Truth hurts, lies' a torture

Fire and Rain
"Get out you jerk! Get out!" you shouted in his face, with unlimited amount of tears drooling out of your eyes. "How can you do this to me, how can you do this to me!!"
You pushed him out of the door with all the little strength you have left, to which he didn't even react back. You couldn't even look in his eyes which showed nothing. Your heart ached as you slammed the door in his face. Your back was burning against the door as you slowly crashed to the floor. You love him so much or should it be you loved him too much. For all the years you've been with him, 7 years  9 months and 27 days to be exact, you never went around to look at other guys and there he was, while you were busy at work, sick at home, and the times when he was all you could think off, all the times you spent thinking only about him, his health, what he was doing and where he was, he was with another girl. Such betrayal. How ironic it was that he once promised you he will always and forever be loyal to you. How ironic it was when he kept saying he is an innocent and pure man. Which makes it even more ironic because it just meant that denial was written all over his . That that was all the fake lies he blinded the fans and the media with. A jerk. A coward who can't even be honest. Makes you think of all the presents, all the surprises, his secrets and not to forget the promises he made, everything that came out of his mouth must have been total lies. Nothing but crap that is equivalent to landfills and a cow's dunk, to  fill you with happiness, with false hopes that you're going to live forever with him and grow old together.  What a joke it must have been to him. That he could still stepped his feet in your little yet cozy apartment which you once spent all your time playing games together, joking and laughing with him, cooked for him and even to the extent where you shared and showed him things you never did to anyone else. It felt as though you've lost your . Wasted. Wasted all the time you spent for him. Wasted all the thoughts you had for him. Wasted all the things you've done for him. How strange that he once said that he respected you. Stranger still that you believed him. Strangest of all that actually felt as though he was treating you that way when in fact he only respected you just like how he respected his own . That once you're not needed he'll flush you away with no sense of guilt whatsoever. That's when you realized that giving love, care and concern to someone doesn't me that you will receive it and it doesn't mean that when you receive it, you have it. That even breathing felt so difficult for you to even- you felt dead. Inside and out. In which you realized that breathing doesn't mean you're alive either. It doesn't mean you live and you might as well be dead. Literally dead. Like everything in you totally stopped functioning. Tomorrow seemed impossible.
"There is no tomorrow for you." whispered your heart as you took a knife and contemplated whether or not to cut your wrist. 
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