Second Chances

Second Chances (sequel to A Heartbreak Baby)

Three years. It has been three years ever since she fled that night, taking risk leaving the life she had with her best friend. She doesn't want to be a burden to anyone, doesn't want to be dependant of them. 

As the years flew by fast so was her emotions. She decided to close her heart, never wanting to fall in love ever again. She worked hard for the pass three years and managed to open her own cafe. 

But having her own cafe isn't what she cut out do be. Luckily with great success and it became a cute side cafe just nearby a university, a great hang out for the students and passerbys. 

Despite herself avoiding contact with anyone from her past, she moved on and knew is better to make up her own life on her own. She doesn't depend on anyone but herself and not trusting anyone. But fate has other plans for her as she have to make a decision. 

It was a cooling Saturday and just a slight rain came by as she had a busy day taking care of her cafe. She didn't see a certain young man looking at her closely as she stretched and looked up into the sky before disappearing back into the small cafe. 

He sat down facing the counter and saw her movement. He watched as she smiled and told the barista something and often glancing at the customers. 

Memories of their time together flashes quickly in his mind. He looked at her smiling and it made him smile remembering all the good times they had together on their dates. 

Their date at the amusement park

The date at the arcade

The date at the shopping district 

He remembered the ring and took it out from his pocket. A simple steel ring that he bought together with them as they chose it for each other held a memorable time for the both of them

He remembered the first fight they had, because of jealousy. He smiled seeing her cute pout as he pinched her cheek and said that he will never leave.

Then it all changes in an instant as the memories turned into a bad one as he was the one who turned away from her. He's been seeing an another girl behind her back. 

They argued as she suspected him but he hid it well saying that shouldn't believe what people are saying. But it all ends when he decided to let her go.

That day, he regretted his decision as he knew it broke both of their hearts that day as she gave him back the couple ring that belongs to her. He held it tightly in the palm of his hand and placed it on the table

He stood up and walked out of the cafe. He knew is best not to approach her now knowing she haven't forgiven him yet. Remembering the event three years ago. 


He walked into the hospital and saw the rushed doctors bringing her to the room. He waited, patiently pacing back and forth, Her best friend came in panic and he told her what happened and she cried, hoping she will be alright. 

He heard the cries of the baby and soon the baby was given to her real mother. He saw her lying, weak from giving birth. He knew she's gone through hell to give birth but he was afraid to approach her. 

He was thinking of ways to tell her how he feels only to find the best friend panicking as the person he loved the most looking paler than usual. Her eyes were already half-closed as the doctor told them to go out and soon the curtain closed again. 

It took forever until the doctor came out to tell them the devastating news. She was gone, due to loss of blood. She couldn't make it. He fallen onto the wall, devastated to hear the news. It was too late, as he knew there will be no more chances to be with her. Never as she has gone forever. 


He turned back as he felt a gentle arm tapping "Sir, you left this at the ta-Ryosuke" her eyes widen as the ring that was on the ring almost fallen only to be held quickly and placed gently in the middle of her palm

"Keep yours..." he said and walked out of the cafe opening the umbrella as it started to rain. KNowing to not to turn back knowing she will never love him back. 

It took a few seconds for RIn to react as she rushed out of the cafe and into the pouring rain. "RYOSUKE WAIT!!!" she called "Wait!!!!" her voice almost unheard as he disappeared. 

She crossed the street ignoring the honks as she crossed at the red light and then she felt a hand grabbing hers toards the pathway before a car swerved past her. 

He held her in his arms, their hearts beating loudly in their chests as it took her a moment before she pushed away from him "Sorry" 

He felt her as if she was different. "Rin....all these've just been here? Why didn't you go back?" he ask and she glared sharply at him

"Why should you care? Don't you have a to with? Is that why you came?" she accused him. He was taken back "Excuse me....I came because I saw the girl who I love after three years thinking she died alive and owned her own cafe! You think I'm not freaked out as you are Rin!" 

"I have my reasons to lie to all of you okay" she started to sob and he could see. "One is because of you. You wanna know why?" she looked at him "Because I know you will want to beg me to give you second chance again...but my answer will always be the" 

"I moved on, I matured. I have my own life now...all alone..and I'm happy" she said. There was a total silence before he said "Rin....Yukiko almost comitted suicide but because of the baby she couldn't knowing she needs her more than anyone in the world." 

"And for me...I lost...I mean...I regretted the day I broke our relationship. Yes, is all my fault. But please I know you will never forgive me, but will it be forever? Will this be your happiness? Yukiko needs you....I need you" 

It took Rin awhile before she said "No....I decided and when I said is my decision I won't back...I can't." She said "Excuse me...U have to go back" 

He pulled her wrist and then slowly he knelt down onto the hard pavement and held both of his hands together looking down "Please...."

She turned her head knowing that she won't go back. She promised herself, the day she left her past she will never go back. Learning from the mistakes she's done she doesn't want to. 

She left him, crying on the wet pavement back towards her cafe. She went to the staff locker room and changed into dry and went out and continue supervising her staff. 

For the next few weeks everything goes back to normal as the students have their exams and most of the time is crowded and one day Rin decided to take a walk outside and at a small park ke was happily enjoying the nice weather when she heard sobbing from behind a tree. 

She went to the source and saw a little girl holding her bleeding knee as she cried. She approached the little girl and looked at her. 

"Little girl, daijobu desuka?" she ask and the little girl "I want my mama! MAMA!!!!!!!" she cried "Mama!!" the girl's crying became louder and Rin doesn't know what to do. Rin took out a plaster from her bag and put it on the little girl's knee "There all better" 

The little girl smiled and looked at her with a bright smile "Arigatou gozaimasu!" the little girl said and Rin pat her head "Daijobu!   Ne, what is your name?" 

"Takaki Ryoko desu" she said with a bright smile and Rin looked at her shocked "EH?" The little girl stared at her confused. "Takaki..." Rin mumbled and the little girl ask "Doe?" 

Rin just shook her head and replied with a shake " you must feel better now.." Ryoko nodded. From afar she heard a voice and she stiffen. "RYOKO!" 

"Ano...I have to go Jya! Take care na" Rin said as she left towards the opposite but she saw Ryoko call her "Ano...what's your name?" 

"Rin desu.." Rin replied with a smile "Ah...I'm late...jya!" Rin said and ran off as she accidentally bumped into someone "Ah gomen" 

"Daijobu..." the voice said and looked at her "Rin...." surprised she look up and saw Yuya. She covered his mouth "Shhhh" she pulled him behind a tree "Don't tell Yuki-chan am here.." 

He nodded as she said "I have to go..." Yuyan! Yuyan! Where are you?" they both heard Yukiko's voice calling "Yuki!! I'm h-" his mouth was covered again and there was only a muffled sound heard as she walked towards the sound and saw Yuya hiding someone behind him

"Yuyan! Who is that behind you? ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME AGAIN?!" Yukiko took off her heels and was ready to get hit but Yuya said "No...listen it's it's..." he mouthed "Rin" and Yukiko's was surprised "What? That's impossible! She's dead remember?"

She laughed and then Rin guiltily came out from Yuya's back and stood scared as Yukiko stared blanky. "What is this? Some sort of set up? Is this who your joke coz is not funny! We all know my best friend died three years ago!"

"Yuki-chan...." Rin said and Yukiko frozen in place "No..." she said, her voice low " can't be possible! She died! We saw her!!! What is this?!!" Yukiko yelled, clutching some parts of her hair and fallen to the ground.

Yuya went to her took out the medicine from her purse giving it to her. She swallowed it with water he fished from her bag and she calmed down. Rin was confused "Is she okay?" Yuya said "Yeah she's fine now...this happens after Ryoko was born. You know what happened three years ago..." she understood. 

"Is because of me" she mumbled as she looked down onto the ground. "Demo...she's recovering now....daijobu" he said with a huge smile. She awkwardly smiled at him and said "Yeah...I guess that's good I guess" she replied. 

She knew seeing them was a huge mistake in the first place. Ryoko who was watching Yukiko earlier sat beside her and said "mama...daijobu?" 

Yukiko smiled at the little girl and said as she patted her little head "Daijobu...mama genki desho...I'm strong" Ryoko seem sad but smiled knowing her mother is alright. "AH.....Rin-san..." the little girl called her and RIn looked at her "Mama....this is Rin-san....she put the plaster for my boo boo" 

Yukiko looked at Rin then at Ryoko and said "That's great!" she stood up and said "Ne, remember when I told you the story about the angel?"

Ryoko nodded "I like that story mama...the angel laid peacefully with the one she love the most" reciting the ending Yukiko made up and then Yukiko said "This is the angel I was telling you about ne Ryoko.." 

Ryoko's eyes widen as she ran towards Rin "Ryoko knows who Ryoko wants to the angel in the story..Ryoko wants to be like Rin-san." 

"EHH??!!" Rin said, surprised. She didn't expect that to happen. She doesn't know what Yukiko told her daughter but knew it must be something so the little girl decide such thing in an instant. 

Her eyes soften as she knelt down in front of Ryoko as they shared a hug. At that moment, Yukiko watched as her daughter embraced her best friend. Things happen for a reason. 

Time will heal old wounds. Even it takes time to accept the fact but nobody can forget the good things about you as they misses your presence even if your were long gone from their lives.

This was what RIn felt that day as she finally decided to come back and be a part of the lives of the loved ones she depended on the most as it takes someone to makes a decision for second chances. 

The End

AN: Well that's all for me. Need to focus when I get back home which will be in two days! Hope everyone had a nice day celebration today! Thanks for reading!

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Aillin-luvs #1
Chapter 1: I like the way you write your story so emotional attached that it draws in the reader's attention
i loved it! <3 ~3~
Karina-Ai #2
Chapter 1: wah, it really great. I almost cry reading it