Cheering Up

Cheering Up


"She's in there."

"Thanks, Mrs. Lee," Luhan said quietly to your mom as he peered into your bedroom to see you staring down at a picture of you and your grandfather who passed away a few weeks ago due to natural causes.

Out of all the members in your family, you were the one taking it the hardest. He was like a second father to you since your parents had strange work hours when you were growing up.  He was the one that taught you how to cook, ride a bicycle, and play awesome pranks on your older brothers.

Although the tears had stopped after the first week, you felt an emptiness inside of you.

"Hey," Luhan said softly as he sat down next to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

"Hey," you rested your head on his shoulder and continued to look at the picture in your hands.

"You okay?" he asked.

You nodded your head, "I just miss him."

Luhan rubbed your arm as the two of you fell silent.

"Do you want to go do something with me?" he asked suddenly.

You lifted your head off of his shoulder to see your boyfriend giving you a small smile.

You nodded your head and placed the picture on your bedside table as Luhan pulled up towards the door by the hand.


"This is what you wanted to do?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yup!" Luhan gave you a single nod before racing towards the swing set.

You watched him jump onto one of the swings and start to pump his legs back and forth.

After dragging you five blocks from your house, all he wanted to do was play on the swings?

"How old is this kid, seriously?" you muttered and shook your head. But you ended up walking towards the swing next to Luhan's anyways.

You sat down and grabbed the chains with your hands, gently swinging as Luhan whipped back and forth next to you.

"I bet I can swing higher," he childishly mocked, giving you a smug smile every time he swung past you.

"Oh, you're on," you narrowed your eyes and started to swing your legs.

You got your swing up to a little less than the height of Luhan's.

"Not beating me," Luhan teased.

You pumped your legs harder. But no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't seem to get high enough to beat him.

"Still not beating me," he said quickly after.

For some odd reason, you broke out into a fit of laughter and stopped pumping your legs, giving up entirely.

Luhan gave you an adoring smile and stopped swinging his legs as well.

You continued to laugh as your swings slowly came to a stop and you rested your feet on the ground.

"What's so funny?" Luhan asked.

"You," you giggled.

"Me?!" Luhan pointed to himself in disbelief.

You nodded your head with a laugh, "You're just so childish sometimes that it's adorable."

Luhan leaned his head against the chain closest to you as he watched you stare down at your feet, kicking them in the sand absentmindedly, a small smile playing on your lips.

"It's nice to see you smiling again," he said quietly.

You looked up at Luhan to see him gazing at you with care in his doe eyes.

"Thanks for cheering me up, Hannie," you smiled, "I really needed it."

He gave you an eye smile in return, "Of course. I'll always be here to cheer you up because … I love you."

You looked at him, frozen in shock. That was the first time that he, or any guy for that matter, told your those three words.

"Come here," Luhan held his arms out for you.

You slowly got off your swing and walked towards his outstretched arms.

Luhan wrapped his arms around your waist and carefully positioned you so you were sitting sideways on his lap.

You took one of his hands off of your waist and started playing with his fingers.

"Really?" you whispered, refusing to look at him.

Luhan let out a soft laugh and gently swung the two of you while keeping his feet on the ground.

"Yeah, I really love you," he smiled.

You closed your eyes when you felt Luhan place a soft kiss on your cheek.

You let out a sigh when his lips left your cheek and turned your head to look him in the eye.

"I love you, too," you whispered giving him a soft smile.

You lifted your head a little to give him an innocent kiss on the lips.

You quickly pulled back and turned your head away. You could feel your face start to heat up from the kiss even though it lasted less than three seconds.

Luhan stared at you, wide eyed, for a few moments. You would never initiate kisses, it was always him.

He threw his head back and let out a loud laugh when he saw how embarrassed you were.

"Oh, my gosh, you are so cute!" he exclaimed and tightly wrapped his arms around your body, placing his chin on top of your head.

You laughed with him as he gave you a tight hug and continued to gush over your cute innocence.

You shook your head and wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face into his chest.

No matter where, no matter when, you knew Luhan would always be there if you ever needed a little cheering up. 

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lululemon_lover24 #1
This is so sweet and adorable ^^ I love it
PoisonApple911 #2
Chapter 1: So cute~! So sweet of him to do that!
leeharahan #3
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD! Huaaa author-nim that's really cute and sweet >< i really like it~
Chapter 1: This is adorable oh my gosh
Chapter 1: aigoo author - nim..
that's sweet..
love it love it #cheer
NanaUrBaby #6
Chapter 1: Omg!! Luhan is so Cute~
Chapter 1: this is s cute! OMG he is so sweet @.@
Chapter 1: OMG so CUTEEEE!!! Haha LUHAN seems like the perfect boyfriend >.<
Chapter 1: omg lulu <3