Chapter Five: Neighbors, After All

The "Mute" Girl

It was a cold winter night but you chose to sit outside your house at the swing. You were living with your foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. Han who were extremely nice to you and they too knew about your family's death but they thought you were mute from birth and didn't know about your revenge. Nonetheless, they were nice enough to adopt you the year before at an orphanage you used to stay in.

You rocked back and forth on the swing, staring into the sky where the stars were shining brightly and happily while snowflakes fall down to your face. You rubbed your gloves together to increase its heat since it was such a cold night. Despite the cold, it was such a nice night to spend outdoors since the snow was falling slowly and it made you feel calm inside. You managed to smile looking at the stars.

You heard the door of your neighbor's house opened. 'I never knew them before...' You thought, feeling a little bad for not knowing them. 'Wait... Wasn't that house vacant? .... Oh yeah! A family just moved in a few weeks ago! No wonder...' You were practically talking to yourself in your mind. A guy stepped out dressed in a hoodie and he was looking around. You could see smoke coming out of his mouth as he exhaled due to the cold night but you couldn't catch a glimpse of his face. When he turned to your direction, your jaw dropped.

'WHY IS KAI EVERYWHERE, FOR GOD'S SAKES?!' You thought harshly.

You quickly got up from the swing and brushed off the snow on your coat. Before you could take a step, "YAH!" He called you. You cursed yourself under your breath. You snook a peek and saw him narrowing his eyes, trying to identify who you were. You tried avoiding but then, he shouted, "____________?!" Oh great.

He was gleaming with happiness. You turned to face him and waved at him but you were secretly wishing you were invisible at the moment. He waved his hand gesturing you to come out of your house. He made his way to the sidewalk of the street and he expected you to come. With a heavy sigh, you went out to meet him.

"Annyeong!" He greeted happily. You smiled only then realizing you don't have your pad with you. You made signs indicating you pad was upstairs. Luckily, Kai was smart enough to understand what you were trying to tell him. "Aish, I didn't know we were neighbors! If only I had known earlier then we could've go to school together, he said with a pout, feeling a little disappointed. You smiled, since you couldn't really say anything to him.

"HAA! __________-sshi!" He exclaimed, causing you to jump back a little. "Go to school with me tomorrow, hajja!" His suggestion made you shook your head frantically. "Aish, don't be shy! Kinchana, I'll wait for you outside your house then we can ride my bike. Agreed?" Kai laid out his idea. You bit your lip, thinking o f what to do but seeing that there's no alternate solutions, you agreed with a sigh. 

"YES! Okay, see you tomorrow!" He said excitedly then kissed your forehead. You flinched at his sudden cold lips touching your forehead. When you looked up, he was already in his house. So then you went into your room. 

You lied down on your stomach on your bed and stared out the window. 'WHAT THE......' you shouted in your mind. Out your window was Kai's room. He was taking off his t-shirt, revealing his well-built body then wore another t-shirt. You quickly got up and closed the curtains immediately. Your heartbeat increased and you were literally panting as if you just ran a marathon. 'WHY IS HE ALWAYS APPEARING IN MY LIFE?!'

Kai saw at the corner of his eye the movement of the curtains. He just smiled and shook his head. You lied back down on your bed and stared at the ceiling. 'First I bumped into him, then he shifted to my school and now we're neighbors? What more surprises am I about to receive, dear God?!' You thought again, wondering about your fate with Kai.

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Chapter 24: Awwww was so beautiful and romantic story!!!♥ congrats author-nim!!! :)
kyunism #2
Chapter 24: The story is nice! I love it. I love the characters in this story and also the happy ending. Thank you for sharing your story :D
Kaioverdose #3
Chapter 24: Wowww!!! Sooooo sweetttt.... a surprise wedding huh?! Nice job authornim.. this is the first time I heard about surprise wedding!!! And this make this story unique... Kai sure is full of surprises!! Kekeke... great job authornim... ^ ^
Kaioverdose #4
Chapter 4: Kai made her smile!!! kekeke.. I'm happy for her... *I got carried away with the character, that's why I comment on this chapter, usually i'll comment when i've finished reading any story but, as I was saying, I got carried away* kekeke.. that means this story is good authornim~ i'll comment again when I finished reading this story (if I did not being carried away) ^ ^..
Chapter 24: Why is it mostly hyung not oppa??
Shouldn't it be oppa?
Its a really nice story.. :)
Nice plot too..
Chapter 18: why 'hyung' instead of 'Oppa'? the little sister to his big brother should call "oppa" right? .__.a
Chapter 24: oh my!!!!! kyaaaaaaaaa Kai ;3
Chapter 24: so cute~^^
thank you all for supporting me! :D
Chapter 24: Awwwww that was so cute! :3