I'll keep you close to me

I'll keep you close to me.

gif is not mine. Credit to its owner ^^


It’s Sunday morning and you don’t  know what you’re going to do for the rest of the day. Since it’s still early, you decide to sit back and relax with a cup of your favorite coffee for a while and then you’ll figure out what to do later. You walk into the kitchen and make one. The smell of the fresh brewed coffee really brightens up your face. There’s nothing better than a cup of coffee in the early morning. You take a seat by the dining table and place your coffee in front of you. It’s nearly 8 o’clock in the morning but the sky is still dark like 8 o’clock at night. It’s going to rain again, you sigh. You wrap your arms around you and give yourself a tight squeeze, trying to warm yourself up in the chilly morning.

You close your eyes and take in a deep breath. When you exhale, you open your eyes again and observe the empty living room. You take a sip of your coffee, letting it replace the worries in your head with happiness. You trace your fingers on the mouth of the coffee mug, thinking about your brand new life. The silver diamond ring shines in the middle of the morning darkness, leaving a smile on your face. You are now Mrs. Kim, and you like how it fits you very well. Himchan and you tied the knot just a few weeks ago and both of you just got back from your honeymoon yesterday. The Fiji Island is such a beautiful place. It’s the perfect place to fall deeper in love with your loved ones. In your case, that special person is Kim Himchan.

Marrying Himchan is the most beautiful thing that happened to you. Your life had turned out very well after the marriage. Himchan bought this house in a peaceful neighborhood months before your marriage. You remember getting shocked by his big move and scolded him for making decisions without your opinion. But then, you’d always trust him with his decision—even now  and to be frank, his style is similar to yours. You smile slightly, thinking how funny your husband can be. You take another sip of your coffee, feeling happy and grateful that he is the right one and will always be the one that you love.

Himchan is back home from the grocery store and honks the car, breaking the silence around the house. He parks the car in the garage since its drizzling outside. Himchan alights from the car with the groceries in his hands and locks the car. You make your way to the front door and walk to your husband, wanting to help him with the stuff he bought. You hop lightly down the doorsteps with a bright face, feeling happy and content that he’s back by your side. The steps are wet by the rain and before you know it, you’re falling onto the ground with your face heading down and sprain your left ankle. You totally forgot that they are really slippery when it rains.

‘Ouch!’ you scream in pain.

‘Jagi?!’ Himchan runs out of the garage with full speed. As soon as he sees his wife on the ground, Himchan puts the grocery bags aside and comes to your aid. He is extremely worried and shocked to see you on the ground, screaming in pain.

‘Yeobo. It hurts. I think I just sprained my ankle. Ahh, it hurts!’ you try to get yourself up from the ground and straighten your legs. Your ankle is hurting like crazy right now. Without hesitation and questions, Himchan quickly scoop you with his arms and bring you inside the house. Both of your clothes are a little wet but Himchan is more worried about you than himself. He doesn’t want you to catch cold from the rain. He doesn’t want you to be sick or get injured like this. If he could turn the tables around, he is willing to take up the pain for you rather than seeing you miserable like this.

‘Jagi, are you okay? Where do you hurt yourself huh?’ Himchan gently puts you on the sofa and help you straighten your legs. Himchan sits by your leg and he can see your left ankle is starting to swell.

‘My left ankle. It hurts.’ You point your fingers to the swollen ankle. Himchan gently observe your foot, trying not to give you any additional pain. His face is filled with love and care, and seeing your husband like this actually blows the pain away. You smile at the sight of his worried gaze.

‘Haven’t I told you that the steps are slippery when it’s wet? Now look at your foot. It’s swollen. Do you know how worried I am seeing you slide down the steps earlier?’ Himchan whines—as usual as he massages your foot slowly to ease the pain.

‘Does it hurt?’ Himchan looks up to you as he massages your foot. His eyebrows furrowed when he sees you smiling to him.

‘Why are you smiling? Are you pulling pranks on me? You’re not even hurt?’ Himchan is being funny and silly right now. He stops massaging your foot and looks into your eyes with worried expression.

‘Why did you stop massaging my foot, yeobo? Please do it again, yeobo. Pleaaaaaaaaase’ you plead cutely. You know he can’t stand it when you’re being cute and he’ll give up any time now. But this time, it didn’t work.

‘It’s not funny, jagi. I’m very very very very very very  worried, you know. Can you not joke around like this? And no, your cute expression won’t get to me this time.’ Himchan pulls your toes on your left foot and you scream in pain.

‘Yeobo! It hurts! I’m not faking this, yeobo. I really sprained my ankle. It really hurts! How can I fake the swollen part eh?’

‘You got a point there. Does it really hurts? I’m sorry’ Himchan apologizes formally and bows to you like you’re an old ahjumma.

‘Will you forgive me?’ Himchan smiles, hoping that you’ll forgive him. You shake your head, as in NO YEOBO I WON’T FORGIVE YOU. He slops down the sofa, feeling sad that you’re not forgiving him. But then, that sad expression changes to a cute one and he pouts at you, being a 6 year old begging for an ice cream from his mommy. You can’t contain your laughter anymore and you burst out laughing.

‘Okay! Okay! You win! I forgive you’ you stick out your tongue to him and he winks back at you, leaving your cheeks blushed.

‘Oh, yeobo!’ you scream.


‘The groceries you bought! They’re still outside!’ Himchan’s eyes widen at the thought that he forgot to bring the groceries inside. He quickly rush outside and whines again. It’s loud enough for you to hear. You giggle seeing Himchan being silly and whines like a little boy.

‘Way to go ahjussi! You’re the best! Woo!’ you as Himchan enters the house with the drenched groceries. He quickly go to the kitchen and place them in the sink. Himchan takes out the canned foods, eggs, bread and the milk from bag and wipe them dry. Then, he keeps them in the right places and washes his hands, ignoring you on the sofa, teasing him. As Himchan is about to leave the kitchen and accompany you, his eyes are focused on your cup of coffee on the dining table.

‘Now I know why your ankle is sprained. You had coffee without your husband. And now, you are being punished. Haha’ Himchan laughed his way to your side, teasing you back.

‘Ahh. The coffee. Of course, Kim Himchan. You are always right. In your own world’ Himchan grins at you and scratches the back of his head, confuse whether that’s a compliment or not. Himchan makes his way beside you and you offer him a seat next to you.

‘Come, sit here’ you pat the couch and he comfortably sits beside you. You sit up straight and place your injured foot on the coffee table in front of the sofa and the other leg down. You snuggle your body next to him, closing the gap between both of you. Himchan leisurely rests his arm on top of the sofa, letting you wrap your arms on him, giving him a warm hug. You place your head on his shoulder and he turns his head to yours, kissing on top of your head. You give him a tight squeeze, feeling safe under his protection. You really love it when he does these little things that meant everything to you: he loves you and he will always be there beside you to pick up the pieces when you’re falling apart.

‘You’re all wet’ Himchan said as he rests his head on yours, letting your hair brushes his pale cheeks.

‘You too.’ You look up at his calm face.

‘You have to go and take shower. You’ll catch cold and it’s chilly today.’

‘How can I walk around the house with this swollen foot?’ You pout, motioning to your foot. Himchan suddenly lifts his arm and gets up from the couch. You release him as you watch him getting up from the couch. Himchan squats in front of you, offering you a free piggyback ride.

‘Hop on. Let me take you to the bathroom. And it’s for free. No charge for my lady.’ Himchan giggles. You smile at the thought of his sweet act which melts you away. Unhesitantly, you wrap your arms around his neck and Himchan curls your legs under his arms, keeping them secure.

‘Hold on tight, my love.’ Himchan slowly stands up, being very careful not to fall back on the couch. You glued your head to his, taking advantage of the fact that Himchan is giving you your very first piggyback ride. Back when both of you were still dating, Himchan said that he won’t piggyback anyone except for his wife. Today, he proves it to you. In return, you kissed his cheeks and Himchan smiles, his cheeks are turning pink by seconds.  Himchan walks to the master bedroom and opens the bathroom door. Both of you enter the bathroom and Himchan shuts the door. Then, Himchan walks up to the sink and turns his back to the mirror, letting you sit on the tabletop. You release his neck and he let go of your legs. Himchan turns around to face you. He grabs the bottom of your shirt and lift it, revealing your tummy.

‘Yeobo!’ you grab his hand, trying to stop him from going any further. Your heart is accelerating right now.

‘What? Why?’ Himchan smiles as he realizes that you’re blushing.

‘Umm. I’m not ready yet.’ You look down to the floor, feeling embarrass in front of your own husband.

‘Okay then. If you say so.’ Himchan reassures you with his tender voice. He then let go of your shirt and raise your chin. His eyes are lovely and his touch is as soft as lavender. Himchan kisses your upper lip and he walks out of the bathroom, leaving you alone. When you hear your husband’s footsteps behind the closed door, you let go of your breath—wondering since when did you hold your breathe. Your heart is finally steady and you are calm now. You bury your face in your palms, feeling weird, embarrass and disappointed—all mingle together.

Stupid me. Why do I feel embarrass in front of my own husband? My own husband! I’m sorry, yeobo. Not wanting to worry too much about your self-embarrass, you hop down carefully and hit the shower.




Your first Sunday with your husband is wrapping up pretty well. Himchan keeps giving you piggyback ride around the house and you’re enjoying it even though your sprained ankle is not that serious. You keep that to yourself, not wanting Himchan to know that it’s not painful to walk around with it. If he knows that your foot is alright, he’d stop giving you free rides. You can’t stop smiling when he offers himself, squatting in front of you and walk you around from the bedroom to the kitchen, from the kitchen to the living room. In return, you’ll kiss him on the cheek. You really know your husband very well. Himchan really likes it when you peck him on the cheeks. He once said that your kiss is like fresh lily in the early spring. That’s why he keeps blushing whenever you kiss him.

In the evening, both of you cuddle up in front of the television and watch your favorite romantic movie. Throughout the movie, you peek on Himchan from time to time, trying to see whether he’s crying or not. Whenever both of you watch sad movies or some sad scenes pop up in the middle of the movie, Himchan’s eyes  will always get teary. Even though he is manlier and strong on the outside, but he will always has that soft spot in his heart. That’s what makes you love him. He can be protective and strong but Himchan is really gentle when it comes to the heart. You look up to his face—taking a peek and his eyes are getting wet. You watch the movie and it’s the scene where the mother dies from cancer and she left her only daughter behind. You hug your husband, giving him a tight squeeze, reassuring him that it’s just a fiction. Himchan sigh a bit, embarrass that you caught him tearing up. Again. Himchan too, hugs you back and he kisses on top of your head, loving the scent of your hair.


As the movie coming to an end, the sky is getting dark and the sun is hanging low, leaving the sky reddish. Himchan turns off the television and the home theatre. Then, he squat again, offering you the free ride of the day. You cling onto him happily as he walks to the kitchen and let you off on the floor by the dining table. Himchan stands in front of you, not moving an inch.

‘What, yeobo?’ you ask in confusion. Himchan puff his cheeks with air and he taps his finger on his cheek, as in, I want a kiss.

‘Ahh.’ You smile sheepishly at his childish act. As you lean in to kiss his cheek, Himchan turns his face around and steals a kiss with his lips. Your eyes widen, feeling shock and how unpredictable he was.

‘I love this trick’ Himchan winks at you, happy that he succeed in stealing your kiss. You hit his chest playfully and he burst out laughing, feeling rather amused seeing you blush like it’s something big.

‘Just sit here, jagi. Let me cook dinner’

‘Okay, kiss stealer. Do what you love most’ you pat his cheek and off he goes to the freezer.




‘So, how’s my food? It’s delicious right?’ Himchan asks as you take your first bite of your steak with the barbeque sauce. You chew on the meat and the juice from the meat mix with the barbeque sauce just explode in your mouth. The steak is soft like butter but it’s not greasy.

‘Daebak!’ you give him two thumbs up.

‘I told you I’m a great cook.’ Himchan shows off—as usual with his cooking skills in front of you as he takes his first bite of his dinner.




As soon as both of you finished eating dinner, Himchan piggyback you again to the bedroom. Himchan puts you down on the table top inside the bathroom and he leave immediately, not wanting you to be uncomfortable. He knows really well that you’re not ready yet. Himchan shuts the door behind, and sprawl on the bed, feeling exhausted as he’s been giving you piggyback rides the whole day. He can feel his back aches a little bit but he don’t want to make a big deal out of it. To him, as long as he could help you relieve the pain, the back pain is nothing to him. You’re that precious to him, his one and only wife.

Moments later, you are done with your shower and close the bathroom door behind. Your eyes are drawn to your man on bed, sleeping, his legs are dangling from the bed. You walk to his side and lean your body towards your husband. You must be tired, yeobo. Thank you for piggyback me today. I love you. Very very much, you whisper to his ear and kisses his cheek. Himchan startles a bit, and he opens his eyes. His heart is beating fast, probably the reaction after your kiss. Himchan smiles to you with his eyes squinting. He’s more handsome when he smiles, that’s for sure.

‘Go wash yourself up. I’m done. Your turn’ you pinch his cheeks. Himchan nods and gets off from the bed. You watch your husband’s figure as he enters the bathroom and closes the door behind him. You too get off from the bed and find yourself some clothes to wear in the big closet of yours. You throw yourself a yellow oversized shirt and a pair of sleeping shorts. After you’re all done, you walk up slowly to your bed and climb up, burying yourself under the warm blanket. Moments later, Himchan walks out of the bathroom with his wet hair, looking all handsome—like he always does. He notices you on the bed, your eyes are fix on him.

‘Are you sleepy?’ Himchan asks as he make his way to the closet.

‘A bit. I’m waiting for you. You must be really tired, huh? With all that piggyback ride’ you answer with the blanket over your mouth.

‘Nah, I’m strong you know. I love giving you piggyback rides. I get free kisses!’ Himchan screams from the other side of the room as he puts on his sleeping shirt and his favorite night pants. Himchan then shuts the lights off and walks to the bed. He snuggles next to you under the blanket and wraps his arms around you. Himchan buries his face in your hair and before you know it, he’s off to his dreamland—still not letting go of you from his embrace.

‘Goodnight, yeobo. Sweet dreams.’ You kiss his arm and close your eyes, slowly being drifted away to your own dreamland.




‘Ouch. Why does it hurts so bad.’ It’s 3 o’clock in the morning and you’re awake. Your feet is hurting like crazy. You slowly release yourself from your husband’s embrace and peek under the blanket. Himchan’s right foot is on your injured ankle. And  it’s really heavy that it hurts so much. You sit up straight and move his foot away from your ankle. Then, you lay on the bed, hoping to get some peaceful sleep and not the pain from your ankle. Seconds later, Himchan hugs you again and his foot brushes your ankle quite hard this time, making you scream in pain.

‘Why? Why? What’s wrong?’ Himchan wakes up by your scream.

‘Your foot is on my ankle’ you squeeze his hand hard.

‘I am so sorry! I didn’t do it on purpose!’ Himchan’s eyes widen as he sits up straight and observe your ankle.

‘I know. I know. I guess I’ll be sleeping alone tonight in the guest’s room’ you get off from the bed and walk to the door with your hurt ankle. Himchan quickly gets off from the bed too and scoop you inside his arms just before you’re leaving the room. You squeal a bit as Himchan lift you from the floor.

‘Where do you think you’re going, missy. I won’t let you sleep alone tonight.’ Himchan brings you to your side of the bed .

‘How can you sleep without hurting my ankle, huh Kim Himchan?’ you raise an eyebrow.

‘I know what I’m doing.’ Himchan says as he tucks you under the blanket. Then, he hops on the other side of the bed, the blanket is beneath him.

‘You’ll be cold the whole night, yeobo’

‘I would do just anything for you. I won’t hug you again tonight. Let me just hold your hand okay? I want to always be close to you no matter what.’ Himchan whispers to your ear as he slips his fingers between yours, filling the gap between your fingers, just like how you fill his empty heart—so perfect.

‘Thank you. And I love you Mr. Kim’ you squeeze his hands.

‘I love you too, Mrs. Kim’ Himchan winks at you at the word Mrs. Kim and squeezes your hand back, reassuring you that he’s next to you if you ever need him.

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Chapter 1: One of my dreams when i get matried someday! Thank you this is sucjlh a nice and sweet story! I love himchan cheesy ways
Chapter 1: Awe !! This fanfic is soo cute !!
Chapter 1: i don't know why, but i'm crying for happiness... hehe ^^ nice story, author-nim~~ *sobs*