Chapter 2

My D-Lite

It  was lunch time, and you and Jennifer are doing your regular routine. You buy your lunch, and go find a quiet, empty place to eat and talk. Usually it's not too far from the area in which the group of boys sit."It's as if a made a miracle happen. I mention him, and the next thing you know, we become friends! I think I'm an angel! Or I'm dying! NOOOOOOOO!!!" You both break out in fits of laughter. Then you both stop, gasping for air. "I think it was just a coincidence, because you've said his name many times, especially at my house, and he's never shown up at my doorstep!" You say. " I still think I made a miracle happen! Look! Here they come again!" ou turn to see that Jennifer was right. "I think you're dying!" You guys laugh again, then gasp for air.

~Daesung's POV~

For some reason, I feel like going in the opposite of our regular sitting place. Oh no, that's where Marcy is! She's gonna think I'm a creep, or a stalker. Just ignore the feeling and follow the guys. I see Jennifer pointing at us and Marcy turning around. Then she said something and they started laughing. Are they laughing at me? But why? I'm so confused!

~End of Daesung's POV~

~Ji Young's POV~

What is Daesung doing?! Is he stalking them? Creep! I have to admit, they were nice and they do look....decent. Aish...what am I saying! I dont like them! I only care about myself! Maybe I am a jerk! I sound so arrogant. Why do I want to go and apologize? I'm changing heart for them? I can't do anything about it now. "Hey guys! Let's go sit by Jennifer and Marcy!" Did I really just say that?! They all are giving me a confused look. I'll just start walking and hope they'll follow me.

~End of Ji Young's POV~

The Big Bang boys are close and inside you feel butterflies, but you don't show it. You could tell that Jennifer felt the same because he cheeks flooded of redness. You were both in shock to find that leading the group your way was Ji Young. And for some reason you felt the buttflies in your stomach flutter like crazy, more than they already were."I have a bad feeling about this. Ji Young's in front and he has a smile on his face." You look at Jennifer with a slightly afraid look and she responds with a gulp.

As the boys reach you, you give a wide smile when you see Daesung. The boys greet you with a bow. " You don't have to be so formal around us! We're like any other person!" They're faces slowly turn red, and you give them a reassuring smile. Throughout the lunchtime the seven of you laugh and get to know each other better. To you, they seemed different as to how you thought of them.

~Jennifer's POV~

I caught Ji Young looking at me a few times and my cheeks turn red without my permission. Marcy has never been this social with anyone besides me. I'm glad to see her having fun but something does not feel right. Why would SM trainees want to hang out with people like us. And now that I think about it, how'd they get away from the fangirls. They basically stalk them. Today's a weird day...

~End of Jennifer's POV~

~Your POV~

I'm so glad school is finally over. I've had too many butterflies in my stomach that I feel like vomitting. "Hey! Wait!" That voice sounds awfully familiar! I stopped dead in my tracks. I turned around to see Daesung running toward me like crazy. This day just gets crazier and crazier doesn't it! When he reaches me, stops to catch his breath.

"To be honest, you kinda freaked me out! Why were running!"

"You *pant* walk *pant* too fast *pant*!"

"Don't you have to go practice or do your daily after school routine? And where's the other boys?"

" sound like my mother! I have enough free time before practice. And the other guys...... I'm sure they're fine...where ever they are.."

"So what are you about to do?"

"Walk you home. As an act of kindness...." He bowed as if he'd just met the queen of England.

"Again with the formality! Sorry but I'm not a formal girl!"

"You'll get used to it! And soon you'll do it too! Even if I force it onto you!" He gave his famous kitty smile. I swear I melted inside. His kitty smile drives me crazy, I couldn't help but blush.

As we walked home we exchanged our phone numbers so we could stay in touch. The walk home seemed shorter than usual when he was with me. I even learned a way to make him laugh like crazy: try to mimic his kitty smile.

When we finally reached my door, we said our goodbyes. As I was about to walk in the house I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around to see who it was I saw Daesung. "Tomorrow, I will show you something cool. After school?" He gave me a serious face with a faint, hopeful smile. "Sure." I gave him a reassuring smiile. He turned to leave  and I could see him looking at his watch, then starting to run. I could tell he was late for practice.

I opened the door to see my brother standing with his arms crossed. "Anneyong, Jamie oppa. How was your day today?" I tried to play it off but he obviously wasn't buying it.  I walk past him up the stairs and into my room. I got started on my homework. Soon I fell asleep where I was. 


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THis story is so satisfying, please update!
Chapter 2: O.O Interesting!!! I like it! Do update!