
Where are my tears?


Two years later...

"Bye." I waved to my friends.

They waved back in return and went their ways, laughter following their direction. Heaving a sigh, I made my way towards my home and took out the spare key. Opening the door, I was greeted with complete darkness.

I walked through the dark room, not at all perturbed by the darkness, having memorized each crook and corner to the point that I could run with my eyes closed inside the whole house and not even get hurt. I spread out my hands in front of me and reached for the light, switching it on when I found it. I took off my shoes and neatly arranged them by the shelf.

The first thing I wanted to do was get out from this stuffy jeans. Sure they made my legs look skinny and even longer than usual but no one could deny the comfort of 100% pure cotton. As I entered my room, I took off my outfit and headed straight for shower.

As the water drizzled down my back, it took away all the fatigue and exhaustion I felt as the aftermath of a party held in honor of 2013. It was a restricted one, restricted as in a sense that even though we partied, we didn't get drunk and controlled ourselves to not make a fool out of oneself by going wild. As it wasn't supposed to last till midnight my guesses were my friends would be attending another party right after the former ended, most likely a club where they could finally get wasted and greet New Year with a monster hangover. I watched the water spiraling down the drain, lost to the world, unknown of its next direction and wondered if I could do the same. Then I remembered, it ended up in the sewers no matter which direction it took and suddenly the idea didn't seem appeasing at all.

When the hot water turned cold, I got out from the bath and wiped the fog misted on the mirror. What stared back at me was a pretty girl. I won't be narcissistic but I'd have to admit it myself. I was really pretty, even by normal standards. I lightly combed my hand through my hair. It had grown long.

"Long hair will look pretty on you."

"No, it's too much trouble. I like it short like this."

I searched my eyes but what stared back at me was plain black, dull set of orbs.

Sighing, I moved out from the bathroom. After I dressed in a comfortable pair of cotton shorts and a plain white tank top, I sat in front of my vanity mirror. I slowly combed through my damp hair to get rid of the tangles. While doing so, I looked at the table to see a scarce selection of cosmetic products. There were few colors of nail polish and even fewer lip-colors. I looked back at my plain face reflected in the mirror and thought 'Why not use one today?'

It was going to be New Year 2013 in an hour. Since I hardly went out, why not use it on a day like this, even though I'm home alone. This thought left me feeling giddy, as if I was almost prepping myself up for some sort of event.

My hand drifted above the gel eye-liner and I was quickly reminded how much of a pain it was to just remove it. So I settled for blue mascara instead and coated my eye lashes with it.

Mmm, my lashes are really short.


Lightly blow-drying it with air from my mouth, I touched the tips to see if it was dry or not. When I didn't get a blue smear on my fingertips, I proceeded to look at what few lip-colors I had. Finally I made my mind and decided to go with a light pink matte. It made it look like as if I had worn nothing on my lips but still managed to give it that natural pink color. Satisfied with the results, I went back downstairs to the living hall with a blanket. After turning on the TV and making the couch ready, I went to the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator, I took out the Grand Line flavored Baskin Robbins and made my way to the couch and comfortably settled in there.

Who cares if I eat one whole tub of ice-cold ice-cream right before bed time?

Definitely not me. You know why?

Because I'm immune to cold.


Ok, but seriously for some reason I'm immune to cough and cold. I never get them. I flipped through the channels and finally settled on a re-run of 'La Corda D'Oro Primo Passo'. It was one of my favorite animes and today was its last episode. I admired the whole episode silently gushing to myself whenever one of the guys played a piece for her and mentally berated Kahoko for not seeing how much the guys liked her. And lastly when Kahoko played her violin at the end, I felt really light hearted and happy.

When the program finally ended I looked at my ice-cream tub to see that it was halfway done. I flicked my eyes over to the clock in the room and noticed it read '12:01'.

"Happy New Year." I whispered to myself.


The vase smashed against the wall.

"Yah, you brat, is this what I raised you up for? So that one day you'd turn to defy your own father?" An elderly man screamed at a young guy from behind his desk.

"I'm saying enough is enough." The other retorted.

"How much more? How much farther do you have to take it till you're satisfied?" He continued.

His dark thick eyebrows scrunched up in displeasure, his anger imminent on his face.

"Whatever I've done till now, all my actions are justifiable. For the future of this company, for the future of my family. So don't blame it on me." The elder hollered back at him.

"You mean for your future." The other hissed, venom dripping from his words.

"Enough, I won't tolerate such words that doubt my actions. Even if it is from my only son."

"You lost your son two years ago." He spat back.


The young man held his left cheek which now throbbed very badly, where a very red palm-print was visible.

"Get out!" These two words hung out in the silent room.


With a brisk turn, the young man made his way to the door that led to the outside world, where the cold frosty air was less stiffening than the mood in this room.

"Know this now, if you choose to turn away, I'll sever off my ties with you. You'll lose your position in this company, your earnings, your car, your right to my will, the house, everything."

The man informed him, trying to make him realize the gravity of his actions.

However without any words, the young man left the room.

When he finally got out from the mansion, he inhaled a large gulp of air.

"I'm disowned."

This one thought rang loud and clear throughout the space and his mind.

"I'm disowned." Once again, he repeated it, wanting the word to settle in his mind and make some sense.

"Awh, wae?!!!" He whined.

Why did I have to do that?

What's wrong with saying sorry? Why did I have to act so cool?

Now I'm homeless, penniless, jobless, everything-less.


He clutched his hair, clawing into his scalp, regretting his decision just a few minutes after he made it.

"Wu 'Kris' Yi Fan, you're officially screwed."

Just then, in the sky above exploded dozens of firework in a myriad of colors, mockingly wishing him a Happy New Year.

Ok, finally made it. Happy belated New Year to all you people. I originally wanted to get the first chappie done on 1st Jan 2013 but since I couldn't I decided to do it within the first week, so here it is.

I'm sorry if Jiyeon's POV at the beginning is sad and lazy and moody. It's just so for the moment. She's a bright character here actually.

And for those of you who all guessed the guy to be Kris in the foreword, you're wrong. Hehe!

How do you like whiny Kris? Lol

Later, people.

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Chapter 2: Wow... I like krisyeon... U Like La Corda?? I like that anime too!! I like Len Tsukimori...:)
Chapter 4: This story is damn nice. Update soon juseyooo ^o^
Chapter 4: Please update.....
littlemisspretty #4
Chapter 4: Hope you update soon. :(
NatashaL1234 #5
Chapter 4: i was giggling the whole time that i read this and got scolded by my mom xD kris and his troll friends are juz so funny!!! i cant wait for him to start working and i cant wait for jiyeon to meet his friends!!!! i hope you continue this story~~~
wow .. love the story and park jiyeon .. lalala JIRIS COUPLE LOL :X
Chapter 3: i really really like your story!! <3

.. update soon (:
ice0714 #8
this is an awesomely written story! can't wait to read more!
Fariza #9
Chapter 3: I like your story so much <3
Update soon :)))
Fariza #10
Chapter 1: He must be Kris, right?
I'm curious what happen next :)