Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas



He just sat in his chair motionlessly, aimlessly staring into the crackling fire of the hearth. The room was warm, hot almost, but Yixing just pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulders to prevent himself from shivering. Despite the cosy temperature in the room he felt cold to the bones. Even a thin layer of sweat began forming on his skin, which just added to his dicomfort.


The bright shine of the fire made his eyes turn glassy from constantly staring into the flames, but he just could not bring himself to tear his gaze away. He felt uncomfortable, so uncomfortable in his normally well beloved vacation home that one might have thought he was sick. Yixing did feel sick for that matter, but he knew for a fact that he was not. This unbearable feeling of discomfort came from within him, from the homely fireplace, the warm, wooden walls, the all too familar place...


Of course he should be thankful for the warmth embracing him, for it was so unbearable cold outside. Many people were not as lucky as him, to be sitting in the warmth, a beautifuly decorated Christmas tree in the cornor of the livingroom, a hearth providing heat and a homely feeling.

So why was he not appreaciating all this? Why did this all actually made him sadder? The cause was probably one of the most common for mankind to be upset: Yixing felt alone and forgotten.


Well, he was alone. The only human in an approximated 2km radius, but this was not the point. Frankly, he could be in the middle of a big crowd and still feel the same amount of loneliness. He just longed for one specific person to be with him. And maybe said person did forget about him?

His blank face turned into a frow. How could he just forget him? On Christmas Eve! Was this congress that importent? And who needs to attend a congress right before Christmas, anyway?


Though, Junmyeon was not like that. He could not possibly forget about their Christmas. Well, no one could just forget about Christmas. He should trust his boyfriend more than that, but he was just getting so frustrated!


Every year in December the two of them came back here, it was their secret heaven where nothing was important but them simply being together and enjoying the Christmas holidays.

Normally, they would come to their vacation home on the countyside a few days prior and stay till shortly after New Year.

But this year was different from the ones before: this year there was no “them”, this year there only was Yixing, all by himself. He frowned harder.


Why, he asked himself again, was Junmyeon not here yet? He was supposed to arrive around noon at the latest, which was at least 10 hours ago! Yixing huffed and fell back into the chair, folding his armes. On the other hand, again, this was Junmyeon, his absolutely reliable boyfriend of now six years, who not once had stood him up. So, why was he that late? Yixing wrecked his brain for an answer.

What if something happend to him? Thanks to the massive snowfall, the streets were in bad condition so it was not really too digressive... Oh dear god, let this not be the reason for his belatedness, Yixing pleaded in his head.


A mild panic started to pool inside of him. He could not stand the tension any longer and stood up, pacing up and down in front of the hearth.


He took a long look at the clock hanging on the wall to his right and sighed, it was allready 11:30 PM. He should not work himself up over this, at least not right now. Most probably, his boyfriend got stuck on the road and crashed at a hotel on the way. If he did not arrive by tomorrow, there was still plenty of time left to freak out.


He decided to just go to bed. Junmyeon was just a little late, no need to go bananas. Yet.


After putting out the fire and setting everything up for the night, he finally did slip under the covers of their queensized bed. Before closing his eyes he looked up the time again, 00:10 AM. Great. It was the first day of Chrismans and he was still alone. And cold. Because he was alone.


‘Aw, poor Yixing!’, he scoffed at himself. Normally he was not so whiny; maybe the cold was freezing his braincells. Or he just required human contact – he had not spoken to anybody for 3 days... If only Junmyeon would arrive!


Slowly, sleep came over him and his thoughs dissolved into the depths of his brain.



Not too long after, a man routed his baltic blue Range Rover HSE LUX into the driveway. He looked at the little wooden house in front of him, drapped with snow and the glowing Christmas tree visible through the window.


A smile graced his lovely face at this sight. Finally, after fighting the snow and ice for almost the whole lenght of his trip, he had arrived! He turned the key and pulled it out, cutting off the cars engine.


Junmyeon took out his luggage from the cargo space and hauled it inside the house. Entering the house, he took a deep breath. It smelt of fire, orange, cinnamon and wood; it smelt of Christmas. His smile turned into a grin. In an instand he had slipped of his shoes, tossed his entire luggage to the floor and made his way down the hall.


He was so close to reuniting with the one he loved, feeling his warmth, hearing him breath… He could not contain his excitement any longer. When he arrived at the door to their bedroom, he was allready stripped down to his boxers. Junmyeon gently pushed the doorhandle, nudged the door open and slipped into the room. Quite proud of himself for being so quiet, he tiptoed to the bed.


The sleeping figure on the bed stirred a little, but did not seem to be awakend by his entrance. He took a look at his sleeping boyfriend’s handsome face and felt this familiar rush of warmth through his body. All he wanted to do was to slip under the covers, lay his head on his shoulder and encircle him in his armes, and this is what he did.



Suddently, there was a weight around Yixings waist and a little pressure on his right shoulder. Thought, it did not make him uncomfortable, if anything it was pleasant and warm.




Like Junmyeon. Junmyeon!


Yixing’s eyes snapped open immediately and when he turned to the source of warmth, he was met by the grinning face of his boyfriend.


“Baby!”, Yixing exclaimed with shining eyes and the exitement of a child discovering his most wanted present under the Christmas tree. He hauled himself on top of the man he missed for too long and started to shower his face with kisses. Junmyeon chuckle at such avidity, albeit kissing him back just as happily. He threw his left arm around the taller man’s neck, while tangling his right hand in his locks. Smiling, he closed his eyes. Everything felt right for him again and soon, their lips found each other in an eager osculation.


They could not be close enought; bodies pressed firmly together, legs intertwined and mouths engaged in sloppy kisses, practically eating each other up. The hollow space in each man’s heart caused by their seperation slowly faded away.

Eventually, the haste in their kisses dissipated into tenderness.


“I missed you so much…”, Yixing wisphered, between placing small pecks all over the other’s cheeks and nose.


“Me too. I am so sorry, that it took me so long to join you. But the weather and streets were against me. “, Junmyeon explained with a guilty expression. Although he knew that arriving so late was not that much his fault, he really felt bad about it. Next time he would definitely not attend that congress.


The younger only shook his head, gazing lovingly at his other half. The worried look on his partner’s face almost made him laugh. As if he would hold the weather condition against him. The only thing that was important for him was that Junmyeon was with him again. He no longer suffered the deprivation of the warmth the other ignited in him. A feeling of comming home washed over him and a smile formed on his lips as he replied: “Its okay, I don’t care. You’re here now, that’s all that matters to me.”


Junmyeon’s heart skipped a beat at those words and he stared back at the man above. A soft smile graced those lips, but still enough to show off gorgeous dimples. Junmyeon loved those dimples. He loved those lips, this noes, those eyes, jaw, face, body... He just loved everything that was and belonged to Yixing. He loved this man from the core of his being, felt drawn to him by an unseen force. The emotion that captured him was overwhelmingly strong, he was not even sure if ‘love’ was the adequate word to describe it anymore. Briefly he wonderd if he saved a country in his past live, to be blessed with Yixing in this one.

Unconsciously, he raised his left hand and caressed the others’ cheek.


“I love you...”


Yixing clasped his hand over the one on his cheek and placed a kiss on it’s palm.


“I love you, too... So much...”


For a few seconds, they continued to stare at each other intendly, but then Junmyeon counld no longer surpress a yawn. There was a moment of silence, before both broke out in loud laughter.


When they calmed down, the taller rolled onto the sheets again. He glanced at the man beside him and announced: “I guess this was our cue... We should sleep for now.”  


Junmyeon nodded, he really was tired. Taking this as a yes, Yixing scooped him up in his armes, pressing their bodies firmly together again. He ran his hand through his significant other’s hair and nuzzled the top of his head.

Quite content with this position, but not completly satisfied with the remaining space between them, Junmyeon hooked his leg over his boyfriend’s. His head resting on Yixing’s shoulder, he resumed his grip around his waist. He was almost asleep, when he remembered what day it was.


“Merry Chrismas, my dearest”, he mumbled into the other’s shoulder.


“Merry Chrismas, my Love”, Yixing replied, before placing an affectionate kiss on Junmyeon’s temple. Having his beloved back in his armes, surely turned this into a merry Christmas. With a smile on his lips, he fell into a peaceful sleep.




A/N: Okay,  I know this is beyond cheesy, but yeah... It has sulay-christmas-fluff? Thank you for reading and please excuse my mistakes ♥

Merry Christmas to all of you!

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choloyeol #1
Chapter 1: my feeeeeeeeels
i love sulay so much
Chapter 1: Sweetnesses!!