


You looked up from your laptop when you heard the door to your apartment slam shut. You saw Woohyun kick off his shoes and walked into the living room where you were sitting, a visible scowl on his face.

"Hey," you greeted from your seat on the floor, "There's some leftover chicken in the fridge if you want some."

He grunted in reply and stomped into the kitchen.

"What's wrong with him?" you mumbled with your eyebrows furrowed.

You shrugged your shoulders and turned back to the essay that you were writing for one of your classes.

You could faintly hear rustling sounds coming from kitchen with occasional sounds of the cabinets slamming shut. You tried to block them out and focus on your essay that was due at the end of the week and worth a third of you final grade.

When the sounds suddenly stopped, you let out a sigh in relief. As you typed you second body paragraph, you suddenly got a feeling that something wasn't right.

The apartment was quiet, way too quiet.

When Woohyun would come home after a long day of schedules or practices, he would always tell you about his day, not matter how tired he was. Even if his day was horrible, he would still let you know about it. But tonight was different. He didn't say a single word to you since he came home. The only noise he made was that single grunt.

Shutting you laptop with a grunt, you walked towards the kitchen and froze in the doorway when you saw Woohyun sitting on the small table in the kitchen cutting his chicken with an angry.

Well, cutting would have been an understatement. He was more like murdering it.

"What are you doing?" you asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"Eating," he muttered before shoving a piece of chicken into his mouth.

You watched Woohyun struggle to cut his chicken, frustration starting to appear on his face.

"You do realize that you're cutting your chicken with a butter knife, right?" you tilted your head the side.

Your boyfriend let out a huff and dropped his utensils on his plate. He picked up the plate of the half eaten chicken and rice and threw the entire thing in the sink. You wordlessly moved out of the way as he stalked past you.

"Good thing that plate is plastic," you mumbled, looking over your shoulder at the sink as you followed Woohyun back into the living of the apartment the both of you shared. 

He threw himself onto the couch and covered his eyes with one of his arms.

"Hey, what's wrong?" you asked, standing next to him.

"Nothing," he muttered.

You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, "I know you're lying to me."

"I'm not lying. Nothing's wrong," he said with a dead tone in his voice.

You puffed out your cheeks and dropped your arms to your side.

'Okay, something is definitely wrong. I just have to get it out of him,' you thought as you stared at the boy who was laying motionless on the couch.

You felt an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realized there was only one way to get Woohyun to talk.

You were never one of those super cutesy girls. But you knew that Woohyun loved your aegyo, no matter how rarely he saw it. You wouldn't call yourself a feminist, but you did believe that being cute isn't the right way to get what you want.

'This is the only time,' you chanted in your mind as you kneeled down next to the couch.

Taking a deep breath and in your pride, you balled up your hands into fists and placed them under your chin.

"Oppa!" you said in the cutest voice you could muster, internally cringing when you heard your voice leave your mouth.

Woohyun tensed and lifted his arm off of his face as he slowly turned towards you. His eyes widened in shock when he saw your face inches from his.

"Can you please tell me what's wrong?" you asked with a small pout.

"N-Nothing's wrong, ______-ah," Woohyun said, already feeling his anger starting to melt away.

You threw your fists down into your lap as you threw a cute tantrum, "You're lying to me again!"

"Okay! Okay! I'll tell you what's wrong!" Woohyun buried his face into one of the couch cushions, "Just stop being so cute!"

"Thank gosh," you sighed, "Now move over."

Woohyun his side to make space for you to lay on the couch next to him. You laid on your side next to him and Woohyun wrapped his arms around your waist so you wouldn't fall off the couch.

"Okay, mister, now tell me what's wrong," you poked his chest with every word causing Woohyun to let out a soft laugh.

He let out a sigh and hugged you tighter, resting his forehead on the top of your head, "It's just been a long day."

"What happened?" you mumbled, playing with the hem of his shirt.

"I just couldn't seem to get anything right today. I kept messing up in dance rehearsals and going off key during vocal training. And the members were already exhausted, but I just kept messing up," he said, shaking his head.

"Everybody has their off days, Woo," you looked up at him.

"I just feel so horrible that they had to go through that because of me," he frowned.

You took his face between your hands and forced him to look you in the eye.

"Nam Woohyun. Don't feel horrible about making mistakes, you hear me? I know that you weren't doing it on purpose and I'm sure that the members know that too. Even the greatest performers make mistakes sometimes. Just, think of it as a learning experience. You're not going to make the same mistakes that you made today, right?"

Woohyun nodded his head slowly.

"Good," you smiled and gave him a light pat on the cheek, "Now stop sulking. It's really bringing down my mood."

Woohyun chuckled as you released his face and wrapped your arms around his waist, snuggling into his chest.

"Thanks, jagi," his whispered and pressed a kiss onto of your head.

"No problem," you mumbled as you closed your eyes.

"Hey, don't you have an essay to write?" he asked when he noticed you starting to fall asleep.

"Shhhh, I'll worry about that later," you hushed, "Right now, let's just sleep."

And the both of you did. 

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akared #1
Chapter 1: omo!!!!! this is so cute!!
Chapter 1: awww thats so cute!!! *-*
Chapter 1: so cute <3
Chapter 1: Aww;
This oneshot is so cute!!! :)
Love it!!