Partner mission

Forever Yours


" Yay ! I win !! HAHAHA *evil laugh*.." - KJK

"Someone looks very jealous"- JSJ

Everyone look  at Gary's face.. Gary's face was like this

 (looks unhappy , right ??))

" Jihyo and Jongkook are partner now.. There is a box .. everyone take one paper .. Each paper  has number on it .. people who get the same number will be a partner"- PD

JSJ with SJK, Gaary with Haha , LKS with JSJ

"okay .. The 2nd mission is .. look at your back.. theres an aquarium full of loach fish.. "- PD

"look at Jihyo's face XD hahaha " - Haha

Everyone laugh

"There are 15 pieces of puzzles... solve the puzzle in 5 minutes"- PD

" What ?! Oppa !!  im scared of fish  . AHAHA !! * crying*"- SJH
" Dont worry, Jihyo.. Im here to help you.. "- Kjk

She  smile...

"okay.. KJK and SJH Strt first.. Your 5 minutes start now ! " - PD

They succeed on the first try..

Then , the 2 of them get into the car after they get the next mission

'Go to market and buy ingredients for dinner.. ' - The mission card

While Jongkook was driving ...

" Oppa , its like we have meet a long2 time ago :)"- SJH

" HAHA .. I know.. So , what are we going to cook for our dinner ??"- KJK

" Lets cook a Thai's food.. Mmmm.. Tomyam ?"- SJH

" Its a great idea.. Do you know how to cook ??"-KJK

"HEY! Im chef Jihyo ! Of course I know how to cook " - SJH

" haha.. okay .. Then, Im so Lucky ... We are here !

Meanwhile at Haha and Gary 's car

" What are we going to buy ?? " - Haha

" Kimchi Stew ?? " - Gary

" Thats a great idea" - Gary

" M.. What  do you think about jihyo ?? Shes pretty , right?? *blushing*"- Gary

"MUahahaha!! hahaaha!! You like her ?? " - Haha

" A lil bit .. HAHA XD " - Gary

After they all bought their ingreedients .. they went to the running man studio house to cook..

SJH's and KJK's Thai Tomyam


Gary's and Haha's Kimchi Stew


LKS's and JSJ 's bulgogi


YJS's and SJK's japchae


After that , The judges eat the food that they've prepared

"okay .. today we have 2 judges.. this is RM's PD"- YJS


" and Ko dong wan .. haha"- YJS

" please comment" - LKS

" Emmm.. The Tomyam is very delicious .. But if you add some chillies it will be more delicious" - Dongwan

"AISH!! what do you know abt food ?? "- KJK

dongwan and the other just laugh

" its delicious.. very delicious" - PD comment abt the kimchi stew

"this bulgogi smells delicious.. but , when you eat it you will throw it .. "- DOngwan (This comment is a llil bit evil .. haha .. sorry easy brothers)

" hey !! Do you know how to respect people that older than you ?! "- JSJ

everyone laugh.. hahahaha

" and the last one is japchae.... the taste is so good.. now we have to make a decision.. and The winner goes to the Stew Kimchi! "- PD

"yeah !!" - Gary and Haha

"and the worst one goes to bulgogi !! you will received the punnishment"- Dongwan

"Punninshment ?? "- LKS

The Pd gives easy bros a box.. the easy bros open the box and saw a blusher, eyeshadow, lipstick etc.

" The other member will makeup the lose partner... after that , take some pics and pose like a bride and groom"- The instruction

all of them laugh so hard.. expt easy bros beacause they were shock XD ahaha

Then, the RM shooting end


Should I ask her for a date ?

Yes or no ??

It will be great if she yes..

but If she say no?

What will I do ??

Hmm.. Think JOngkook.. Think ..

I think I should ..

End of POV

When Jongkook is looking for Jihyo , he was shocked because he saw Gary was kneeling infront of Jihyo..

" Jihyo, will you date me ?? " - Gary

'Please say no ! please! '- jongkook said to himself

"yes.. I would like to date you :)" - Jihyo

Gary and Jihyo feel so happy.. But Jongkook ?? What will happen to him ??


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Chapter 6: Author nim update soon
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