Painted Fate

"I'm sorry, Jieun-ah." It was what escaped his lip, begging for her forgiveness.

Jieun said it was okay, it wasn't his fault at all. She is okay with it; she has forgiven him even if he didn't asked her to. She loves him and she understands him. It wasn’t his fault, it was hers. She has become a burden to him. He has become like this because of her. She must understand.

“I’m really sorry, Jieun-ah.” He falls to her knee.

“No, it’s okay, Myungsoo. I love you.” Her pale purple lip forms a faint smile.

He badly wanted to touch her, but she chooses to stay there, keeping herself away from Myungsoo. It’s like she avoided him, it’s like she fears him. He must have left lots of scars on her body, not only on her body but also inside her heart. He has broken her, broke her even though she has been broken beyond repair.

“Jieun-ah,” Myungsoo stood up, wanting to hold her tight.

But Jieun avoided him. She is afraid of him. She fears him.

A week has passed; the scar that was left because of the incident has slowly fade away. The broken house has been repaired by Myungsoo himself. The broken glasses, he has repaired it. Her favorite vase, he has bought her a new one. The photos, he has stuck them together again. Her ripped clothes, he has brought her a new wonderful one. However, there is one thing he could not repair, ever again, her.

Jieun always give him her sweetest smile. She always greeted him with her soothing voice. She always prepares him his favorite food for breakfast. She has reverted back to usual. It’s like she has truly forgive her man. She seems to be recovering well; her scars are no longer visible. It has disappeared, Myungsoo has treated her well. But she is broken.

Beneath her beautiful smile he could see tears flowing down her cheek. Beneath her soothing voice he could hear her cries. Beneath his favorite food, he could see her fears. Beneath her invisible scars, he could see her pain. She is in pain.

Day by day, the days just passed like nothing happen. Myungsoo has to go to work, although he badly wants to stay with her. He has made an unforgivable mistakes, Lee Ji Eun might never forgives him ever again. She might have recovered, from all her pain and scars. But she always keeps her distance from him. She didn’t want to be touch by him.

Myungsoo could went to her and hold her tight, inside his embrace. Jieun wouldn’t refuses and shooed him. She would gladly let him embrace her. If Myungsoo suddenly kiss her, she wouldn’t bit his lip, she would let him taste her lip. But Myungsoo could feel it, her unwillingness. She hates it, she fears his touch. He could feel the distant between them.

He can’t revert back time, he knew that. If he could, he would do it even if it means sacrificing himself. He loves her, no one can deny that. He may never show that, but you could just see it, just from the way he looks at her. The truth is, he always shows it to her. He would never hurt her. But this time, it’s him who has hurt her. No one can deny that.

He should just die! Die you, Kim Myungsoo! Die! Die! Go away! Die!

He has been too cruel to her. He should just die. He didn’t deserve her anymore. He didn’t deserve to have someone like her. He didn’t deserve to be her lover. He didn’t even deserve to loves her. He has hurt her. It’s all his fault.

He just came home, feeling very tired. He has been thinking, way too much. Jieun could see it in his eyes. The black circles under his eyes have become clearly visible, much more visible than the previous day. Jieun know he has been thinking, about her, precisely. She has been such a burden to him. May be she should just disappear, shouldn’t she?

Jieun was actually having a shock, seeing her lover in that state. His usually neat and clean appearance has turned messy. He is in a chaos, again because of her. He has broken her heart; it’s something that no longer can be denied. It is his fault, but also her fault. His dark black hair, one of his charms, has turned unbelievably messy.

“Myungsoo, what happen?” Jieun couldn’t help but asked. She has been distancing herself and it must have affected him.

“Jieun-ah, would you please forgive me?” Myungsoo pleaded everyday he would beg for her forgiveness.

If it’s his old-self, he would be drunk by now. His heart keep on aching and it got worse by time. Myungsoo couldn’t even live anymore, because she hated him. But no, he won’t ever get drunk again. He doesn’t want to hurt her again. He doesn’t want her to be broken again.

“Myungsoo, it’s okay. It wasn’t your fault.” Jieun said.

She said it, again and again, answering his question with the same answer again. His one and only question, he asked it every day, just to hear the same answer coming out from her lip. She said it with a smile, yet he could only see her pain. She said it softly, yet he could only hear her cries.

“Then sleep with me, tonight.” He looks at her, staring at her beautiful eyes. He missed her, he missed her a lot. She has been avoiding him. He missed her, although he always sees her every single day.

Jieun took a step backward, literally avoiding him. Myungsoo know it, she would likely to refuse. No, she won’t refuse. She would fulfill his wills, but she would be hurting inside. She would be bottling it all, her pain, and her tears. Because they are madly in love.

“I haven’t been sleeping for the past week.”

It’s true. Jieun know that, the fact the he hasn’t been sleeping for days. She too, hasn’t been sleeping for the last few days. When night fall and darkness wrapped the earth, she would fell asleep, letting him be alone. She know, Myungsoo would stood in front of her door, waiting for her to wake up. Sometime, he would peek her, simply to make sure she is alright.

He is very guilty. He is scared that she would run away. And she, she is scared. She fears him. She is full of scars.

“Okay then, Myungsoo.”

“Jieun, please. I’m begging you. Please, don’t hate me.”

“I don’t hate you, Myungsoo. I never could.”

“Jieun-ah, I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Again, that smile of hers.

It didn’t take that much time, before Myungsoo drag her to his room. He loosens his tie, and s his shirt. He took off his shirt and quickly changes to a plain white shirt. Jieun was standing still, hesitating to take another step, entering his room. It’s true after all, she fears him. She is hurt.

Myungsoo let his gaze pierce through Jieun. He misses her, her everything. Her scent, her warm, her gentle gaze, her soothing voice, her smile, he misses her a lot. He gazes at her, gently. He walks through her, hugging her tight.

“I’m begging you, Jieun. Forgive me.” His tears fall.

Myungsoo could feel her fingers, running through her chest. Within a second, she patted his back, ruffling his hair gently. She is fragile and vulnerable, inside his embrace. Myungsoo wanted to hug her tight, but he is honestly scared. He is scared that he would once again hurt her and break her. Because she is fragile, just like a crystal.

“It’s okay, Myungsoo. I forgive you. Hug me tighter, I would be fine.” Jieun said.

Myungsoo didn’t even let go of her. He hugs her tight, tighter. She is here right now, with him, inside his embrace. But why can’t he feel her? Suddenly, he pushes her to the bed. Soon, he too fall asleep, with her inside his embrace.

He is at fault. The broken bond, how would he fix it?

I’m sorry, Jieun-ah. That word, would it be enough?



Wah, can't believe I did this chapter! I too, feel anxious while writing this. Hope this is good enough. Lots of angst today, since I'm pretty anxious today. Hehehe.. Anyway, here's chapter 5. I'm deeply sorry for the late update. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting. Here you go! Enjoy, subscribe and comments! Thank You!

I actually plan to give you a double update today. But I haven't been able to finish the next one. I'm sorry. Give me lots of supports and comments and I might be able to finish it.










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Chapter 11 up! Please leaves me more comments! I will updates the next chapter as soon as I get enough comments kekeke.. I love reading comments!


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uaenaland #1
Chapter 18: Damn how could you make it so sad :`( . It's a great story
Hiiiii <3 I'm very sorry~But i'm deleting my review shop /sighs/ miahneyo~♡
familywinnerx #3
MilkyCouple4ever #4
Chapter 18: This chapter is awesome!! I can picture it in my head and damn my tears keep flowing
MilkyCouple4ever #5
Chapter 17: Need Valentine's special part 2
Chapter 17: Update!Update!Update!
Loving it!!! ^^
Chapter 16: oh hell yes I want a valentine special chapter of this two... :D
Chapter 16: omo why did i just find this now T_T I'm crying all alone in front of my laptop not knowing i skipped so many parts after i thought myungsoo was dead, the only part i continued to read some was if it's myungsoo and jieun together.

Anyways yyyyyeeeeeesssss of course we would want an additional chapter just for valentines day where everything is romantic,

thanks author-nim /bows 90 degree/ make another fanfic of myungu again please~

/screams/ KAMSAHAMNIDA :)
Chapter 16: yessssssssss XD of course :3 can you update that tomorrow ? :"> on Valentine day :3 I can't wait to read it :)
kamsahamnida :)
Chapter 15: Ahhh... I love the ending... even though they only reunited after both of them are dead, at least they're both happy in the end... :D