


Hanas P.O.V


“Yah! Lee SooKyung!!! Stop hitting me.“ I exclaimed after one of my best friends hit me with a pillow on my head. “Wae?” she giggled and hit me again. I grabbed the next pillow beside me and hit her back.


Me and my friends had a sleepover at my place, since me parents were home over the weekend and I didn't have to work till Friday morning. Actually we had winter vacation since this Monday, but I was working to get money so I could study overseas soon. Of course I asked my employer if I could work more and longer during my free time and he happily accepted, since Christmas was coming and the little store got really busy during this time.


SooKyung and me kept on with our pillow fight. We didn't have anything to do to be honest and soon YoonRi joined us. Our fourth friend Minji sat on my beanbag while cuddling with a Hello Kitty blanket. She wasn't the type to jump around and scream, but still she was a good person to spend time with.


“Guys!” Minji suddenly half-screamed to catch our attention. We all stopped moving and looked at her with a questioning look. “Look.” she pointed towards the window. We all followed the direction she showed us and immediately dropped our pillows. White fluffy snowflakes were falling silently from the sky. “Woah~!” the three of us yelled in excitement at the same time and stumbled over to my window. It must have look awkward and kinda funny from the outside as we all pressed our noses against the cold glass. Even Minji was excitedly watching the snow fall down.


A figure got nearer to pass my window. It was a boy and he was around our age. And holy.....he was handsome. “Hey...hey Hana do you see what I see?” YoonRi nudged my side. “If you mean this handsome pretty boy there...she's definitely seeing him. Look at her creepy smile.” SooKyung giggled. I tried to get my facial expressions under control, but I failed miserably and this 'creepy' smile, as SooKyung described it, stayed on my face. The something happened I wouldn't expect. The head of the boy turned towards my window and he spotted us. My friends pulled away from the window swiftly, not wanting him to see us drooling over him, but then there was me. My face stayed glued to the window and he caught me gawking at him. He flashed me a smile and I blushed like mad.“Ouuh~ our Hana is in love~!” YoonRi chirped. I grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at her. “I'm not.” I denied loudly.



Am I?



**Friday morning**




I just arrived at the store and placed myself behind the counter. The shop wasn't really full, because it was still kinda early. Only a few costumers were inside and they were still looking around for last minute presents. The shop wasn't bigger then my room, the selves weren't this high and since the counter was on a podium I had the view over the whole place. My employer was in his office preparing the paper work for Christmas already it was only three days to go. We never had opened on the weekend, so a lot of people gathered on Fridays in our shop.


The ringing door bells showed that someone entered the shop. I looked up from the paper I was doodling on and tried to spot who just came in. The old lady was already there a bit longer. The middle-aged man too. Then I spotted the new person. My jaw dropped. It was HIM. This handsome boy that passed my window just a few days ago was in this shop...while I was working. Oh please god. I know I'm not talking to you that often, but please let him buy something so he had to talk to him. The warm light inside here made him even more good-looking. He was looking around the store with a soft, nearly not noticeable smile on his face. I guess he was looking for present for his family...or for his girlfriend. Oh no no~ it's for someone on his family. Nice going Hana. It's not like you have a chance. He's too handsome for me. I tried not to stare at him while he wandered around the store.


I started doodling on my paper again to distract me from the pretty boy who was in the same room as me. Suddenly someone cleared his throat right in front of me. My head jerked up and I saw this mentioned boy standing right in front of me. “Oh~ I'm sorry.” I apologized quickly and placed my paper and pen away. “No problem.” he flashed me the same smile as he did a few days ago. A slight lisping was heard as he talked. Am I allowed to say..OH MY GOSH~ SO CUTE!! He placed a small bottle with pink bubble bathing liquid on the counter. I was about to grab it when he stopped me. “Wait~.”he called out. I looked up to his face. His eyes were kinda small because he was still smiling. “Aren't you the girl from the window?” he asked, while tilling his head to the left. Oh . “W-window?” I asked back stuttering. “Yes yes. You and your friends were pressing your noses flat against the window while looking at the snow.” he giggled softly. Oh boy, you really think we were starring at the snow? “Oh...oh yes.” I nodded awkwardly. His facial expression suddenly changed into a small cute frown. “I must sound like a stalker now.” I sighed and rubbed his neck. “Haha...i-it's fine.” I smiled.


“So...this is for you girlfriend?” I asked and pointed to the small bottle which were still standing on the counter. “ I don't have a girlfriend. It's for my sister.” he replied. I nodded. Buyaa~~ he doesn't have a girlfriend, but still no chance for me. “Ah ok. Should I wrap it up for you?” I questioned while I keyed the numbers under the barcode in the computer. “That would be nice.” he answered with a smile. I nodded again and turned my back to him. With a swift move I pulled out some pretty Christmas paper to wrap it up and a ribbon to glue it on after I neatly wrapped it in. I tried to make it as perfect as possible. And I finished it with a smile. It was pretty good. I turned back to him, handed him his gift and he gave me the payment. I was about to give him back his change, but he shock his hand. “Keep it.” he smiled and left.


I looked after him. My gaze went back to the counter and I was about to grab my doodling again, but then I spotted a paper. I heard the door bell ring. He still hadn't left the shop. “Hey~ you left your paper!” I called after him, but he didn't turn back, probably because he didn't heard me anymore. I looked back at the paper.






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