
The Association's Secret

                “Wait, wait, wait.” Minho muttered in a hushed tone, looking me directly in the eyes and frowning. Honestly, if we weren’t in such a life-threatening situation right at that moment, I would have commented about how adorable he looked, with his eyebrows scrunched up in concern and all. But our lives were on the line and his cuteness factor didn’t really matter right now. “You’re telling me that Boss has some diabolical plan to kill the president, start a war with North Korea, and therefore, cause World War III.” I nodded and he sighed, shaking his head. “And you heard all of this from a kid that you were assigned to kill.”

                “He was high school age, I swear. How many kids that young have you been assigned to?” I stated, glancing down the aisle once more like I’d been doing all flight. We had two more hours until we landed, and I could feel myself getting more and more anxious. What was I going to do exactly?

                “Well, do you have some sort of plan? Or are we winging it?” Minho shifted in his seat, attempting to get more comfortable as he gave me an expectant look. When I simply stared back at him blankly, he groaned and titled his head back in disappointment. “We’re winging it, I see.”

                The landing in LAX felt harsher than any other time I’d ever been there, but it might have just been because unlike any other time, there was a possibility I wouldn’t survive this trip. There were agents in the U.S. I didn’t know them, but everyone knew they were here. This thought put me on edge as we exited the plane.

                “No one knows I’m here.” Minho muttered, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him. “Keep your face hidden and act like we’re a couple—“

                “We are a couple.”

                “A public couple.” He rolled his eyes at me. “Just don’t look too paranoid and keep walking.”

                We passed through the airport with no problems, thanks to the fact that we stayed in the middle of the crowd, kept our heads bowed, and there were plenty of teenage girls at the airport, waiting for some group or something. They had gigantic posters that were easy to hide behind.

                Basically, we blended into every assassins’ nightmare.

                A taxi would have been too dangerous, considering any contact with someone would put their life in danger also, so we walked into the parking garage and took a look at the cars.

                “This is a bed idea. We’re stealing somebody’s car.” I grumbled, kneeling down beside Minho as he hotwired the Jeep we had just unlocked.

                “We’re borrowing without asking, and I’m pretty sure we need it more than they do right now. No country is coming after them.” He let out a cry of victory as the car started and then climbed into the driver’s seat. “Now get in and stop complaining, this is for the greater good.”

                I scoffed but walked around to the passenger side nonetheless. Everything Minho had said was true. We needed this car. Much more than whoever actually owned it. And we left a note, apologizing and explaining a little bit of why we took it, in the parking space.

                Not that that justified stealing a car.

                But like Minho said, greater good.

                “Here’s the GPS the kid gave me.” I mentioned as Minho sped through traffic. I handed it to him after turning it on.

                “There’s only one address programmed in this.” He mumbled, scanning through it. “It’s in D.C.”

                “The other side of the country?”

                Minho groaned, tossing the GPS back at me. “This is turning out to be much more work than I expected.”

                “How much work did you expect it to be?” I asked, genuinely curious.

                “Not driving across the country!” He snapped, not sounding angry but more like an annoyed child or something. I couldn’t help but laugh, which proved just how exhausted and stressed this trip was making me, because honestly, Minho isn’t the most comedic guy out there.

                We stopped in Las Vegas.

                I don’t know why, but Minho had decided for us that stopping for the night in Las Vegas was a great idea. So we stayed at the Venetian, which happened to look a lot like Venice, just on a smaller scale, and in the middle of the strip, so surrounded by lots of other hotels that looked like other parts of the world.

                “We’ll leave early in the morning, so get some rest.” Minho declared, already climbing into the bed after getting ready. I slipped into the covers of the bed next to his and sighed.

                “Thank you, by the way.” I whispered, after Minho had turned out the lights.

                “For what?”

                “For coming. I hate that you’re putting your life and career at risk for this, but thank you anyway.”

                There was a pause of complete silence and then, “I’m not doing this for the greater good or whatever. I’m doing this to make sure that you’re safe. I know you can handle yourself out there, but I’d rather be there with you than waiting by the phone, ready to get the call that you didn’t make it. I care what happens to you. The world can go to war multiple times, but as long as you’re okay, then I don’t care about anything else.”

                I didn’t know what to say to that, so I just whispered “Thank you” and curled into the blanket, closing my eyes and letting sleep overcome me. It had been a long day, so it didn’t even take a minute for me to fall asleep.

                However, it also didn’t even take a minute for me to wake up when I heard the urgency in Minho’s voice as he told me to wake up.

                “What is it?” I grumbled, rubbing at my eyes and stumbling out of the bed.

                He was standing by the window, gun in hand, body completely tensed up and ready for something. Anything. “They’re here.”

                “Here? But—what?—how?” I scrambled over to my shoes, yanking them on before grabbing my bag and pulling out my own gun. “How did they find us? We’ve covered our tracks! No one’s seen us that could possibly recognize us, or even remember our face! How could they—“

                “EunMi-ah, we have to go.” Minho tossed his bag towards me, gesturing for me to leave. “You go first, take everything with you. I’ll meet you by that Eiffel Tower replica.”

                “What are you going to do?” I asked, already backing towards the door.

                “I’m going to make sure they can’t follow us.”





i bet you didn't expect this ^^ i'm sorry this is all i can get you for now, but don't think i'm going to forget!! next time i see you, i'll have something really cool for you!! for now, i hope you like this chapter for you story! 

i also hope you have a great birthday and feel extra loved and special! i wish i could be there, but for now, i'll trust that everyone is taking care of you and spoiling you like you should be! 

i love you, unnie <3 and i really, really, REALLY miss you! *sniffle* it's your turn to visit (no pressure)

(my parentals say happy birthday too~)

just wait a little longer for the next part~

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Chapter 2: I absolutely love it thank you!!! Your message made me cry! ㅠㅠ thanks best friend!!!! I love you too amd missss youuuuuuu tooooo! ♥♥♥ I hope they take care of me lolll
SooJung #2
Chapter 1: AWESOME! There's not enough Lee Minho fics around, and this one sounds really good! =D
Gomawoyo!! i can't wait to read it!!! <3