SHINee's Angels: angel guide



Dear human who holds this book in his or her hands,

My name is cato, the wise one, the one who wrought the book you are holding in your hand. If you are touching the delicate papers as you read the book, then you must have heard about us, the angels of protection or how other call us heaven’s angel. To have been able to open this book you must have great power flowing through your vain, as it connect to you angel.

Let me explain to you more about you angel. One drip of your blood is enough, to reveal a document about you and your angel and of course you friends.

Let me take you to the word of the most wonderful creations of heaven’s hand craves, as I explain ever thing to you. Exploring a whole new world, dimension that mere humans will never know off, if you keep your mouth closed of course.


With great greetings,
Cato, the wise one


Da Hyo here.

so i created this story not only for me but also for who are reading my story: SHINee Angel.


i am/been re-wrighting SHINee angel and noticed that some things are unclearly or i want to put some extra information yet unable to because it wouldn't fit. thats why i have created this story called SHINee's angel: heaven's angel. it will be a manual "created" by cato. (eaning wise one in latin) who explain every angel (plus there master) and also explain other things. like the curse Jonghyun and Kangin had.


officialy it can stand alone because it isn't really a story, but it is recomanded to read or have read SHINee's Angel because it is still linked to the real story.


more information can be added later on. if you see any information or have any quistion to be added to this manual, please DO NOT be afraid to ask in teh comment section down below.


Link to SHINee angel:



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