


Five months. This is the first date you've been on since you caught your boyfriend cheating on you five months ago.

You let out a sigh as you tucked your hair behind your ears and smoothed out your dress.

Hearing a knock, you grabbed your purse and opened door, smiling at the boy standing in the hall.

"Ready to go?" he asked you.

"Yup," you nodded and stepped into the hallway before closing the door behind you.

'Time to forget about that cheater, Byun Baekhyun,' you thought to yourself as you followed Chanyoung, a boy friend your music theory class, down the hall.

It wasn't like you pushed him away after you caught him getting a little too cozy with a trainee in their practice room. Baekhyun just never tried to get you back. He didn't apologize or call or ever send you a text. Nothing.

To make it worse, the two of you didn't even have a proper break up. But when someone gets caught cheating on their boyfriend or girlfriend, you guessed a break up was pretty much implied.

So when Chanyoung asked you out, you didn't hesitate to agree.

He was nice, polite, and although he was more on the quiet side, you thought he was just what you needed to help you officially move on.

Chanyoung got out of the cab and held the door open for you after the taxi driver pulled up to the curb of a western style restaurant.

Chanyoung led you into the restaurant and a waiter seated you at a table in the center of the dining room.

"Thank you," you smiled as Chanyoung pulled out you chair for you.

"No problem," he sat down in the chair across from you, "I'm a strong believer in chivalry."

"That's nice to hear for once," you laughed as you opened your menu.


"I'm going to the restroom," Chanyoung said as the two of you ate your dinner, "I'll be right back."

"Okay," you nodded and watched him make his way towards the pair of doors on one side of the restaurant.

You glanced around as you waited for your date to return.

The restaurant wasn't fanciest place you have ever eaten at but it was a little classier than the places you frequent.

You returned your eyes to empty chair across the table from you. You smiled to yourself as you thought of how sweet Chanyoung has been treating you so far. You thought it was adorable how he would tell you cheesy jokes just to make you laugh and the way he was genuinely interested in whatever you had to say. You mentally knocked yourself for not noticing him before.

'I think this might actually wo-'

But your thoughts were cut off when you glanced up and saw a familiar face sitting lone a few tables down from yours.

You kept your eyes on Baekhyun's figure as you silently watched him push his food around with a fork. You noticed the dark eye bags under his eyes, his unkempt hair, and his thinner face. To put it simple, he was a mess.

"Baek," you whispered to yourself.

As if he could hear you, Baekhyun looked up from his plate and sat up straight in his seat when his eyes locked with yours.

You say him open his mouth to say something but Chanyoung's body blocked your view of him.

"Sorry about that," Chanyoung said as he sat back down in his seat.

"No problem," you tore your eyes away from Baekhyun and gave him a smile.

"So," Chanyoung said, taking a sip of his water, "Where were we?"


"And then, my parents made me go to school in my brother's shirt. Can you believe that?" Chanyoung asked you.

"Yeah, that's crazy," you mumbled back, not really paying attention as you took quick glances at Baekhyun.

"Is everything okay?" he asked with concern. He noticed your eyes drift from him halfway through story.

"Huh? Oh, yeah!" you snapped your attention back to the boy sitting across from you, "Everything's perfect."

Chanyoung gave you a look, seeing straight through your act.

"It's him, right?" he asked.

"What are you talking about?" you mumbled with your eyes wide.

"Baekhyun," Chanyoung said, looking you in the eye, "I know he's sitting over there. I saw you staring at him when I came out of the bathroom."

"Oh," you mouthed and lowered your head.

"Go talk to him."

You snapped your head up in surprise, "What?"

"Go talk to him," Chanyoung gave you a lopsided smile.

"Chanyoung," you started.

"I'll be here. If you come back, then we'll continue out date. If you don't, well, I'll get the message."

You opened your mouth but you seemed to not be able to form words.

Chanyoung reached across the table and placed his hand over yours, "Go."

You stood up from your chair and took a few uneasy steps towards Baekhyun. You glanced at Chanyoung over your shoulder and he gave you an encouraging nod. You nodded back and walked up to Baekhyun's table.

"Can we talk?" you asked him, causing him to jump in his seat a little when he suddenly say you standing next to him.

"S-sure," he stuttered before following you out of the restaurant.


"So what did you want to talk about?" he asked as the two of you stepped on the sidewalk outside the restaurant even though you both knew the reason.

"Well, we didn't exactly have an official talk about, you know…" you trailed off. It still hurt you a little to actually say it out loud.

"Oh, right," Baekhyun mumbled and scuffed his foot against the ground.

The two of you stood in silence for a good two minutes.

Baekhyun glanced at you and decided to in his pride.

"I'm sorry," he said so quietly that you almost didn't hear him.

You looked up to say something but he continued.

"I've been miserable without you, I mean look at me," he gestured to himself, "It was a mistake, the worst mistake I have ever made in my entire life. I wouldn't blame you if you hated me."

You bit your lip as you stared at Baekhyun who had his head bowed towards the ground.

"But, is there any chance, any at all, that you would forgive him and give me another chance?" he whispered and looked at you with red rimmed eyes.

"You cheated on me, Baek," you said, crossing your arms, "I can forgive you because everyone makes mistakes but…"

Baekhyun looked at you, anticipation in his eyes.

"I just don't think I can take the risk of being with you again," you said softly, "I'm sorry."

You turned around and started walking back into the restaurant.

"______-ah, wait!" Baekhyun called.

You turned around and gave him an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry," you whispered again and opened the restaurant door.


Chanyoung glanced down at his watch.

"It's already been 20 minutes," he sighed, "She's not coming back."

He was just about to call a waiter for a check when you appeared in front of him.

"Sorry I took so long," you apologized as you sat down in your chair.

Chanyoung looked at you in surprise, his mouth slightly ajar.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, dumbfounded.

"Continuing our date," you smiled, "So, where were we?"

Awww Chanyoung won in the end. Sorry, I just had to have her pick him. But this is my first story in which the idol does not win. Something to keep all of you on your toes, you know? Haha well I hoped you all liked it! ~Admin Kelc

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Chapter 1: damn nice oneshot.
Mrszelo14 #2
Chapter 1: make a sequel please
Givaren #3
Chapter 1: Thanks for writing the ending opposite of what I thought. Not being sarcastic here.
Chapter 1: just this ? are you kidding me ? ASDFGHJKL!!! SEQUEL PLEEEEAAASSSSEEEEEE!!!~~~ jaebal ..jaebal...
LeetleHamster #5
Chapter 1: Weird, I was thinking about Chanyeol when I read about the other guy. XD GREAT story, tho'
Chapter 1: I love koreanloverbb's comment keke~ amazing one shot anuthor-nim ^^
Chapter 1: I know she will pick Chanyoung.. It's too obvious.. Hehe ..
Chapter 1: OMGEEE.
Chanyong was so considerate <3
I'm sorry Baek, you can win in all the other billion fanfics written about you xD
Chapter 1: I like that you made them have a little peace at the end :33
Ehehe...mianhaeyo Baek<3
hojyasynamelia #10