Answering machine


"CK Services Kwon Jiyong, how may I help you?"
This was like any other day for Jiyong. He came to CK, answered the phone and run some errands. Basically he is a secretary. And this day went on normally. A loud voice yelled at the other end of the phone that the non-existent people on the other side of the room could hear her.
"Yes mrs. Kim, I understand that you can not live without your computer. But I am afraid that our computer technicians are all busy today", he sighed as he slumped on his chair. This was exactly like any other day. The woman was furiously telling him that her internet date was waiting her to show up on some chat site that evening and she doesn't want the man to think she blew him off. They were apparently supposed to have their first video chat. Mrs. Kim demanded Jiyong to recruit new people because this couldn't be happening.
When Jiyong told her that it wasn't in his hands to decide if they hire new people or not the woman grew even more furious. He had tried to tell his boss that they needed more people because this wasn't the first this was happening, but the boss clearly wasn't listening to him.
"Yes ma'm, I go ask him if he would like to hire someone to take care of your computer", Jiyong said as he rubbed his forehead. He placed the phone to the desk and got up from his seat.
Jiyong fixed a professional look on his face and knocked the door. A firm "come in" was heard from the other side and Jiyong opened the door.
"Mr. Choi, mrs. Kim is asking if we could hire new technician to fix her computer", Jiyong said as he bowed deep.
"Jiyong, cut that , we're not strangers. You don't call me like that at home so no need in here either. And you know the answer is no", mr. Choi said without looking up from his newspaper. Jiyong was ready to stomp his foot in protest.
"But Seunghyun, we really need new people. You have received many job applications from people who are good what they are doing", Jiyong almost whined.
"You know the conditions", Seunghyun simply stated, uninterested.
"You can't be serious! Are you really going to destroy your, our company just because I told I'll be in celibacy for two months?" Jiyong asked while mentally ripping his hair in frustration. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Seunghyun nodded and took a quick glance at the younger male. Smirk was tugging the corner of his lips. He was going to win this. Jiyong on the other hand was having a mental battle between his principles and career.
"Good!" Seunghyun put the newspaper aside, "Call that Kang boy and tell him he has a job to do."
Jiyong nodded and was about to close the door behind him when Seunghyun continued,
"Oh and put the answering machine on. You won't be answering the phone for awhile."
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Danees #1
Chapter 1: Wow! Short and nice
Unloved_NaNa #2
Chapter 1: It's short, "there doesn't happen much" but still this is one of the bests I've read since it's so well written, funny and teasing :D You make people want more ! :D Aaaand you COULD write more what happened inside the closed doors :P
Chapter 1: Mooorreeeee i wan moreee ㅋㅋㅋ
thya-aryssa #4
Chapter 1: that.was.funny.my.tummy.hurts!

haha...poor jiyong...
Chapter 1: LmfAo!!!! That was funny