Chapter 3

Ex Imperium: Exemption


Alpha Team – H01 with survivors [Jia, Fei, Jinwoon, Min, Seulong, Sunye, Ty Lee, Tao, Ren]

“.” Kyuhyun muttered.

“What?” Heechul asked, hearing the younger man cursed. Kyuhyun rarely cursed and hearing him cursing, Heechul knew that they were in a great trouble.

“The ELF Tower is infected.” Kyuhyun told and the STA members shared a worried look with each other.

“We’ll head straight to HQ.” Hankyung decided.

“Roger,” the pilot said.

“Send help to ELF Tower, rescue everyone and get the hell out of there!” Kyuhyun said to his codec.

“If they are infected, cure them or kill them in the chopper. We need to bring all the survivors out of China,” Kyuhyun said and Hankyung nodded at him, approving his orders.

“Alpha Team, H01, is heading to headquarters.” Kyuhyun reported and sighed once he closed his laptop.

“How many were there in the tower?” Sungmin asked.

“About seventy people. I’m not sure how many was infected and how many was saved. We still have our men in there.” Kyuhyun said.

“Let’s get to know each other. The journey to HQ is quite long.” Hankyung suggested, trying to light up the mood and a few people rolled their eyes.

“I’m Hankyung or Han Geng, the Alpha Team leader for this mission.” Hankyung introduced himself to the survivors.

“I’m Kim Heechul.” Jia made a face as she recognized him as the one who didn’t thank her for her help.

“My name is Lee Donghae. Nice to meet you.” Donghae said shyly.

“I’m Sungmin. I’m good with nunchucks.” He said with a grin.

“I’m Cho Kyuhyun. I’m the team’s support.” He said with a nod. The survivors looked at each other and Min, who was the boldest, raised her hand.

“I’m Lee Minyoung, just call me Min. I’m an exchange student from Seoul.” Min said in English.

“Yo, nice to meet you.” Heechul said in English and Min surprised everyone when they bumped their fists with each other as if they had known each other for a long time.

“Jung Jinwoon, an exchange student too.” Jinwoon said.

“Im Seulong. I am from Seoul too.” He said.

“My name is Fei and this is Jia.” Fei said, pointing at Jia.

“We’re practically sisters.” Jia added and Fei smiled at her.

“I’m Min Sunye. Thank you for helping us.” The oldest survivor said.

“I’m Huang Zi Tao.” Tao said, his black cat-like eyes met everyone’s in a menacing way.

“He’s a martial artist.” Ty Lee interjected and Tao glared at her playfully.

“Good, you might be a help to us.” Sungmin said in Chinese.

“Glad if I could help.” Tao replied with a nod.

“He looks like he wants to kill us.” Heechul retorted in Korean and Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at the older agent’s remark.

“My name is Ty Lee. I’m a gymnast.” Ty Lee, a girl with thick brown hair and big brown eyes said witch a sweet smile. She turned her head to the quiet boy that was as pretty as a girl.

“I’m Ren.” Ren said curtly.

“Well, I hope we’ll get along and help each other.” Hankyung said in Chinese before repeating it again in Korean.


Alpha Team – H02 [Siwon, Eunhyuk, Zhoumi, Shindong, Leeteuk] – ELF Tower

“Everyone get into the chopper!” Siwon shouted in English and repeated the order in Chinese. The STA agents, Alpha team and the Bravo teams that were there, were firing all the zombies down.

“Leeteuk, please get inside the chopper!” Eunhyuk yelled at Leeteuk who was shooting at the walking dead.

“I need to get inside!” Leeteuk yelled and Eunhyuk cursed, as he ran to the researcher.

“I’ll cover you,” Eunhyuk said and Leeteuk dashed inside the tower once the path has been cleared. He went to the computer and removed his USB flash drive. He didn’t miss the growl behind him and turned around quickly, just in time to shoot the zombie. The zombie fell to his knees and Leeteuk shot the undead’s head in cold-blood.

“Leeteuk!” Eunhyuk yelled and Leeteuk dashed out of the tower, and into the chopper, waiting to fly away.

“Have all the survivors being saved?” Siwon asked.

“Yes, sir,” Henry replied and came out from the tower.

“Let’s move!” Siwon shouted to the remaining agents and they headed inside the choppers. Zhoumi activated the bomb once their chopper has taken off, blasting the zombies and burning them down.


Inna, Luhan, Himchan, Yongguk – Hua Lian Street

“He’s dead, it’s too late now!” Inna yelled, tugging Luhan’s arm to the opposite direction. Luhan’s eyes stared in horror and disbelief at the sight of his manager being eaten alive. “Come on! We have to get out of here!” Inna yelled desperately again.

“Right…we-we have to,” Luhan finally said once he could tear his gaze from the horrible sight.

“What the hell is happening?” Luhan muttered. The city was in chaos. There were no sight of zombies but some of the buildings and cars were in fire, making it hard for them to see and breathe. 

“My phone’s dead, can you call 911?” Inna asked.

“My phone’s with Daniel,” Luhan said, trying to push the thought of his dead manager away from his mind.

“Where are we going?” Inna asked when she realized Luhan was leading her to a destination.

“There’s a police station just a mile away,” Luhan said. “Maybe they can help us.”

“What if they have become…zombies too?” Inna asked although she still followed Luhan’s lead.

“We have to-look out!” Luhan said and pushed Inna harshly, before dodging away the speeding car. The car made a sudden stop with a screeching sound, and a man stepped out with his gun pointed at Inna’s head.

“Are you bitten?” The man asked and Inna shook her head. “Yongguk, there’re survivors!” He yelled before helping her up.

“Lee Inna,” she told before frowning at him. “What the hell were you doing?” Inna asked.

“We thought you were zombies,” he told her bashfully, scratching his neck. “I’m Himchan, by the way. You can get into the car,” he said.

“Luhan, are you alright?” Inna asked, running over the actor.

“Yeah,” he dusted his pants and met Himchan’s small eyes. “You almost get us killed,” he stated bluntly.

“Well, get in the car,” Himchan said, nodding at the zombies behind the two survivors. The sound of the car had attracted their attention and now they were coming for them. The three humans quickly ran and slipped into the car, before Yongguk drove off at a frightening speed.


Alpha Team – H03 [Kangin, Yesung, Kibum with Heeyoung]

“Are you sure it’s here?” Kangin asked in doubt as they landed on the national library rooftop.

“Yes,” Kibum answered shortly, sending a glare at Kangin.

“I mean of all places, why library?” Kangin asked.

“Let’s just hope the library is quite empty before it happened,” Yesung interrupted and Kangin nodded. He readied his gun as Yesung pushed the door opened. Yesung had a flashlight in his hand, placed above the hand that was holding a gun. He led the way downstairs, feeling the hair at the back of his neck stood at the eerie silence.

“Shh,” Kibum said and a woman’s terrifying scream was heard.

“Let’s go,” Yesung said, quickening his pace to the source of the terror. It led them to a staff room, and the doorknob and the floor were smeared in blood. “It’s locked,” Yesung said.

“Move,” Kangin ordered and Yesung and Kibum took several steps back. Kangin threw his body into the door and it pushed opened. A zombie was eating the girl’s face, and Kangin shot him in the head, and the girl’s too.

“Where to?” Yesung asked Kibum.

“Third floor,” Kibum said, checking his phone. They heard gunshots when they reached the stairs, and quickly headed to the sound. Five or more zombies were walking to the same direction, indicating there was a survivor. More gunshots were heard and the zombies fell to the ground, and the trio ran before slowing their pace.

Everything was dead quiet, only their steady footsteps echoed in the empty library. Yesung made a sharp turn to the right and was met with a gun and a flashlight.

“Yesung?” A woman’s voice asked and Yesung sighed in relief.

“Heeyoung,” Yesung acknowledged, dropping his gun with Heeyoung copying his act. “This is Kangin and Kibum,” Yesung said and the two nodded at her.

“I’m Heeyoung, from the Organization too,” Heeyoung said, nodding at Yesung.

“Are you alone? Where’re your men?” Yesung asked, frowning and Heeyoung bit her lower lip, averting his intense gaze.

“Dead,” she said and started walking ahead. The trio followed her closely behind. “There’s a secret passage behind this bookcase,” she told as she stopped in front of the bookcase, and turned to the men, her eyebrow raised.

“Oh, alright,” Kangin said dumbly, putting down his rifle. The men and Heeyoung pushed the bookcase to the right, revealing a door with a fancy code lock.  

“Can you hack that?” Yesung asked.

“Of course I can,” Kibum retorted bitterly.


Inna, Luhan, Yongguk, Himchan

“Everyone hold tight!” Yongguk’s deep voice growled, as he stepped down the accelerator. The car sped forward, crashing the zombies and killing them in the process.

“Hey, it’s help!” Luhan’s said as he caught the sight of a flying chopper. 

“Finally,” Yongguk said, turning the steering. He followed the helicopter, hoping the help could see them. “Come on, come on,” he muttered anxiously.

“ARGH!” Himchan screamed when a zombie grabbed him from the car roof. Yongguk had to release his hold on the steering to help, since Luhan and Inna couldn’t help Himchan at all. The older and stronger man punched the zombie in the jaw and it released its hold on Himchan.

“Look out!” Inna yelled and Yongguk quickly grabbed the steering and avoided a truck.

“Don’t tell me it was drove by zombies,” Luhan frowned.

“Guess they need to retake their driving licence,” Yongguk joked. The other three were about to laugh, but couldn’t do so when a speeding car crashed them from the side. The car spun a few times before crashing into a building.

“Everyone’s okay?” Yongguk asked and they answered with a cough.

“Just a few cuts,” Luhan told, pulling a piece of glass from his cheek.

“I’m good,” Himchan said. “Inna?” He asked as the girl didn’t reply Yongguk at all.

“Probably going to have a nightmare for the rest of my life,” she retorted and Yongguk barked laughter.

“The car’s jammed. Let’s go find another,” Yongguk said and opened the door. He found a baseball bat from under his car seat and made an impressed face.

“Hey, hey! They saw us,” Inna said happily. The helicopter was hovering above them, trying to find a place to land.

“Good thing we crash, eh?” Himchan said and Inna laughed.

“Finally, some hope,” Luhan said before hissing in pain. “I-I think I sprained my ankle.”

“Here,” Yongguk threw the bat at Himchan before slinging his arm around Luhan to support him.

“What’re they doing?” Inna frowned, before gasping in horror when the helicopter crashed down.

“No hopes left,” Luhan muttered hopelessly, shaking his head.

“Let’s head to them. They might have weapons and could protect us,” Himchan suggested but Yongguk shook his head.

“We can’t go there, it’s too far,” Yongguk said, glancing at Luhan.

“We’ll find a car and go there,” Inna said and they nodded.

“Come on, don’t lose faith,” Yongguk told Luhan who had already looking hopeless.

“We can survive this,” Inna said trying to be optimistic.


Alpha Team – H02

“Where are we heading?” Eunhyuk asked Siwon.

“HQ?” Shindong suggested and Siwon shook his head.

“There are other survivors. We need to save them all,” Siwon told.

“We have to know whose behind all this, no?” Eunhyuk asked.

“Another team is already sent to take care of that,” Zhoumi reported.

“And we don’t have to help them?” Leeteuk asked.

“We’ll find a safe route, an underground route if possible, and evacuate all the survivors,” Siwon decided.

“Alright, where are we heading?” Eunhyuk asked and Siwon scanned the area using his laptop, searching for survivors. He marked the location and sent a short report to the support team.

“LingZhen’s University. There are at least thirty plus survivors. The support is looking for a tunnel of some sort,” Siwon said and Eunhyuk nodded. Leeteuk’s phone beeped and he quickly opened it.

“The Organization is preparing to launch the antivirus,” Leeteuk informed and Siwon’s brows ceased, trying to make the right decision.

“How long until they launch it?” He asked.

“Twenty minutes,” he told.

“We’ll head to the university,” Siwon told.

“You should have a quick rest,” Shindong suggested and Siwon just nodded, accepting the water bottle.

“Zhoumi,” Leeteuk called the STA agent quietly. “The team that is sent to follow the cause of this, where are they?” He asked.

“They’re at the National Library,” he said and Leeteuk thanked him. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Nana.

They’re at the library. Twenty minutes to the antivirus launching.


Open characters to apply as:

Ty Lee (Tao’s love interest)

Luhan’s ex-girlfriend

And sister/love interest of any characters other than Donghae, Heechul, Jia, Yesung and Eunhyuk.

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wolflaire #1
Chapter 5: yayyyy author-nim you're back!! ^^ hehhehh I love you too!! :D It's okay! ofcourse!! Inna and Donghae make a very good ending here! xD the suspense again!! hahaha himchan's pizza! ohmy Inna and her reaction at yongguk in a wife-beater! xD and the innocent " ..breaking the window" awww their interaction! ^^ and himchan went alone to the construction site?! :o ohnooo luhan ): so much for being sure they're not zombies!! HAHAHA xDD thank god for the STA officers!! ^^ and heechul sungminnnnn!! xD awww luhan and Ty Lee! ^^ AHAHAHHA and tao the jealous boyfriend tsktsk!! xD ohmyyy donghae and Inna's past love story huhhh! but both seem to love each other! letting go as a form of love hmm! (: MA hahahahha! ohman all my biases are there hahaha!! heechul sungmin kyuhyun donghae ohgosh!! xD and I miss hankyung ): he looks so different now T.T "whoever did that, I'm going to kiss her" hahaha!! and then "kibum was it you?" ohmyyyyy!! xD ohmyyy what anti-virus launching?! where's the antidote?! >.< leeteuk seems abit too cool and composed oops! but HAHAHA heechul's "don't cry" xD you made me miss hanchul )): hankyung, always the emotional one! >.< Inna and donghae ): ohman donghae you have to live for the person you love! not die for them tsktsk!! their sweet parting! hope they'll meet soon! (: hehhehh the longing! everything's piecing themselves together with the introduction of all the characters! ^^ but with the suspenseful holes that link them together I can;t wait!! Thank you for updating it hehhhehhh love you author-nim!! ^^
wolflaire #2
author-nim don't forget about us! xD we'll be waiting for you! ^^
tiggersup #3
Chapter 4: :O gasped when I saw the last part! So pumped :D (still terrified of what's to come in the story though... so much suspense!) I'm nervous about Teukie, but I'm loving the plot twist. It'll make for a more intricate storyline. Great job so far! Thankyu for including me in the update and for the update in general!
ayakasakagami #4
Chapter 4: Yay!! My fish and I are gonna meet. /throws confetti. Haha. Thanks for updating :)
wolflaire #5
Chapter 4: wahhhhh! you're so fast! ö this is so interesting hahahahaha!! :D new additions!! ((: gunssss and ö is leeteuk bad?! who's the wolf?! ööö woahhh mystery plus zombieeeees!! wahhh heeyoung got her kiss so fast heehee!! :p awww so kristen took kyuhyun ): haha but she saved my life in the story oops! (: hahaha you make me seem so small and such a technological-freak heheh!! surfing the net during a zombie apocalypse xD god such a wonderful update! I love you dear author!! <3
Chapter 4: Ahahha.. ye la. I'm very greatful for it but that doesn't mean I'm already a certified woman! Peace yaw! Lol y lady ~ huhuhuhuhu cries a river. Kissing in the dark are sure very romantic and that makes my hormone to rise. *okay 0.0*
wolflaire #7
Chapter 3: This is really interesting! The plot and everything flows so nicely! I want to be part of the story too!! ^^ please do continue to update! I've read this over and over again I never get tired of the first three chapters! Super Junior fighting zombies! :D love your storyy!! <3
Chapter 3: muehehehehe.... aku belum habis baca..saja je nak spamm .. xD lama kot tak online... #haks #haks #haks