It's a special tree

A Very Krisyeol Christmas

“You put it on crooked,” is the first thing that Kris tells him when he jumps down from the kitchen chair (because ladders are for short people and Chanyeol is far from short.)  “How are we supposed to have a star on top of the tree if it’s crooked?”

  Chanyeol personally would beg to differ with his boyfriend’s verdict, because okay, maybe he put the star on the top of the tree slightly slanted, but everyone has Christmas trees with straight stars on them, and therefore, the crooked star just gives their Christmas tree a reason to stand out from the rest of the Christmas trees.  This tree has lived its entire life to be used as a Christmas tree (probably) and, well, why is Kris trying to degrade this tree’s purpose just because of a star?

“It gives it character,” Chanyeol says decisively, nodding as if the action along with the words will convince him.  Kris only raises an eyebrow.  “No, really!  I mean, all of the other Christmas trees have normal stars and normal decorations, but our Christmas tree has a crooked star and is decorated with random things we found around the apartment, so…it’s special!  And special Christmas trees make Christmas special, so the star is going to make Christmas even better.”

Kris stares at him like he’s insane.


“You’re.  Chanyeol.”  Kris shakes his head, trying to form words that don’t seem to want to come.  “Honestly.  You’re just.  You are literally the weirdest person I’ve ever met.”

Chanyeol stares dejectedly at the floor for a minute before curiosity overcomes sadness again and he looks up at Kris hopefully.  “But, weird in, like, the good way, right?”

“Sure, Chanyeol.  In the good way.”  Kris smiles, chuckling to himself at some untold joke as he leans down to pull a box out of the bag that he brought back from the store today.  Chanyeol thought it was empty after he’d pulled the star out of it, but apparently not.  Kris holds the box out to him.  “Then, can you help me put this up too?”

“What is it?  Ooh, is it food?  Can I eat it?”  Chanyeol peers at the box’s contents eagerly, but he frowns in disappointment because all he sees is a branch from some plant, and it definitely doesn’t look edible.  “Wait, what is this?”

“I’ll tell you after,” Kris says, watching with crossed arms as Chanyeol clambers up on his chair again.  “Put it on the doorframe, okay?”

Chanyeol nods maybe a bit too enthusiastically for what he’s doing and hangs it up just above the entrance to the living room.  “All done,” he declares as he climbs down again.  “What is it?”

Kris walks over, examining the plant before he turns to Chanyeol.  He’s standing unusually close, Chanyeol notes, because even though they’re dating and everything, Kris seems to still have a problem with prolonged personal contact.  Of course, the fact that he’s standing oddly close is forgotten the next second because whoa now Kris is leaning in and for a second, Chanyeol thinks he’s actually going to kiss him.  But Kris stops when their foreheads touch, just short of their lips doing the same and Chanyeol denies the fact that he’s a lot more than disappointed right now.

“Do you really not know what it is, Chanyeol,” Kris murmurs, eyes half closed as he watches him intently.  Chanyeol blinks.

“A plant?”

Kris shakes his head, or at least kind of wiggles it a bit so that Chanyeol gets his point.  “It’s mistletoe.”

It takes Chanyeol a moment of confusion before he figures out what that is.

“Oh!  That plant thing that people are supposed to kiss under?”

Kris smiles and inclines his head ever so slightly.  Chanyeol takes another moment to connect the dots.

“Wait, so you went to the store and bought mistletoe.”

“Yes, Chanyeol.”

“And you told me to put it up.”

“Yes, I did.”

“And we’re now standing under it.”

“Yes, we are.”  

“And the normal tradition is that people kiss when they stand under mistletoe together?”


“Well, then that means that we should be – mhhmmphh.”

Chanyeol gets cut off then, but he doesn’t mind because he only has to stop talking because that’s the moment when Kris closes the rest of the distance and kisses him.  It’s a long, intimate kiss, far different from all of the kisses they’ve had up until then, despite the fact that they’ve been dating/living together for over a month now.  It’s just…fireworks.  Fireworks and Kris and it’s honestly one of the most breathtaking moments of Chanyeol’s entire existence.

It takes a few minutes after Kris pulls away for Chanyeol to remember what breathing is again, because what is breathing when there’s Kris.  But the person in question only smiles, touching his forehead to his again.

“Merry Christmas, Chanyeol.”

Chanyeol is pretty sure that his heart has stopped but he still manages to get the words out.

“M-Merry Christmas, Kris.”


[a/n: kironstree's christmas present.  also my first time writing krisyeol so um.  yeah.  merry christmas gaiz.  krisyeol kind of not really rhymes with christmas.  that is all.]

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ChanBaek69614 #1
Chapter 1: AOhmyasejskeixkkei
Chapter 1: Mistletoe!! Chanyeol is funny here...he was busy analysing thing instead of Kissing but...Thanks to our Krissus he saved us!!
Cuuuuuuuute~ ♥
Kironstree #5
Thank you~