Part 2


Sunggyu pushes Myungsoo’s body towards their room; he gives him apologetic eyes for interrupting their conversation earlier. He closes his eyes then speaks, “I will help you, Myung… I want to be your lover and make Woohyun leaves you.”


Myungsoo who is shocked hearing Sunggyu confesses blinks his eyes few times. “A-are… you serious, hyung?”


Sunggyu nods and hugs his dongsaeng with love. He can feel Myungsoo is trembling. He whispers that it would be fine and such. He hugs him again before entering the room. Woohyun has waited them on the bed. He is still in his pajama. His face is not fresh. Sunggyu makes his way towards his bed and takes his phone and wallet. He tells them he wants to take a walks for awhile then they will meet in the lobby for breakfast.


Both Woohyun and Myungsoo agree. They wave to the leader and let him out of the room. Myungsoo approaches his boyfriend but doesn’t let him to touch his hand. “Why? Are you mad at me?”


“Ani, I-I just want you to take a bath first. I will wait for you here. Come on!” Myungsoo makes an excuse. He cleans the bed and pushes Woohyun’s body so he can move so fast.


Woohyun is speechless that Myungsoo acts like that. What makes him confuse is he doesn’t let him to touch his hand and make an eye contact. He thinks it may be just his illusion. How can the lovely Myungsoo being like that? If he has problem why didn’t he tell him as a lover he wants to help the younger. As the lover he wants Myungsoo to trust him. He wants more than love, but trust too. Can he have it from Myungsoo? It’s not hard, right?


He can feel hurt deep inside from his heart. He can do everything for Myungsoo, but seems like Myungsoo couldn’t trust him more. He is frustrating. He decides to take bath to refresh his mind. No matter what Myungsoo did to him he will always love him. Until the end of his life.


He leaves frowning Myungsoo on the bed alone. He’s sure after this they will be fine. Myungsoo will cheer up again.


Times goes so fast, it’s already night. Myungsoo and Sunggyu are sitting on the edge of the pool, they are chatting like there’s no tomorrow. The younger even make an excuse to Woohyun. It’s weird but he can’t help. Myungsoo is almost crying when they finally reach the conversation he hates the most. Seeing him like this, Sunggyu pulls him into his embrace; he caresses the later’s shoulder and whispers sweet things. One thing he wants to do to the younger is making him smile, forever.


“Myungsoo… please don’t cry. Everything will be end soon. I can’t say it would be fine, you have to be more patient.” Sunggyu kisses the top of Myungsoo’s head. “I will help you. I will…”


“Thanks, hyung.” Myungsoo lets him hugging his shiver body. He needs someone he trusts the most and can bring him to the right place. And the one he can trust is only their leader. Sunggyu can be his hero, or it’s what h e guesses.


“I hope Woohyun will understand you, even though it’s hard. You know, when you are in Japan, I will always make sure to send you our update daily activities. Then you can send me your smile through video?” he doesn’t sure but tries to make the atmosphere nice again.


“Sure… I will call you if I have time and everything about me there. I’m sure I am going to miss you, hyung.” He looks at into Sunggyu’s eyes deeply.


Thump! What is this? Sunggyu blinks his eyes and feels his heart beating so fast.


Through the moonlight, Sunggyu can see Myungsoo eyes are shining. He holds the tears but doesn’t let them run down. He smiles and Myungsoo’s cheeks before he tilting his head and captures the younger’s lips. He cups Myungsoo’s face and kisses him deeply but sweet. He can feel the younger’s hands are hugging him and kissing him back.


The moment their lips meet make gosh bump in their veins. Myungsoo is hesitating whether he pulls his body or just letting Sunggyu kissing him until he satisfies. But his brain is working by itself. They stop when Sunggyu feel hot but cold water touches his cheeks. He looks at Myungsoo’s eyes once again and says sorry many times.


Myungsoo shakes his head. He smiles before hugs the leader like his life’s defending on him. “I’m sorry, Myungsoo.”


They release each other’s body and stand up. Time goes really fast. Sunggyu tells their manager they will head back to hotel room soon. Myungsoo has calmed down, he’s just remains silent. They smile to each other while holding hand. Myungsoo leans his head on Sunggyu’s shoulder for supporting his weak legs. Sunggyu is more than happy he can make a progress to someone he loves, although it’s too short, he’s still happy.


In the same time, another place and same situation.


“Hyung, I’m sorry about this. But, Myungsoo is cheating on your back. He’s kissing with Sunggyu hyung.” Howon who is panting after running tells everything to Woohyun.


The main vocalist is silent. He’s stunned. His lips are frozen. It doesn’t make sense for him. How could the one he loves cheating on his back? And he knows everything about Sunggyu too; he’s not in falling in love with Myungsoo. They are not close. Also, Sunggyu never take a look at his lover. Myungsoo is not his type. It’s all what he knows.


Anger is lingering in his heart. He wants to shout loudly, so Myungsoo can hear what he feel. What’s this supposed to be? Why is he cheating? Why? So much questions in his head. He really needs the answer.


“I think Myungsoo and Sunggyu hyung are hiding something. I don’t know, but Sunggyu hyung said you would understand everything.” Howon tries to explain.


“Understand for cheating on my back, do you mean?” he asks for sure. Howon is only nodding his head no sure.


He doesn’t know what he shall do. Myungsoo will never do that thing to him. But, what if it’s true? He has no clue. He wants to cry out. He wants to cry.


Few minutes later the door is opened revealing his lover and Sunggyu. They both are smiling to each other. They are still holding hands and this scene makes Howon gasps. He outs of the room and closes the door slowly. Woohyun is on the bed. He’s his fist. His eyes are showing anger.


“What is this, Myung?” the later is showing his hatred eyes to his lover. “Why are you two holding hands like this?” once again he asks and pointing their holding hands.


‘I’m sorry, Woohyun hyung. I love you…’


“Oh, Myungsoo, Sunggyu, I, umm well good night.” their manager suddenly opens the door and closes it again. He smiles before leaving them.


“I’m sorry, I want to sleep early, hyung… good night Sunggyu hyung.” Myungsoo kisses Sunggyu’s cheek and climbs on his shared bed with Woohyun who is eyeing him in disbelieve. Sunggyu nods and walks out looking for his manager.


“Myung, please tell me the truth. Why are you two like this? What happened?”


‘I can’t, I’m sorry.”


“Myung! I love you, you know that? Why do you cheat on me? Am I not enough?” Woohyun is depressed. He touches Myungsoo’s body but Myungsoo slaps his hand. He glares at his lover and closes his eyes again. “Wae?”


“I want to break up.”




“Hyung, it’s simple, but why is it too hard?” Sunggyu is trying to make another deal with his manager.


“You still don’t understand about this matter, Gyu.” His manager shakes his head and crosses his arms on his chest.


“Why can’t Myungsoo tell the truth to Woohyun and everyone that he will leave us soon? Just telling the truth and everything will be alright.”


“Woohyun… he…” his manager is hesitating to speak. He bites his lips.


“He’s what? If you want to say our lives and carriers will end then I don’t care, at least Myung is happy being with Woohyun or just relief about this.” He’s not sure also.


“It’s not the real matter, Sunggyu!” his manager scolds him. “He will kill our president. He told that when they were caught kissing on the car. He will do that if president really separates them. But if it’s Myungsoo’s choice he can’t do anything. He’s so hardheaded, Sunggyu. And the only one who can help Myungsoo is you. President needs you too. Besides, you love Myungsoo, right. It’s the easiest thing to do.”


“Why am I?” he hesitantly asks.


“You didn’t hear me?” Sunggyu shakes his head. “If it’s Myungsoo’s choice than he can’t do anything, besides you love him…” that’s true. He can’t force the other members. His manager continues, “They will ruin this plan and just ended crying all along together. You want their hope being crashed? You and your life is different, Sunggyu, you care for Myungsoo, but don’t you thing Myungsoo can ‘cause the damage. I just want you to understand it. You are the leader, the older and the stongest. I trust you.”


Sunggyu leaves his manager alone and back to his room. The room is silent. He sees Woohyun is shaking. He can see the vocalist is crying alone. Myungsoo is nowhere. He wants to find but Woohyun speaks first. “I don’t want to break up with him, hyung. I love him. He promised me not to leave or break up with me. What did you have done to him, hyung?”


Sunggyu is stunning in his place. He bites his lips and speaks, “It’s Myungsoo’s life, and you can’t change anything, Hyun… Until you wants to change yourself first. He still loves you.”


“I can’t change myself if I don’t know what it is. Besides, you can refuse him. He promised me!! He promised me!” Woohyun’s voice has gone. Both of them can only hear Woohyun’s cry. His heart is hurt. It’s not like when he saw Myungsoo’s cried but when he saw his closest friend crying because of him.


The only thing he wants to do is hugging his love tightly and never letting him go. He loves Myungsoo. He loves him so much. But his heart is broken hearing those words straight from Myungsoo that he wanted them to break up. What has happened here, anyway? He missed something? Why did he choose Sunggyu out of everyone out there? Why? As if he wants to crash his head and forget this pain matter.


“Then understand his feeling. You know? It’s about time…” Sunggyu leaves him too to nowhere. They both are lost.




Dongwoo is munching his wafer silently, he eyeing Myungsoo and Howon left and right. They are on his right and left side. He clenches his fist and sighs. “What the hell happens here? Are you two statues? Or am I just that stupid being with two fools?” he groans and forces Howon to look at him.


“I-I don’t know what happened. Myungsoo, can you explain it?” a dumfounded Howon asks Myungsoo with unreadable face.


“What? I didn’t do anything here. You are the one looking at me like you want to kick me. Hyung, really, are you okay?” Myungsoo asks back straightly.


“Stop it! I want to find Sungyeol. You are hopeless!” he leaves them, running towards the pool and hugs Sungyeol from behind. Laughing like mad man along with Sungyeol.


“Are you dating Sunggyu hyung?” Howon asks intently.


“It’s not you business.” He wants to leave him too but Howon speaks out.


“You can’t hurt Woohyun’s feeling. He loves you and you too. I know that.”


His anger or more annoyed with Howon is taking him to yell out of the older. “You don’t know anything! You can’t! You-“ The tears he holds is running through his cheeks. He runs inside, leaving Howon speechless.


He finds his body being hugged by someone. He knows the warm feeling. It’s Sunggyu’s. Really, he can use to it now. He only needs Sunggyu now. “Myung…”


“I want to leave, hyung. Can you come with me too?”


Shock is attacking him. He can’t leave Infinite too, right? “Myung, I can’t… I-I love you, but-“


There’s nothing words again after, Myungsoo kisses him softly and trembling. “I want to leave then. I can’t hold this anymore. Just tell the other I was dead or something.”


Sunggyu shakes his head and embrace Myungsoo. Out of their knowledge, Woohyun see the scene. He cries. He’s in pain. What is this? He can hear Myungsoo’s voice clearly he wants to leave and Sunggyu’s confession. What was already happened? He feels his body becomes weaker and weaker. Before he knows, he’s already on the floor with sobbing and everything is dark.



“I’m sorry, I have to leave, hyung. I will call you again someday. I will miss you… Please keep this promise to him. I love him. I love you too… Gyu hyung. Annyeong.”


Infinite members are gathering around freaking Sunggyu and Woohyun on the floor. Sunggyu only lets out ‘Myung’ words repeatedly. And Woohyun is like a dead person. With teary eyes and mental breakdown. He’s hopeless. The rest of the members are crying and hugging each other.


They know about Myungsoo’s leave, but they don’t know what the matter was. Manager can only shake his head and let them be. He sees Sunggyu is holding a small paper tightly. Is it Myungsoo’s letter, he doesn’t know.


“It’s about time. I have thought this last night really hard. I’ve decided to go early. I know I ruin this plan, but it’s better. I love being with Infinite members, I also love being with you, and him. Just tell him I’ll be back after 3 years. It’s not long time, right? Just do everything without me and be happy. Maybe, in Japan you and I will meet somewhere there. Who knows? So, hyung… I trust you. I have to leave this group and I promise I will be back again.


I’m sorry for breaking my promise to him. Love can sometime hurting one or they are in love, right? Tell him, hyung… tell him… I’m okay. I will be.


Your love, Myungsoo… for my love Infinite, my love Sunggyu, and my love Nam Woohyun.”


 Just like that, they don’t know what will happen after Myungsoo leave. They just have to face the fact. Myungsoo has left them and Woohyun has to be strong or just trying to be?




This is ! Really, i want to make him not to leave Infinite, but in the end, it will not be an angst if i let them be happy (for this)... i hope you all not kill me.. #hide behind Sunggyu back
so, it's the last chap, what do you want me to do after this?
thanks for the subscribes my friends. and your lovely comments.. :)

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Ma5Kris89 #1
what... noooo i need moreeeee..... sequel pleaseee??
Chapter 2: TT^TT Myungsoo gajima
I want no I NEED mooooreeeeeeeeee
Chapter 2: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo why stop it there? i need more lhyun
gyu_himawari #5
Chapter 2: so myungsoo is a two-timer here? nah, can't let him do that to sunggyu.

a sequel will be nice, author~
woosoogyu #6
Chapter 2: What do I want...? I demand a sequel where Myungsoo comes back...!!! Or else I'll come after you with butcher knives or choppers...!

Nah... Just kidding about the chasing you with weapons... :P
It's an awesome story but too angsty... Ending up with all Infinite members getting hurt... Hence, I'm hoping that you will do a sequel... ^_~
Chapter 2: ..what??! end?
..yakh author nim.. how can you ......
..aishh chinja.. sequel please..
..this story reallyyyy reallyyyy good..
..poor woogyu .. myungsoo comeback to your lover or to your -to be- lover..
Chapter 2: Good ending..
Make sequel, please..
hanabira #9
Chapter 2: it's a good ending.. but really hope that there is sequel about myunggyu.. hehehehhe.. :)))
Chapter 2: do myunggyu story next :*
haha. nice ending ~:3