Christmas with an Angel

Christmas with an Angel


I didn't expect my Christmas to be spent trapped in a cafe, trapped by a crazy blizzard. But at least my angel's with me. 


"Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa la la la laaa la la la la..."

Music played throughout the streets of Seoul, in restaurants and little shops that managed to stay open on this very night. Snow was falling, but it wasn't bitter cold either. In fact, it's what people describe as perfect winter weather. You can see couples holding hands, walking around, doing all those lovey dovey things. 

We were one of them; me and my Angel named Kevin. We begged our parents to let us spend Christmas Eve with each other. So here we are, dressed in warm winter coats, walking side by side to our destination.

Kevin looked at me and frowned, I don't like that face, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"How can't I? Yebo, where's your hat? You got snow all over your hair." He attempted to brush off the flakes. 

It was on my dresser then left it there when Kevin came, "I forgot... remembered my gloves but not the hat." I lifted our hands to prove it, and pouted.

"Aigoo," he took his own scarf off and carefully draped it over my head. "There."

"I probably look stupid." I grabbed it but Kevin stopped suddenly held my wrist.

"Not stupid, cute," he said flashing his signature smile. I melted, every time.

"Wait...where's your hat?" yelling at me. Look at yourself!

"..." he looked to the left, then to the right, "In the car..."

"Oppa," I yanked my hand from his grip and then poked him in the head. Kevin quickly held it again.

"I don't need a hat, anyways. My manliness will keep me healthy and strong!" He lifted both of our hands up.


"HAHAHAHAHAHA" we both started laughing.

"That was one of the most pabo things you've ever said Oppa." I took off the scarf and wrapped it tightly around his neck, "Y-you’re choking me..." Kevin clasped his chest dramatically and dropped to the floor.

I lightly kicked him. “Get up Kevin.” He did.

 "That hurt Eunjae…” Kevin loosened the scarf.


“Aigoo,” he pinched my red cheeks, “We're almost there, yebo," he announced. 

"Where are we going? You never told me," he planned this whole date himself actually. .

"You'll find out soon enough," Kevin pulled me forward. We were walking, but them he started skipping, “We look like little kids.”

“Little kids that are in love~”

“So cheesy.”

We stopped in front of an outdoor skating rink. Twinkling lights everywhere and the snow adds a romantic effect. People are already enjoying the ice with their families.


"Yup," Kevin went to the worker and asked for the skates while I waited patiently for him at a nearby bench.  "Here ya go," he handed me mine. 

"Thanks," I slipped on the skate and proceeded to tie the laces."I haven't skated in years," I say.

"I could tell."

"How?" Then gave him a questioning look. 

"You're wearing the left skate on your right foot," he pointed.

Face palm. "So freaking annoying. Gosh." I was fumbling with the laces when Kevin stopped me. 

"I'll do it you jagi," he gave me another charming smile and carefully untied and slipped it on the correct foot. He tied both in a bow and proceeded on to his.

"Thanks, Kevin," I whispered.

"Mmmh." Nice and tight, he finished his skates and took my hands, "Kaja."

He guided me to the slippery ice; I poked one of my feet on the surface but quickly retreated. “Umm… you go first.” I gestured to him; Kevin shrugged, “okay.”

I swear, he wasn’t even hesitant and just went for it, a very big mistake since I’ve never seen him skate when we started dating 2 years ago.


“Owwie…” he rubbed his bum and pouted.

“Pabo, pabo, paboooo,”I scolded him.  Kevin stuck out his arms like a kid. I rolled my eyes and picked up this adorable kid, but being the kid he is, Kevin pulled me down with him.

Pabo,” he mimicked me. His grip tightened around my waist as I flushed pink.

“Oppa…people are looking at us,” I looked down, if that’s even possible because of our position.

“I don’t care,” I looked at him and snickered. His lips were puckered and his eyes were closed, signaling for a kiss.

 He so adorable sometimes, so I leaned in and gave him a quick peck in the corner of his lips.

He giggled, he freaking giggled.

“What am I going to do with you…?” I blushed even harder.

“How about we try this skating thing again, Hmmm?”

“De,” we stood up, but Kevin’s arms were still wrapped tightly around me, back to his chest. “You can let go now Kevin.”

“Dun wanna, Eunjei.” So stubborn.

“If we fall again then it’ll be your fault.”

“I know,” he buried his face in my hair. “One foot a time, okay yebo?”

“How would you know? You just fell like a minute ago,” I pointed out.

“I just heard that guy say it to his kid.” We started laughing again.

I was a bit daring for the scared little puppy I was, and stepped two feet on the ice, “Hey it’s not that bad.”

Kevin, about a foot behind me, still embracing me, did the same. We skated around the rink, not doing so bad actually, before I slipped and fell,

onto him.

“Mianhae! Oppa, are you okay?” I rushed to his side and lightly slapped his face. He wasn’t responding which made me think negatively. HE COULD HAVE A CONCUSION!

“KEVIN!!!” I shook him hard when people started to gather around us.

His mouth slowly opened, and then he stuck out his tongue. Kevin’s eyes opened into crescent moons and he started laughing. The people around us started laughing too.

“Aish…” I hit him hard in the tummy and he let out a yelp.

“Ya know you did hurt me when you fell, and know you hit me when I almost died from saving your life?” he was being dramatic again. The crowd was laughing. I blushed when I realized we weren’t alone.

“I said I was sorry…gwenchana?”

“Yeahh…” he answered rubbing his head.

Everyone clapped for some stupid reason. Both of our faces were red as a tomato. We got up, and then everyone left to their own affairs.

“Can we start skating before you cause more attention to us?” I asked, inching on my skates so that I won’t fall again, but I did.


“Aigoo, my little Eunjei is frustrated.” He slowly came over, trying not to fall over too, and helped me up.

“I don’t like this,” and right when I said that, the wind picked up and sent shivers down my spine.

“Mianhae yebo, I thought you’d like it…” he looked down, obviously hurt. I regret those words immediately.

“Aniya, I take it back,” I tried to make him face me again when a strong gust of wind rushed by. Thankfully, Kevin was there to save me. The lights around the rink were flickering. Worried faces were plastered on all of the visitors. The light snow was now falling down fast.

“Oppa, I think I need a hat now,” I hugged Kevin as close as I can because it was getting really cold.

“I think we should go.” He looked up into the darkening sky.


“Come on, Jagi,” we rushed over to the counter to return the shoes but were too preoccupied to get our own shoes. We ran barefoot in thin ankle socks to a small coffee shop. Wet and tired, we sat down at an empty table.

“Have some hot chocolate, on the house,” a worker kindly smiled at us and handed the warm mugs.

“Kangsamnida…” we both bowed, or tried to bow. I sipped the brown liquid. Kevin did the same.

More people were piling in the door and the small shop was soon crowded of people from all ages. An old couple walked, freezing. We did the right thing and offered them our seats and sat by the back of the café. Sipping our coco, I took off my cold socks and started rubbing my freezing feet. “Ow…”

“Mian Eunjei, I didn’t know it would snow this hard.” I looked at my precious Kevin and noticed he was in the brink of crying. “It’s all my fault, I wanted our date to be perfect…” sniffle.

“Kevin,” I placed the mug down and took off my soaking gloves, jacket, and scarf. I tried to take off his outer garments when he said, “Don’t, let me get sick because I ruined everything…” he whispered.

I ignored him and took off his things anyway. Including the wet socks. I intertwined our fingers to try and warm his up. Kevin was now crying, hot tears poured down his pink cheeks. It broke my heart seeing him like this. I didn’t even notice my own tears.

“Oppa,” I engulfed him in a tight hug, “it’s not your fault, it’s none of our faults, we just didn’t know. Look around us, all the people crowed in this shop didn’t know either, so it’s not your fault,” I tried wiping away the tears with my thumb as he did the same for me.

Suddenly, the power went off in the shop and we were surrounded in darkness.

“Kevin,” I search for his hands again. “Are you okay?”

“Mmmh.” His free hand held the back of my neck and guided me into his chest. We used our jackets as blankets and drank the remaining coco. Then I slept in my angel’s embrace.


I felt Kevin shifting; I opened my eyes to see everyone around us asleep. Still dark, still snowing outside. He pulled out his phone and checked the current time, “Eunjei, it’s 12:01.”

“Hmm?” I looked at the bright screen.

“Merry Christmas,” we said in unison.

We laughed lightly, making sure not to wake up the family beside us.

“I know this wasn’t how we planned to spend the night, but at least we’re together,” I see him smiling in the dim glow of his phone.

“So cheesy,” I smiled.

“I know…Jagi, I tried calling our parents, but there wasn’t any service…they must be worried sick,” he had a nervous face.

“They’ll know we’re safe.”


“Because my guardian angel is with me, he’ll keep me safe.”

“And you say I’m cheesy.” He chuckled.

“I know.”

Our hands were tightly clasped. I leaned my head into his shoulder.

“I love you, Eunjei…” I was surprised in the sudden confession, although he said it many times before.

Kevin looked at me with soft eyes and brushed his hands across my cheek.

He held on and slowly leaned in. He stopped just a centimeter. I could feel his warm breath just before we touched. I quickly responded to his innocent kiss.

“I-I love you too Kevin,” I said against his lips.

He smiled into the kiss, before backing off.

“I love you more~” he whispered against my ear, “Merry Christmas, yebo.”

Merry Christmas, my angel.




heheheheh, sorry for being a bit late. Mianhae~ tell my what you think in the comments. Again, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!♥ Kevin's so cute...

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erialc #1
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh my goodness that was adorable!! :D Loved it! Late Merry Christmas to you :D
erialc #2
Can't wait :D