through the black hole


EunsooThe black hole .... Thats the name of the door that changes my whole life .... Is it a good thing? .... No , maybe , yes ... I don't know. Wait! Someone grabbed my wrist , he's the one who kidnaped me , i tried to escape but he's too strong i closed my eyes and that was the last thing i could remember ... Then.................
Myungsoo: sorry eunsoo but ........
sunggyu: we should find her soon before the dark vampire do... We need her powers ......
dujun: she is dangeruos for us ... We should find here ...... If she got her powers we wont be save ... She must be killed ....
Yoseop : eunsoo.. Thats the name of my next meal .......
dongwoon : where is he ? No way ......
the characters



















other characters



infinite members














Other characters will appear too ^^





hi every one >>>> I've been reading your fanfictions for a quite long time >
>> and they were awsome by the way<<< and 
now its my turn to create one..... so yah! , this is my first fanfic that
 i hope youll like it ^^ . Oh and one more think >>> you may find some 
mistakes cause english isnt my mother language , so plz tell me if you find 
any or ignore them^^! 


Enjoy reading and DONT FORGET TO COMMENT :) 




this amazing main poster is made by my intelligent best friend (follow her @MiniiAngel)


lol follow me to @farro7anono



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lollypurpelish #1
Chapter 34: Kyaa!! What happen next?! Please update soon
Exoticlu #2
Chapter 34: new reader here ^^ wooaaah s-suho is the one *^* plz dont break my bias's heart auther-nim *^*
elfyraa #3
Chapter 32: OMG! OMG!! thats all a can say! i totally love your story. and are they going to accept the deal?? and which one is the prince of the werewolf clan?? and... and...
Arrrg! i'm going to have a headache with all the question running in my head! author-nim update soon please!!
SHINeewolrd #4
Chapter 31: please update ^^