Premier Amour Miracle Café |♡| Roleplay {☁- CLOSED -☁}



- Premier Amour Miracle Café
"First Love; the delicate bittersweet taste that melts slowly on the tip of your tongue, its soft flavor lingering and leaving you wanting more"
☁ Premier Amour Miracle Café Playlist 
☁- |♥| -☁
In the heart of Seoul, a small café lays quietly, serving customers 7 days a week from 6 AM to 11 PM since December 31th, 1979.
The name of this cafe is Premier Amour Miracle Café, Miracle First Love Café in English.
Its atmosphere is calm, sweet, and gentle, almost like the soft lullaby that your mother used to sing to you as a child.
Inside, a couple bistro tables and chairs are spread throughout the tiny café, a small vase with a 6-flower bouquet set upon every table, each vase holding a different type of flower.
Next to the cashier counter, three huge cases hold a large array of delectable pastries and finger foods, served with your choice of drink.
This perfect café makes all of its customers happy with their exquisite snacks and incredibly friendly service.
But what most people come to the café for is the secret that only people who have heard the rumors know.
Premier Amour Miracle Café is a magical café.
The Greek Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, was said to have placed a spell over the café and made it so that everyone that hasn't experienced their first, true love will find it here in the café.
So, will you find your Premier Amour Miracle?
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(Click on their names to go to their profiles)
Owner | Head Waitress | Baker
Hearing the door's bell ring throughout the small café, the tiny Head Waitress scurried over to the entrance, 4 menus in hand for the customers. She bowed politely at a 90 degrees angle then straightened herself and smiled at them sweetly. "Hello and welcome to the Premier Amour Miracle Café. May you find love and happiness at your stay~!" she chimed, lightly singing the café's little slogan. The petite girl turned to her side and stretched her short arm out, gesturing for the 4 customers to come inside.
"This way, please, and I'll show you guys to your table!"
Head Cashier | Waitress | Baker
A soft sigh escaped the girl's throat as she watched the cutsomers pass by the counter and straight to a table, her fingers drumming onto the cold, hard surface to the tune of a song called Electric Shock. "God, this is so boring!" she whined, the corners of her lips twitching into small pout. She laid her head on the table, staring at her fingers as they drummed the upbeat tune. "When is something exciting going to happe-" the girl was cut off by a customer knocking on the cashier counter.
"O-Oh, sorry about that. So, what would you like to order today?"


♥ -Menu-  


oo1 || Special Drinks 

oo2 || Macarons 

oo3 || Ice Cream 

oo4 || Strawberry Desserts 

oo5 || Candy & Marshmallow Desserts 

oo6 || Cakes & Novelty Sweets 



- |♥| -


Open | Hiatus | |Hiring | Closed | Under Construction | Cleaning Time | Active | Dead

Notice #1

This is an AU roleplay, meaning that it is Alternate Universe and that you are NOT an Idol here, just a Normal Human Being. This is, also, a Fluffy and Lovey Dovey roleplay, which means that there should be a Fluffy, Happy, and Sweet Aura in everything, except if there's RP drama/angst. Also, this roleplay uses 3rd POV. So, if someone wants to roleplay in the 3rd Person Point of View, please respond with the same thing. To avoid confusion with the POVs, ask the person that you want to roleplay with before hand on what their preferance is. Another thing is that this is NOT a roleplay, so don't let one of the admins see any shekshi time anywhere, do that in PM. Other than that, if this roleplay sounds like something that you want to join, please go ahead and do so, we like people!


Notice #2

Thank you to HannaJoo_ and her layout gallery ♡ — cherrykoko; layout collection ✯ for the wonderful pics and pretty fonts that we used in making this RP. It made the roleplay look so pretty, and HannaJoo_ made me, admin Shinyeong, want to try and make my own layout. It actually turned out pretty well!
Thank you again!
EXO-K's Kai is available for reservation again~


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Chapello #1
Chapter 2:
Seuk hye is here!
Chapter 2:!/jung.eunji.9655806

Eunji here!^^
Hi!This RP look nice,hope you guys will have more members^-^V
Idol Name:Jung Eunji

Group / Actor / Actress / Ulzzang:A pink

RP Age:17


ual Orientation:Straight

Chapello #4
omona you made another rp? Waaa congrats!! ♥

Idol Name: Kim Seukhye

Group / Actor / Actress / Ulzzang: Ulzzang/Model

RP Age: 16

Occupation: Student

ual Orientation: Straight

Password: Blue~
Chapter 4: Idol Name: Krystal jung

Group / Actor / Actress / Ulzzang: F(x)

RP Age: 17

Occupation: student

ual Orientation: straighter than a ruler. ~

Password: PURPLE <3
Chapter 2:

^ Ga-In's profile link. ouo

Kai is here.
Idol Name: Son Ga-In

Group / Actor / Actress / Ulzzang: Brown Eyed Girls

RP Age: 16

Occupation: Student

ual Orientation: Straight

Password: Pink.
Chapter 2: Here is Myungsoo
( I had to reuse an account, the first one was Sungjong >-<;) :!/sungjong.lee.9212