Christmas Promise

Christmas Promise

Tao is very excited about spending Christmas Eve with his boyfriend. Jongdae promised Tao that this Christmas will be special. Tao, being the romantic that he is, thought of the sweet things that they would do that night. Maybe Jongdae had booked them in a high-class restaurant, hired someone to play Christmas songs as well as romantic songs, or planned a surprise with the restaurant. Maybe after that they would hold each other’s hand while strolling in the park then Tao would get cold and Jongdae would offer his jacket and they would snuggle with each other. When Christmas finally came they would kiss each other and whisper sweet nothings into each other’s ears and when they finally arrive home Tao would be jumping with joy because of the huge gift waiting for him and of course it would end with making love with each other all night long. Tao dreamily sighed and thought that it would be the best Christmas ever.

He is sitting at the living room couch, waiting for Jongdae to arrive. Tao looked at the clock. 7:45pm... He’ll be home soon. Tao smiled to himself, he can’t wait for what his precious boyfriend is planning and with that, Tao began to drift off into another of his fluffy fantasy.

 Tao hadn’t realized that he had fallen asleep. He only woke up because of his phone vibrating. It was a text message from Jongdae.

Sorry, I’ll be a little late.

 Tao checked the time and was surprised that it was past 9 o’clock. Tao pouted. It isn’t a good start but Jongdae will make up for it. He continued to wait for Jongdae while playing games in his phone.

Jongdae arrived almost an hour later but Tao didn’t complain. Sure, he was irritated after waiting for him for so long. Boredom crept into Tao’s nerves but he wouldn’t let it ruin their night. So when Jongdae placed the plastic bags he was carrying, Tao wrapped his arms around Jongdae. Jongdae was shivering from the cold but quickly warmed up to Tao’s loving hug. Tao gently brushed off the snow on the other’s head and shoulders. Jongdae decided he wanted to feel warmer and wrapped his arms around the younger’s neck then kissed him. When he felt his lips are warm enough he let go and grabbed the bags and headed for the kitchen. Tao followed him and is surprised to see Jongdae setting up ingredients on the counter.

“What are you planning tonight?” Tao asked, confused.

“I’m going to cook dinner” Jongdae smiled proudly at Tao.

“Oh, so we aren’t going out for dinner...” Tao mumbled.

“What was that?” said Jongdae, still smiling that smile that made Tao’s body tingle and melt.

“Nothing.” He’ll let it slide again. Maybe they would be having a romantic candle-lit dinner.


However they didn’t and the meal Jongdae cooked isn’t grand or something a little bit special. Jongdae cooked their favourite meal. Tao expected that it would at least have a special ingredient to spice up the flavour but it was the usual. Their dinner passed by with nothing special about it, much to Tao’s disappointment. After dinner they cuddled with each other on the couch. Jongdae had his arm on Tao’s waist and Tao’s head is placed comfortable in the other’s neck. It was peaceful and quiet, they had their body heat to keep each other warm and Jongdae hummed softly. Although Tao found it sweet and relaxing but it wasn’t what Jongdae promised as special. The more time passed, the more disappointed he would be. Perhaps Jongdae had forgotten his promise to make that night special, maybe Jongdae was too lazy to make it special. More negative things entered Tao’s mind and made him worry but one thought had made Tao sink in dread and sadness. What if Jongdae lost interest in me? What if he didn’t love me anymore?

“Let’s go for a walk in the park.” Tao hoped that it would take his mind of that possibility. A nice romantic walk before it strikes Christmas. Jongdae looked at Tao sadly. “Sorry Taozi but it’s too cold and the snow might get worse.” Tao sighed. The only thing that kept Tao’s hope up for the special Christmas is the present Jongdae will give him. Maybe that would be what Jongdae had promised.

After a short while, Christmas finally came and it was time for them to exchange presents. Tao insisted that he would be the first to give his gift and when Jongdae opened it, he was speechless. It was his favourite Harry Potter figurine, something that he longed to have. Tao, of course, knew that and is b with self-satisfaction. Then it was finally Jongdae’s turn to give his present. He placed the figurine on the coffee table then retreated to their room to get his present. After a few seconds Jongdae walked up to Tao, hiding his gift behind him with both hands. Jongdae’s smile, Tao noticed, was a bit nervous but Tao kept smiling while he waited for the older to show his present.

Jongdae handed out his present in front of him and Tao’s smile quickly dropped. This wasn’t he was expecting. This wouldn’t make up for the promise his boyfriend didn’t keep. A small gift in a small paper bag, not larger than his fist, wouldn’t make this Christmas Eve special. All the feelings of irritation he kept earlier were now out and were boiling his anger.

“What the hell is that?” Tao shouted. Jongdae winced; he didn’t expect Tao would react like that and is confused as to why.

“You promised me that this night is going to be special! Nothing you did earlier was something special and certainly not that little thing will make up for it!”

“B-but Ta–“


 Tao stormed up to their room, slammed the door shut and locked it. Jongdae heard Tao kick the door with full force, he’s sure that there would be a crack.

Tao sulked in the room, refusing to open it or listen whatever Jongdae is saying through the door. Tao knew that what ruined their Christmas is him but he was worried that the possibility of Jongdae lost his love for him might be true. He let it out through anger and that was his mistake. Tao is still too angry to admit his mistakes or to think very clearly.

Later, his anger turned into depression. Tao had finally calmed his anger and now that he is able to think clearly, all he thought of now is Jongdae and that he is probably going to break up with him. He, himself, knows that he is a handful. He easily gets angry. He’s spoiled. He gets jealous easily. He’s childish. He wouldn’t even put up with himself, let alone Jongdae. Tao doesn’t even know if Jongdae is still beyond that door. Jongdae might’ve left him right then and there. Tao stayed in the room for hours, crying out all of his thoughts.

When Tao finally stepped out of the room it was sunrise. He scanned the living room and never felt the house been more cold and empty when he didn’t find Jongdae anywhere. He saw Jongdae’s present on the coffee table and the Harry Potter figurine gone. He felt the tears he thought that ran out fill his eyes.

 Did Jongdae really leave me?

 He walked up to the coffee table and felt a slight relieved saw Jongdae sleeping on the couch and is hugging the gift Tao gave him. Tao smiled but then replaced guilt when he saw Jongdae shivering from the cold and all Jongdae had to cover himself was his jacket. Tao went back in the room to get a blanket and placed it over Jongdae’s shivering body. Once Jongdae stopped shivering, Tao took Jongdae’s present. He didn’t know if he still had the right to take the present after all he had done but still his curiosity got the better of him. Tao opened the paper bag and cried. He found a small piece of paper saying “I love you with all my heart Huang Zitao. It’s your turn to make a promise with me” and a silver wedding ring inside the paper bag. The next thing he knew there were a pair of arms wrapped around him from behind.

“Jongdae, I’m so sor–“Tao tried to say in between sobs.

“Shh...” Jongdae gently wiped Tao’s tears off with his thumb. He moved from Tao’s back to face him. Tears are still rolling down Tao’s face and he softly kissed every tear away.

“Huang Zitao, will you promise me to spend the rest of your life with me?”





This drabble was inspired by a Christmas Party I attended. They were giving out SP gifts and one had a really small paper bag and I thought someone could've proposed like that and so TaoChen fic is born! This is also my first TaoChen fic I finished (there are others, i'm still working on them)

I didn't check for any errors, sorry! I hoped you enjoyed reading! Happy Holidays everyone! And spread TaoChen love!

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Chenchenlay #1
Chapter 2: Can I be Tao for a moment plssss
ShazamJusticeLeague #2
Chapter 2: Ahh . I happened upon this story by chance and it was amazing
Chapter 2: This story is so cute >.< thanks author for making this :D
eudaimonia #4
Chapter 2: sweet chen and too-much-fluffy-dreaming-and-childish tao 8D
Maxinator409 #5
Chapter 2: So sweet! Chenchen <3 thanks for the adorable story!!