Rabbit Hole

Rabbit Hole


You watched the rain hit the car window as your family drove out to the vacation home your parents had rented for the week. It was nice to go out there every once in a while but right now you didn’t feel like going out there. You just wanted to be back at home watching live performances of your favorite kpop bands. 

“So _______-shi are you excited to be going back to the vacation house?” your mom asked.


You put your headphones on and decided to listen to music so you wouldn’t have to listen to your parents talk. It’s not that you were mad at them or hated them, you just didn’t want to be there. You watched as you passed through the small town the vacation home was in, it was nice not busy like the city you lived in. You couldn’t help but love the town no matter how much you didn’t want to be there.trans.gif

The car pulled into the driveway of the vacation home. It was a nice white two story house that had a nice view of the ocean but was situated in a forest area. You immediately grabbed your bags from the trunk of the car and ran up to the house. You didn’t waste any time and ran up the stairs to “your” room. It was pretty big, and there was a balcony that had an ocean view, and you could also see the small town from there. For years you would just sit out there and watch the stars, you could never really get that great of a view back home. You opened the sliding door that led to the balcony and let the cool damp air hit your face, the rain had stopped so it left a blanket of rain drops everywhere.

”______-shi! We’re going to run into town to get a few things do you want to come?!” you could hear your umma calling you from downstairs.

“Yeah sure!” you closed the balcony doors and walked down stairs, where your parents were waiting. The three of you then got in the car and your dad drove you guys into town.

While in town your parents went into the grocery store to buy stuff for dinner and you decided to walk around for a little bit. The main street of the town was lined with tons of little shops, one of them caught your eye. It was the small bookstore that you always went to when you were there. You opened the door and a bell signaled that there was a customer so one of the workers came out to greet you.

“Hello welcome to our bookstore~” the boy bowed to you and you bowed back.

“Are you new here?” you asked the boy.

“Neh, I just started working here not to long ago…” he said shyly.

He smiled at you, and you were just mesmerized by it. He was very good looking, his eye smile was the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen, and his shy personality just added to how attractive he was. You blinked back to reality when he was no longer in front of you. 

‘I didn’t even get to ask what his name is…’

You walked around the bookstore and found nothing new sadly, you had read most of the books in there, and the ones you didn’t read you didn’t care for. As you were walking around the store you heard a nice voice coming from somewhere, you followed the sound and you found that it was coming from that shy worker. Sensing your presence he stopped and looked up with wide eyes and scurried away into the back of the bookstore where only employees could go.

Across the street you could see your parents walking out of grocery store so you left the bookstore and went back to the car. When you reached the house you couldn’t get that strange boy in the bookstore, he never really made eye contact with you the whole time you were in there except for when you surprised him. The rest of the night went by slowly, dinner was nothing special, and your parents just talked about how much the town changed since last year.

After dinner you went up to your room and went to sleep.

The next day you woke up and decided to go for a walk through the forest. As you were walking you noticed this little white bunny with a vest and a pocket watch. You rubbed your eyes to see if that was just your imagination but it wasn’t.

“I’m late, I’m late for a very important date. No time to say hello, goodbye I’m late, I’m late, I’m late” the rabbit said as it hopped quickly through the forest.

“Wait! Comeback!” you shouted and chased after the rabbit.

You followed it deep into the woods and finally it went down this rabbit hole that was at the base of a big tree. You bent down and looked into the hole.

“Hello~! Rabbit~!” you called, but you leaned a little to far and fell in the hole.

You screamed as you fell down. The hole was very deep and you were falling for a long time, but then you finally hit the floor of a room. You looked around very confused, it was a circular room with six different doors that lined the walls. You went to every door and tried to open it, but they were all locked. You looked and saw a table in the center of the room on it was a key. You grabbed the key and tried it in every door, but it didn’t work, then out of the corner of your eye you saw a small door. You bent down on your knees and tried the key in the small door, and it opened. Through the door you could see a nice place that was very colorful and seemed like it was a page torn out of a fairytale that came to life. You tried to squeeze yourself through the door but couldn’t make it. You looked around the room frustrated because you wanted to go to this wonderland on the other side of the door. 

You scanned the room and saw a bottle sitting on the table. You stood up and walked over to the table, there was a label on it that said “Drink Me” so you did as told and took a sip from the bottle. Suddenly everything seemed to get bigger, and you realized that the drink had shrunk you down to the size of the door. But unfortunately you didn’t grab the key and it was on top of the table, which you could no longer reach. You turned and faced the door, and a little box appeared. You walked over to it and opened it, there was a little cake that said “Eat me” written in frosting. You did as it said and were suddenly back to your normal size. You grabbed the bottle that would shrink you down, but this time grabbed the key then drank it. You put the key in the door and opened it, revealing the fairytale wonderland that amazed you. 

You walked through this forest area that had many colorful flowers, and interesting talking animals. You even stumbled upon a vanishing bobcat whose smile was very mischievous but friendly. As you continued to walk you heard a familiar voice.

“I’m late, I’m late for a very important date. No time to say hello, goodbye, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!”

You saw the white bunny in a vest and a pocket watch in his paw hopping through the forest. You chased after it not wanting to lose it this time. You followed it through the woods, and it finally stopped at a clearing. You hid behind a tree as you watched it approach a long rectangular table that had chairs around it, and as you looked closer studying the scene before you it looked like a tea party. 

“You are late Mr. Rabbit!”

“I’m sorry Mad Hatter…”

“It’s okay friend have a seat~”

Your eyes shot to the source of the voice, he was wearing a big top hat and a suit. He suddenly turned in your direction sensing your presence.

“Come out deary, we won’t hurt you~” he waved you over.

You came out from behind the tree and slowly made your way towards the table. 

“Why hello there I’m Myungsoo, but they call me Mad Hatter. Would you like to join us for tea?” he said smiling at you.

You nodded and took a seat across the table from him, as you were sitting there you looked over his features. He looked very familiar to you but you couldn’t pin point where you knew him from. His shyness seemed all to familiar, it reminded you of the guy from the bookstore.

He couldn’t take his eyes of you. To him you were the most beautiful woman in the world, your eyes were beautiful, and the way the light made them twinkle mesmerized him. Your smile was breath taking, it was love at first sight. He suddenly stood up and walked to your side of the table.

“Ma’am would you like to take a walk with me?” he asked you holding out his hand.

“Sure~” you said taking his hand.

The two of you left the table and began to walk side by side. It was so beautiful and you couldn’t help but notice how good looking the Mad Hatter was. When he smiled at you, and you were just mesmerized by it. He was very good looking, his eye smile was the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen, and his shy personality just added to how attractive he was.

“May I know your name?”

“My name is ______.”

”______… That’s a pretty name, that matches a pretty woman.”

You blushed at his sudden compliment, then he started to sing. It was the most beautiful song and voice you have ever heard, but it sounded familiar. You looked up at him and met eyes with him. He smiled and cupped your face with his hands.

“I don’t know what it is but I feel like I have known you before and from the moment I laid my eyes on you, you swept me away and left me speechless” he whispered as he leaned closer to your face. You closed your eyes as he pressed his lips to yours. He pulled away a little and smiled at you.

“I want you to have this” he held out a necklace that had a pendant in the shape of a top hat, “this may sound… cheesy… but this is my heart and I want you to have it and if we ever get separated I will find you and this necklace will tell me its you.”

You nodded and he put the necklace around your neck. You smiled and held the pendant between your fingers.

”_____-shi! Breakfast is ready!”

You jolted awake and looked around only to find that you were in your room. You sighed disappointed, you really liked Myungsoo and it was like you were meant to be together.

‘If only that wasn’t a dream…’

You got out of bed and went down stairs to eat breakfast with your parents. After breakfast you decided to go into town by yourself to walk around, so you went upstairs to the bathroom to wash up. When you looked in the mirror your eyes widened at the sight of a necklace with a top hat pendant on it. You reached towards your neck with a shaky hand and felt the necklace, holding the pendant between your fingers.

‘How can this be?!’

After you finished getting dressed you walked down to the town. You were so lost in your thoughts that you bumped into someone, and ended up on the ground.

“Oh my gosh I am so-” the person had stopped mid-sentence when he helped you to your feet.

You looked up to see who you had bumped into and froze. Your heart beat accelerated as you looked into the eyes of the person standing in front of you. His heart beat had also accelerated, his heart pounding the inside of his rib cage. He stared at the pendant on your necklace and slowly brought his hand up to it, with it between his fingers he looked into your eyes.

“I want you to have this” he held out a necklace that had a pendant in the shape of a top hat, “this may sound… cheesy… but this is my heart and I want you to have it.”

He looked at you having that sudden flashback, and whispered “______?”

You stared at him, by this time you had forgotten to breathe.

“Why hello there I’m Myungsoo, but they call me Mad Hatter. Would you like to join us for tea?” he said smiling at you.

“Myungsoo?” your voice barely audible as tears formed in your eyes.

He immediately pulled you into his arms and hugged you. He pressed his forehead to yours, “I found you.”

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a-gongjoo #1
Chapter 1: It sounds like Alice in Wonderland but he thig here is Myungie and me are destinied to meet. orz. Ignore me

I like the story ♡♡
ShawolMBLFT #2
Chapter 1: Whoah~~ that was cool~~
Chapter 1: I feel like I read the exact same thing before except with Yoseob :o but I love this story ^^
hojyasynamelia #4
Chapter 1: So cute>< Like OMG. This was creative. Inspirations:))) and I think that u guys are getting better and better at writing!!!!
Chapter 1: I honestly thought this was going to be about drugs. /)_(\
Also I was creeped out a little but it wash really cute and for something reason made me teary eyed! (X