Jealous of an actor?

Jealousy revealed his feelings


Baby look at me now, look at me now,

Baby look at me now, look at me now…

“Oh, God, who dares to wake me up at this early hour? Really... It’s not even lunch time... Fine, I’ll pick up, just to stop this horrible thing.”


-Yeoboseyo? Yora-ah, you were still sleeping?

, it’s my friend’s brother, Yoseob.

-Yeah, kind of… I barely managed to say.

-Yah, are you sick? Did you catch a cold? You know you should wear warmer clothes but you are so stubborn and don’t listen to anyone. Did you take any medicine? He kept asking me so many question that my head couldn’t process everything he was saying.

-It’s j-just a-a-a small cold, I-I-I am o-okay, Yoseob-ssi… I tried to talk to him as normal as possible, but I couldn’t. I was coughing continuously, my nose was running and my throat was hurting like hell. How could I even get into this state? I was sick. Terribly sick. And I had another problem. I had promised Yoseob that I would help him with his English. It’s true that I am younger than him, but I’ve been studying it since kindergarten so I am pretty good at it. Yoseob-ssi, I am very sorry but I am afraid that I won’t be able to help you today with your English. I will definitely make it up to you. I give you my word… He cut me off:

-I don’t care about that, dammit! Is your brother at home? I need to make sure you take your medicine and eat something healthy.

-Anio, Gikwang oppa is not home. He told me yesterday that he had to run some errands.

-Oh, really? Then hold on, I’ll be at your place in 15 minutes.

-Yoseob-ssi, there’s no need to-… And he didn’t wait for me to say something. Great. I was still in my pj’s, my hair was a complete mess. I got up and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower but my entire body was aching so I decided to only wash my face. When I saw my reflection in the mirror, I thought I looked like a zombie. I was scared myself of my appearance, what would Yoseob say? Aish, I really didn’t need that. I went out of the bathroom and tried to fix my bed sheets but I heard a knock. Perfect. 15 minutes sharp. He surely is a man of word. I opened the door and he barged inside.

-Yah, you, go in your room right now and cover yourself with some blankets. He gently touched my forehead and said: you have fever. How could you be so… Aish… I think you made some efforts to catch this kind of cold.

And he went to the kitchen to prepare something.

-Yoseob-ssi, what are you doing there? I asked him in a low voice.

-I will make you some chicken soup. And I brought you some medicine. Go in your room and I will bring you whatever you need, he said without looking at me. I had never seen this side of him. I mean, he was always bright and joyful whenever I would see him, but now he was totally different. And it kinda scared me. But I listened to him and I went to my room. Soon after, he followed.

-I brought you this, it’s hot, be careful. And after you eat this bowl of soup, take these pills and I will bring you a cup of tea. And he turned his back, heading towards my kitchen.

-Yoseob-ssi… I  tried to say.


-Uhmm… Thank you… I am sorry for ruining your day… I told him and lowered my head.

-There’s no need to thank me. I came here because I was worried… he smiled and blushed a little. After all, you are my sister’s friend, and her friends are my friends. He flashed that smile of his that makes me melt. Now eat everything up. Ppalli!

-Yes, sir! I told him and smiled.

To be honest, I hadn’t thought that he could cook, but his soup was wonderful. So tasty that I ate it almost on spot. I took the medicine he had given me and waited for him patiently.

-Wow, you are so quick. Did you like it? he asked me, a small smirk forming on his lips. I didn’t want to offer him this satisfaction so I put on a poker face.

-A bit tasteless but I was hungry. Thank you for your efforts. I couldn’t possibly act like a fangirl in front of him. His soup had been delicious and seeing him in front on me, taking care of me…  Wow…

-You’re welcome. Now, let’s see your forehead. Hmm… Your fever has dropped. That’s good. I guess the medicine I gave you is indeed working.

-I guess so… Uhmm… Can I… I got bored here so I was thinking of going in the living room to watch TV. What do you say? I asked him.

-Ok, but take a blanket with you, he said.

-You can join me, if you want. I bet you are tired after taking care of me…

-Oh, ok… What are we going to watch? He said and helped me to get off of my bed.

-I don’t know. What time is it? Oh, it’s “City hunter” right now on TV. Let’s go! I said impatiently.

“<< City hunter>>? Does she like that drama? How could she not like it? Every girl likes it because of Lee Minho… “

We both sat on the couch and I the TV. It had already started.

-Oh, God, he’s so handsome I fangirled in a low voice. The truth is that I like Yoseob since day one. Whenever I see him, my heart beats faster than usual and I feel all my blood going up, resting on my cheeks. I had always wondered whether he was aware of my feelings towards him. I continued to giggle and smile like a fool every time I saw Lee Minho on screen and I felt Yoseob stiffen. Maybe he didn’t like the drama. Maybe he didn’t like being near me. After 30 minutes, he took the remote from my hand and turned the TV off.

-Yah, I was watching that! Give it back to me! I yelled at him.

-No! I am sick and tired of you fangirling! Do you know how I feel? I am here, 20 cm between us, and you keep giggling and drooling because of that… that actor. Am I not good enough for you? Is that guy your ideal and I am just… just the guy you help with English tutoring?

I was speechless. What was he trying to say? And seeing him that angry scared me a little but I actually enjoyed it.

-What do you mean? I like him. So what? Am I not allowed to like whoever I want? I spat at him.

-I want you to like me just like I do. I don’t like to see you all over that guy. Was I clear enough for you? He said breathing heavily.

Did he really say that? He liked me?  Was I dreaming? I shook my head and pinched my hand.

-Ouch, that hurt… I whined.

-Yora, what are you doing? Why did you do that? he asked me looking strange at me.

-Well, I’ve always dreamt this moment. And when I heard you telling me that you liked me, I thought I was dreaming again… But I guess you really do…

-Wait, you’ve dreamt about this? And this means that you… you…

-Yes, I like you. I like you a lot. I’ve never had the guts to tell you but hearing you confessing…  I guess it was the right time to tell you how I feel towards you.

Silence took over the living room. We were looking each other in the eye and remained silent.

-Hey, sis, I’m hooooomeeeee! Wait, what? Yoseob-ah, what are you doing here? It was Gikwang my brother.

-Uhmm… I…  Yoseob didn’t manage to say any word.

-Yoseob oppa came here to help him with his English but I don’t feel well so he agreed to stay with me because you were away.

Gikwang was taken aback by my words and remained silent.

-Yah, shame on you, Lee Gikwang! Your sister is sick and you only care about yourself? Said Yoseob, almost bursting into laughter.

-But… But I didn’t know she was sick… Yora, are you ok? Do you need anything? He started panicking.

-No, oppa. I’m fine now thanks to Yoseob oppa.

-Wait, since when… When did you start calling him “oppa”?

I guess he finally realized what was going on since a sly smirk appeared on his face. I knew he would make fun of me, but I was happy. Yoseob liked me and that was all that mattered. And everything happened thanks to “City hunter”. Such a great drama!


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