ in Japanese."hahahahaha whaaaaaat??
"Like the boy who cried wolf, or whatever."WOOOAAAA RELEVANT TOO,IT BLEW MY MIND
"I like him because he’s more serious than kids his age; I like him because he’s innocent and cute; I like him because he is always curious about me. But in the end, the truth is, I like him because I just do. Because if the reason I fell for him is an arrow stuck in my chest, then how can there be logic to love?"FAVORITE THING
"Jongin with his innocent pleading look has become, I think, the rock that tore my knee and the only person who can kiss it better."
"A confused-looking guy – Lay?-"
"He deadpans in a slightly foreign accent that reminds me of Tao and zombies in Chinese thrillers."EXCUSE ME *ROLF*
"sitting on top of his couch, like he’s king of the world, drinking hot milk and planning his next attack on Suho."accurate
“At least Suho likes cats.” BAM
Woaa,great,filling chapter. Full of fun,hilarious punchlines and really cute stuff and then THE PERFECTION OF WHY HE LIKES HIM UGH
Totally conpensated for the late update author-nim, it was puurfect!
suppai #5
Chapter 7: aww this end~ a-ha chen is sooo funny <3
omg i love how kyungsoo's dependent kai looks sometimes~ and i definitely love how dominant kyungsoo is here, he just don't have his innocent and immaculate image as usual.
and ooooomo some cute/funny baektao here <3
awww thanks a lot <3
nightli #6
I really don't like writing comments because i'm too lazy to do that but i really really like Kyungsoo here & the other characters!!! Thank you for an update! Your story is really awesome!!! Keep up the good work
Chapter 6: Okay, when D.O was describing who his Head Cupid was, I was like, 'this person sounds familiar...'
*Then Heechul pops into the story*
OMG! BWAHAHAHAHA! So, it was Heechul! No wonder the Head Cupid sounded familiar! XD

Aw Jongin is just so cute in here.
The other D.U.L.L are so weird!
I want Baekhyun and Tao and Kris to appear too!

Good fic idea BTW! It's so captivating!
Chapter 6: "When I stand so high above everything, I can’t help but get detached from the world. Looking down on a maze-like city, I begin to see people as mice running around frantically and suddenly, the mere thought of sending arrows to their hearts makes me feel like a real Love God."This is my favorite thing.
suppai #9
Chapter 6: i'm a little lazy now to comment but wow.
this chapter was a such masterpiece, and i really needed leave a comment here~

jongin asking kyungsoo to live together~~ /dies
jongin call kyungsoo just because he missed him~~ /sobs
chen like a stalker beside suho~~ /cries
chanyeol the legend of the strays~~ /LOL

omg i really laught a lot in this chapter~ is kai gain more personality? or is just my imagination? haha kyung will him from dance school~ so cute *o*~~

and the strays~ impossible not fall for them <3 just like a troublesome gang, i like it xD

i'm totally gled that ther others members had a little part here, will you planing put some others pairings? i see a little baektao and suchen besides kaisoo <3 if you put some little krisyeol i'll be the happiest people in the wolrd <3

omg i really need to work~~ but a big thank you for the update <3
Chapter 6: actually this job is sounds really cool. sounds like avengers-style shooting arrows and LMAO I love the members in D.U.L.L. (what does that even stand for rly)


and uh.
do we get xiuhan in this? <3)