It's All about ME!

I need a Saviour


"Is this thing on...?" Itsuaru said as she fluted with the camrea. 

"No no...It goes on the tripod..." Mr. Yaehu, a daily camera man for Korean Teen TV, said as he took the large camera and set it up. The camera pointed to Itsuaru.

Itsuaru sat on a high stool sitting with good posture agaisnt a red curtian.

"Are getting started yet?" She said little annoyed.

"Yes we are..." Mr. Yaehu.

"So what, is this like an interview or something?..." Itsuaru asked staring at Mr. Yaehu.

"Something like that, yes...Just make sure you look at the camrea." 

"Oh okay..."

"were on in 5, 4, 3..." Mr. UniaE, the audio man said using his fingers as a count down.


"Hello Everyone! Coming to you live, I'm Taiko Kazuho! And streaming in from Seoul Korea is the fiery young "Queen Bee"; Itsauru Wasung!" Korea Teen TV host Taiko Kazuho annouched on a 15 inch screen tv which was set up just above the live camera. A tall lamp was set up to her right to capture her flawless beauty.  

"For the record, my nickname is Saru. So get it right!" Itsuaru said to the camera.

"Whooaa! You hear that folks!? She is on fire!" Taiko said to the live audiance who "whoa" and "woed" in the crowd.

Itsauru didn't smile nor did she giggled. She brushed her camel striaght bangs out of her eyes. It was obvise that she was beautiful, but it was the fact that she knew she is beautiful, was her alternate power. 

"So, Saru what do you like about your peers?" Taiko asked grinning widly with his plastered white false teeth.

"Peers? What peers, I'm not a teacher you know,...I'm in the 11th grade." Itsauru said rudly.

Mr. Yaehu and Mr. UniaE started to laugh silently. They guess she misunderstood the word Peers and Itsuaru mistakenly thought it was pupcils. Taiko and the audiance also laugh. 

"Well then, do you like your school?" Taiko asked.

"Of crouse, I LIKE my school. I'm like The Queen and the school is MY Kingdom... And those losers you call peers are the peasents..." she said sounding satifasted at the last part.

"Wow what a better way to describe it...Well do you have a favorite; subject, class,or  teacher?"

"I don't have a favorite...." Itsauru said bluntly and well looked rather annoyed.

"So why do you think you are the queen of your school?" Taiko ask holding a microphone up.

"oh I don't think that I am..." She glared at the camera, "I KNOW THAT I AM." She said with confideance.

"I assume you're running for Homecoming..."

"Oh I am. But its not like I have too, Because even if I don't run I'll still be voted for Homecoming Queen."

"Who will you go with?" Taiko asked.

"Hmm I don't know...Who ever askes me..."

"Do you believe you are representing the school?" Taiko asked.

"Of crouse I am! That school is nothing with out me! My parents are flithy rich because they won the loddery. And since I beg them to go to a public school, they donated over 100 thousand dollars just to let me in. Can you believe my parents wanted me to go to a all girls privite school?! Like EW! And the parents of those students are so proud that their duaghters are s...That's because it's an all girls school for the *Lesbanes*!" Itsuaru said.

Some of the audiance laughed others "booed"

"Well, What are your goals for the furture?" Taiko asked distracting the audiance.

"In my furture I see myself marring a flithy rich boy."

"But you are in fact already rich, am I right? Why marrying someone with money?"

"Because Its MONEY! Are you stupid?! Everyone loves money!"

"Well you sign a prenumtricall agreement if you do?" 

"Of crouse I am! What's mine is NOT his! But what his IS MINE and if he dosen't like it then I'll say so long to him..."

"Do you want any kids?"

"NO! KIDS are grost and annoying! They slibor and they like to ruin everything that they touch. And besides If I did have a kid who would take care of me?"

"Do you define yourself as normal?"

"WHAT IS THIS? SOME TYPE OF 21 QEUSTIONS!? No one is normal! There are just a lot of werid poeple with things in common." She said the last part, almost in a whisper. 

"Are you happy with yourself?"

Itsuaru looked at the camrea, "Why wouldn't I be happy?"


*few hours later*

"THAT MOTHERF-!!!" Itsauru gripped the Korea Teen TV magazine in her hands staring angerily at the section named, "At least Regina George has class But Itsaura Wasung is flat out MEAN." 

Itsauru sat at her lunch table. At her side was her two servents; Minsoo and Aiko.

Aiko like Itsauru was mean. But it was her careless "I don't give a damn" attuide that striked as mean. Her face, cursed with no emoation. But her eyes striked as an supernatural glase.Her long jet black hair and her white complextion gave her the "creepy asian girl" look. But it was her death defining stare that huanted the students.  Almost as if she was going to turn into a monster. Itsauru was infact evil, but Aiko was no doubt SCARY.  

But Minsoo wasn't like Aiko and Itsauru...she was nice. But being so nice has it's flaws. She knew everything about everyone. Her young and cute appearance made it easier to gain peoples turst and also gain easy extast to their information. But don't worry, it's not like Minsoo planned it. She was obilvious to her good kind nature and didn't take avangate of poeple, unlike Aiko and Itsauru. It was because of her innocent nature, she can't take avangate of people. Or at least she wasn't self concussion of it.   

"He is comparing ME to a FICTIONAL CHARACTER!?" Itsauru snapped.

"But...Saru...You do kinda..remind everyone of her." Her friend Minsoo said.

Itsauru glared at Minsoo, "She's FICTIONAL!  MEAN GIRLS was a clever and a genis movie...BUT I DON'T CARE IF REGINA WAS THE DAMN JOAN OF ARC! No one will compare me to ANYONE ELSE!!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

Minsoo blinked and nodded instandly. She then bowed to her, "Forgive me!"

Itsuaru smiled gently, "oh I can't say mad at you!" She patted Minsoo oh her head.

"Tsk!" Aiko rolled her eyes.

"What was that?..." Itsauru turn to Aiko.

"What was what?" Aiko asked bluntly.

"Did you just, tsk me?" Itsauru asked.

"Oh come on, Saru. What do you want me to do, breathe on your cue?" Aiko said sounding scarastic.

" know thats not a bad idea." Itsauru said looking up as if it was a thought of her own. 

"good luck with that." Aiko said bluntly.  


A/N: hey everyone ! its not finished but i hope you enjoyed it lol and i did the background image and the main image using photbucket :D




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