Nightmares and reality

It's War {HIATUS}

It was dark. Kris was running, but he didn't know where. He kept running, running on an endless trail. Will he ever escape? He was losing hope. 

Suddenly, he saw someone. Kris smiled. He could recognized that person anywhere. It was his other half. His lover and hopefully his soon-to-be fiancé, Huang Zitao. Kris walked over to Tao with a warm smile, but that smile faltered at what Kris saw. Tao was embracing another man. It broke Kris' heart. 

"T-Tao.....?" Kris called out. Tao turned around and looked at Kris. His eyes showed pain. "I'm sorry Kris...... But I love him now. Please forget about me." And with that, Tao left with the man -who resembled Kai. 

Kris tried to run after his panda, to get an explanation for this, but he was stuck. He couldn't move from his place. All he could was watch his lover walk away. 

"TAO NO! DON'T LEAVE ME!" Kris screamed as he shot up from his bed, panting. Must have been that nightmare again. thought Kris. 

It's been a month since Tao, his panda, his lover, his soulmate, has abandoned him. It hurt Kris when his TaoTao suddenly called it off and ran off with Kris' so called best friend Jongin, or Kai, as he likes to be called. He felt betrayed. Kai was his best friend, the one he confided to about his crush on Tao. Heck, Kai even helped the two get together. 

So how could he take Tao away when he knew how important he was to him?



Hehe anneyong! Um I haven't really given out my name in my other fics but I guess I'll start now. Please feel free to call me Hana-chan or just Hana.

Soooooo.... This chapter was more of a...... Character intro? Yeah. And it was also to give a brief explanation of the situation between Tao Kai and Kris.

So what do you think? Critisism is welcomed but please don't bash on my writing skills!! They're terrible I know T^T But please comment!!! They motivate me so much!!!!

Hope you're enjoying your holidays!

Until next time,




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Chapter 1: omo update soon~ I ship taokai too^^ your story seems interesting and I like the intro.
Chapter 1: Update soon~
Chapter 1: so interesting. i hope you update this story.
Chapter 1: Update soon ~
Yukotan #5
Chapter 1: Ah! I wonder what happened. Why did Kai betray Kris? ;^;
Until next time! ^O^
Poor you Kris.. :"
Oh well, it's TaoKai. Sorry Kris ^w^)/

Can't wait for more~ >:3

Fighting! And take your time! :')
Yukotan #7
I ship both pairings! Ahhh, I can't wait for chapter one! >.< Is this going to have many chapters?


I love TaoKai :3
And TaoRis too.. n_n eheh.

You got me Author nim.. Lemme hugs you! *big hugs*
Fighting!! ^w^)/