The Star Trek AU

The ZiKyung AUs

Author's Note; again, proving myself as a HUGE FREAKING NERD. this is indeed a Star Trek AU. based mostly upon the 2009 movie for I've only seen a few eps of TOS and Next Generation. this is my first AU one-shot, I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it. yeah, I completely geeked out over this...







The Star Trek AU









Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life-forms and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before.
Stardate 2258.42 
Kyung and his friend for the past four years at the academy, Taeil, headed out of the main building and towards the spacedock. No longer were they just cadets, they were now ranked officers of Starfleet getting ready to be assigned to their designated starship.
Taeil was a senior medical officer, having taken med school courses during his years at the academy. He was known to everyone else as Dr. Lee, Chief Medical Officer. Kyung was renown for being one of the youngest commanding level officers. He excelled in many aspects of Starfleet, the Federation taking a liking to him immediately after seeing his potential. He was extremely intelligent and highly proficient in science related studies.
The Federation was a peacekeeping armada, Starfleet being a huge part of it. It was where they worked, along with all the others there.
The hanger they entered was filled with cadets and officers running amok and trying to find their ship. The two of them approached an official holding a digitalized list of names.
"Ah, Dr. Lee Taeil and Commander Park Kyung." The official greeted, tone sharp and clipped. "You two are both assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise." He held a stiff arm out in the direction they were to head.
The two nodded curtly before walking away. Taeil gave his friend a nudge, "Looks like we'll be working together after all."
Kyung smiled. "What are the chances?" 
They exchanged a look and were about to board when they saw someone struggling against an official nearby.
"Sir! You must board the Enterprise! You are its Chief Engineer!" The official stated seriously and with exasperation clear in her voice.
The blonde headed officer shook his head. "I just need a minute that's all, I'm a little iffy about these things. I have Aviophobia." He added the last part meekly.
"Fear of dying in something that flies." Kyung said, startling the two. "I hate to break this to you-" He stopped to let the engineer reveal his name.
"Jihoon. Pyo Jihoon."
"-Jihoon, but Starfleet operates in space. If you don't mind me asking, how in the world did you become Chief Engineer?"
Taeil chortled in the background.
Getting their Chief Engineer to board the Enterprise wasn't as hard as they thought it would be. Taeil and Kyung got along with Jihoon fairly well. The kid's phobia wasn't severe, just bad enough to give him the willies when he's first boarding a ship.
They changed into their respective uniforms once on board. Taeil and Kyung wore blue tops, showing that they were a part of the science and medical personnel. Jihoon changed into a red top, which indicates security, operations, and engineering. It wasn't long before they had to part ways, each of them having a completely different job. 
Taeil went to medical bay, Jihoon went down to the lower deck, and Kyung went up towards the main hull where he was needed.
As soon as Kyung reached command central, he went through the sliding door and almost ran into someone. The boy turned to him and quickly bowed in apology. He was wearing a gold top. Kyung observed him, thinking he was most likely not the Captain. So helm personnel perhaps?
And he had two-toned hair. No seriously, half his hair was blonde and the other half was brown. 
Said boy greeted him with a huge smile, "My name is Lieutenant Kim Yukwon! I am the navigator of the U.S.S. Enterprise." He bowed again. "You must be the First Officer."
"Commander Park Kyung." Kyung nodded in affirmation, shaking Yukwon's hand. "Since you're the navigator, who's the helmsman?"
Each ship had two pilots, one for navigation and the other for steering the ship. 
Yukwon pointed behind him at a stern looking boy in a similar gold top. "Lieutenant Lee Minhyuk, sitting over there at the helm now." He smiled appreciatively before turning his attention back to Kyung. "He's not much of a talker at first, but you'll get to know him eventually." He looked around and then pointed at someone in a red top. "That over there is Lieutenant Ahn Jaehyo. He's our Communications Officer, an expert in Xenolinguistics. And that's pretty much it for our senior ranked officers, the rest of them I'm not familiar with."
Before their conversation could get any further, the sliding door opened and in came another gold clad officer. Kyung's eyes widened marginally. Since he just met the two pilots, that meant that this one was indeed the Captain. He looked young though, about his own age. Kyung really had no room to talk, him being one of the youngest First Officers. Still took him by surprise.
He had a shock of blonde hair, strands sticking out in disarray, naturally messy and trussed up. He was tall, with long legs and a lithe body structure. His face held a certain confidence to it, his eyes sharp and analyzing everyone in the room. He definitely seemed to hold himself with the air of a Captain.
He spotted Kyung and walked up to him straight away. "What's your name Red?" His voice came out brash and boisterous.
He was obviously referring to Kyung's fiery red hair. It made the Commander wince slightly, does he greet everyone like this? 
"I am Commander Park Kyung." He stated warily. "And you are?" Kyung only asked to get his name, for he knew it was the Captain he was speaking with.
He just didn't want to believe that yet.
The blonde smirked. "I am Captain Woo Jiho." He stuck his hand out. "So you're my First Officer eh?" He wore a -eating grin as he eyed Kyung, practically checking him out.
Kyung tried and failed to ignore that. "Yes I am, Captain." He made sure to sound as stable as possible. "Shouldn't we be getting ready for warp? As your First Officer, I believe it is my duty to help you command this ship."
Jiho waved him off nonchalantly. "Do whatever you like Commander." 
Kyung gaped slightly, still trying to process that this was indeed his Captain. The blonde sat in the command chair, graceful as can be and then turned his head to face him. Oh for heaven's sake, even his sitting posture was cool.
"Oh and try not to get in my way." Jiho added, smirking like nobody's business.
"I cannot believe you fought with the Captain." Taeil shook his head amusedly.
They were back at the Starfleet Federation Academy on planet Earth, their first mission having gone somewhat successfully. Kyung cringed at the memory. Well at least they actually went through with the whole entire mission, interruptions aside.
"He's a cocky bastard who deserved every damn hit he got." Kyung subconsciously prodded at his busted lip.
Taeil laughed into his food. "So who came out on top?"
The red head threw his hand out in annoyance. "I don't know, it was a pretty even fight."
"Really?" The elder asked. "Because on the teleprompter it looked like you were getting your kicked at the end there."
"What?" Kyung spluttered out, almost choking on his food.
Taeil shrugged. "Live video feed was active on the ship during the entire fight. It was broadcasted all over the academy."
Kyung hung his head in his hands. "." He tugged at his hair in frustration. "Can this get any worse?"
"Seeing as how you and this Jiho kid have to testify in front of the academy board, I don't know how it could." Taeil answered, taking a sip of water.
The younger's expression stiffened. Yeah, he forgot about that. The Starfleet admirals were not happy to hear about their scuffle. And now everyone at the academy knew about it too. How is this is his life? More importantly, why is this his life?
"I don't see why you two fought." The elder said, breaking Kyung out of his inner reverie. "You're both young prodigies, you would think having that in common would make you friends."
"He's nothing like me." The red head snapped. "He's so damn pompous. I at least keep my intelligence under wraps, he's gotta advertise his superior cockiness to everyone. He's not even that smart actually, he's like a Neanderthal."
"Now are you just saying that because you don't like him or because you have substantial proof?" Taeil asked, quirking his eyebrow.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Kyung inquired, not liking his friend's tone.
The elder crossed his fingers together. "It is said that he beat the Kobayashi Maru. You know, the test that NO ONE ever passes?" He put major emphasis on that.
"I heard he cheated." Kyung grumbled, suddenly picking at his food as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.
His friend gave him a look. "Now I know you're just being snide."
Jiho and Kyung were standing in the court of the academy board later on that day. None of the admirals looked too happy to see them. The two of them were standing at their respective podiums, thankfully a good distance away from each other. 
In all the years Kyung had been here, he never had to appear before the court like this. He had a feeling that Jiho, on the other hand, is probably very familiar with all this. He just came off as a rebellious .
One of the admirals spoke up, "Captain Woo and Commander Park." He eyed the two, noting their scuffs and bruises. "You boys do realize why you're here?"
They nodded slowly. The admiral peered down at something on his screen. "It says that you two not only showed inadequate behavior but you also fought in front of your crew, physically." His frown seemed to deepen. "This isn't a very good start for newly made ranked officers such as yourselves. You're both some of our most distinguished students here at the academy. Seeing as such, I shall let you two off with a warning this time around. Next time however, the punishment will be severe." 
Before he could bring the gavel down to dismiss everyone, the two boys interrupted.
"WHAT?" They both exclaimed at the same time.
Jiho looked beyond exasperated. "Admiral, that's it?"
"You aren't going to make us work on different ships?" Kyung added, his tone bordering on hysterical.
The court admiral scoffed. "And basically grant your wishes? Hell no, that would be too easy. DISMISSED." He slammed the gavel down, ending the discussion.
The two of them gaped.
"Captain Woo!" Kyung yelled, trying to gain Jiho's attention. "We have already completed the mission, if we stray from that now it would just cause trouble. We should head back and report to Starfleet Command."
The blonde snorted. "Commander Park, I find that to be wrong at the moment as I see enemy Klingon warbirds within our range." He turned to the pilots.
"CAPTAIN!" Kyung stood in front of him, determined. "If you fire on those enemy warbirds you will cause an unnecessary fight! We can easily avoid it so don't make such rash decisions, it's illogical."
"Illogical he says." Jiho retorts sarcastically. "You know, you're not very good at this, are you?" He stared the Commander down.
Kyung got up in his face. "What are you trying to say Captain?" He gritted out, all but growling at this point.
"Exactly what you think I'm saying." The blonde stated with a smirk. "You obviously got to this point on smarts alone, seeing as how you can't even make the tough decisions. All brain and no brawn. You just don't have any GUTS!" 
That was all it took for the red head to snap.
Kyung threw a mighty right hook, connecting with Jiho's jaw in a painful blow. Everyone in the hull turned to look, expressions full of shock. No one knew how to react or what to do. Both of them were the highest in command and they were fighting, seriously?
Jiho of course, didn't just leave it at that. He came at Kyung with a punch of his own. However, Kyung saw it coming and blocked it with his arm. He then twisted Jiho's arm around and pushed him back. 
The blonde surged forward, grunting as he landed a punch in Kyung's side, the red head wincing and falling back. Kyung blocked another incoming punch and then used his leg to trip up Jiho, making them both fall against the console. It hurt like a .
Jiho pushed Kyung off and came at him with one, two, three punches against his jaw. He was going to have a busted lip for sure. The Commander dodged the fourth punch, ducking out of the way and then tackling Jiho. The blonde punched him in his ribs, making Kyung run out of air as he fell back.
Before they could come at each other again, Jaehyo and Minhyuk both got in and separated the two.
"Enough Captain!"
"That's it Commander, stop!"
Jaehyo had Jiho in a vice-like grip, holding him securely by his arms while Minhyuk held onto Kyung. They were older and a little stronger than the two boys, rank or no rank.
While they were escorted out of the room, Yukwon took control of the conn. "Navigator Authorization Code: nine nine alpha sigma four." 
"Authorization code accepted. Access granted." The female computer voice answered.
"This is Lieutenant Kim, speaking on behalf of the Captain and Commander since they're both-" He paused to find the right word, "-incapacitated at the moment. I am making this ship-wide broadcast to let the Enterprise crew know that our mission was successful and we shall be heading back to Starfleet Command. We should arrive within the next twenty minutes. Thank you for your time, over and out." He closed the broadcast, letting out a huge puff of air. 
Minhyuk came back to his station, Jaehyo heading back over to his and nodding to the two pilots on the way.
"We're ready whenever you are Lieutenant Lee." Yukwon stated as he pressed a few coordinates into his screen.
Minhyuk nodded, pressing his own codes into his screen, getting the ship ready for warp. "They'll be fine by the way."
The younger smiled, tilting his head upwards to look at their path. "I hope so."
"ers on full." Minhyuk said, loud enough for everyone in the room to prepare.
After the court hearing, Taeil had inquired just what exactly started the whole fight. Kyung of course, explained the entire thing in detail.
The elder's eyes widened. "Wow, he got under your skin so easily." He shook his head. "Kyung, no one ever gets you this riled up. Is he really that annoying?"
"Oh you have no idea. The guy is a smart , a pompous , a , and a jackass!" Kyung's entire body seemed to react as he began to flail his arms. "And what's more, he greeted me informally the first time we met. Oh and he practically eye- me, creepy bastard."
Taeil's gaze softened. "Kyung, do you think that maybe he said and did those things on purpose?" 
"What are you even talking about?" The red head sighed heavily, obviously confused by the question.
The elder chuckled. "I think you will see eventually." 
His mysterious answer left Kyung's mind reeling with questions.
A week later and they were on board the Enterprise again, with another mission underway. 
Jiho sat in his chair and entered a code into the arm rest. "Enterprise crew, this is your Captain speaking." The transmission broadcasted throughout the entire ship. "We're heading towards the planet Andoria for we have received a distress signal from them. According to the report from Starfleet Command, Romulan ships were spotted nearby. Our mission is to investigate and rescue if necessary. We should be arriving within the next ten minutes." He paused and glanced briefly over in Kyung's direction. "This has been Captain Woo, out."
Before Kyung could finish writing up his report, Jiho gained his attention. "Okay seriously Commander Park, we have got to talk. This silent treatment is giving me a headache."
The rest of the crew visibly stiffened, trying hard to keep themselves preoccupied. The red head looked up from his portable screen and gazed at Jiho in mild surprise.
Was he really trying to strike up a conversation? Kyung narrowed his eyes at the blonde. "I really don't know how to respond to that, Captain Woo."
"How about dinner?" Jiho answered for him, earning the most gobsmacked expressions from the crew. 
Kyung almost fell out of his chair. "I'm sorry?"
Jaehyo looked over his shoulder, eyes wide as he observed the two. Minhyuk and Yukwon did the same.
The Captain looked so nonchalant about the whole thing. "You and me, dinner. I don't see how else I could simplify that." He shrugged. "It's on me. An apology for making you punch me in my face."
Kyung had his mouth hanging open. "I- I- I, uh, er..." He blushed as he realized they had everyone's attention now. "Sure?"
"It's settled then!" Jiho clapped his hands together, startling everyone back to their jobs.
It was awkward for mere seconds before they came out of warp and the red alert signal came on. Everyone's attention turned to the front, where they were seeing enemy Romulan ships firing at other Starfleet vessels. 
The Captain took hold of the situation immediately. "Vector shields up! We are on red alert ladies and gentlemen, pull maximum auxiliary power to forward weaponry!" He looked at the pilots. "Use evasive maneuvers, get us out of the trajectory path! Fire everything we've got, photons and phasers! Keep us out of the danger zone!" 
There were jolts and jerks as the Enterprise was hit by several pieces of destroyed ships. The emergency siren was sounding, everything was in complete chaos. That last hit didn't sound too good either.
Jiho quickly pressed a button on his chair. "Engineering, how are we doing?" 
Jihoon's voice came over the com. "It's looking bad Captain! We're on full power but it's a mess down here, everything is in the red! Levels are too high!" His voice began to fade out, as if he was running around.
The blonde glanced over in Jaehyo's direction. "Lieutenant Ahn! What of our communications, any transmissions available?" 
Jaehyo was shaking his head. "Our signals are being jammed Captain! There are no transmissions of any kind!" He was frantically turning dials and listening for anything available.
"It must be one of the Romulan ships." Kyung interjected, automatically going to Jiho's side. "They are known to have advanced technology that can block our signals. They're going to try to trap us." He took a furtive glance at the blonde. "We're going to have to take them out Captain."
"For once, we have the same general idea." Jiho replied, gazing up at his Commander. "We're gonna need to think of something fast."
Minhyuk pointed ahead, "There!" He glanced at Yukwon who then pressed something into his console. 
Jiho and Kyung gazed at the screen, eyeing the battle zone. 
Minhyuk steered the ship forward. "That ship there, that's the main one. The device hanging off of the side is what's jamming all of our signals." He looked back at them. "We're going to have to take that one out." He pulled a lever forward, the ers working overtime to get them where they needed to be.
The Captain nodded in understanding. He clicked on a com. "Medical bay, report."
"Dr. Lee here, Captain." Taeil's voice came on. "There are many injured and wounded from that last blast but we're working as fast as we can down here." 
As if on cue, the ship was hit with an enemy missile. Jiho steadied himself on his chair as everything jerked to the left.
Kyung grabbed onto the nearest console to steady himself. Yukwon was frantically pressing at things on his screen. Mumbled curses were thrown here and there as the entire crew worked endlessly to keep their ship intact.
"Lieutenant Lee, status report!" Kyung shouted over the wailing alarms.
Minhyuk pulled on the lever. "Not looking good Commander! Our shields are down to forty-six percent!"
"Their weapons are powerful sir!" Yukwon exclaimed as he helped his fellow pilot complete the evasive maneuvers. "We can't take another hit like that!" He looked over at Minhyuk, the two of them sharing a worried look.
"Understood." Jiho said, gazing ahead. "I'm going to go to the transportation pad. Lieutenant Lee, you have the conn!" He then ran out of the room.
Kyung took off after him, yelling at him. "Transportation pad for what?!" They rounded a corner and dodged several officers. "Captain Woo! What the hell are you planning?!"
They both went through a sliding door that led to the pad. The blonde finally stopped and went over to the console, speaking with the officer there.
"Captain Woo." The red head repeated. "I asked what you were planning."
Jihoon came in just then, panting and sweating like a mad man. "You needed to see me Captain?"
"Yes, Chief Engineer Jihoon." Jiho greeted. "I know of your skill in transwarp beaming. I need you to get me on the Romulan mother ship."
Both Jihoon and Kyung gaped at him, disbelieving. "Captain!" They both exclaimed.
"Something has to be done." Jiho replied, walking over the pad. "Relieve that officer over there Jihoon and take his place. Then beam me aboard that ship."
Kyung shook his head as Jihoon did what he was told. "This is madness! Captain, you can't expect to go in there alone! You could get yourself killed!"
"I'm going whether you like it or not Commander Park." The blonde stated. "Unless you'd like to come with me?" He quirked an eyebrow in challenge.
The red head was beyond frustrated. He was going to regret this later. "Fine, I'm going! Jihoon, get that transportation beam ready!"
"Aye-aye sir!" The younger replied as he pressed the coordinates into the screen.
Once aboard the Romulan ship, Jiho and Kyung were automatically met with open fire.
"Your phaser gun isn't on stun, right?" Jiho asked as they ducked behind some cover.
Kyung eyed his gun to make sure the red light was on. "Yeah of course, is yours?"
The blonde noticed the light was blue on his. "It is now." He replied as he switched the stun mode off, making the light turn red.
"Unbelievable!" The red head exclaimed.
Then, without another word, they both began firing at the enemy Romulans. They took out a whole line of them and when the coast was clear, they moved out.
Jiho nodded towards the computer systems. "Do you think you can hack into those Commander Park? Figure out where the jamming mechanism is at?" He aimed his gun around, ready for any attack.
"It's gonna be tough, but I think I can manage." Kyung answered as he holstered his weapon and began to type furiously away.
The Captain glanced over his shoulder. "Freaking brainiac."
Kyung smirked. "Well this brainiac now knows where to go. Follow me Captain." 
And with that, they both took off.
The two of them struggled to push a large piece of the mechanism out of the way. They had to get past that in order to sabotage the system and get their signals back online.
"Keep pushing Commander!" Jiho grunted out, straining as he pulled in his direction. Then he stopped, almost making Kyung slip. "Wait! We might have to go the other way."
Kyung rolled his eyes. "For the love of crap." He muttered irritably.
"No wait! I think this is right." The blonde corrected.
"Captain Woo!" The red head shouted, frustrated. "If I push any harder on this thing, I will give birth to my colon. So figure it out!"
"All right! Let's just keep going this way." The Captain answered, pulling again. "Christ." He added under his breath.
Once they had access to the main jamming mechanism, they got to work. They fired their phasers at parts of the machinery and then did the rest by pulling out wires and basically tearing the thing to hell.
Kyung noticed something move out of the corner of his eye. A Romulan was trying to attack Jiho from behind.
The Commander quickly got in the way, grabbing the spear that the enemy was trying to use. He then tugged the Romulan closer, before launching him through the air. Jiho turned around with an expression of mild shock. 
Kyung kicked the fallen spear away and ran at the Romulan, throwing a few punches and landing most of them. He blocked a side swipe and then brought the enemy's arm around, twisting it into submission. The red head pushed the Romulan away. 
The now angry alien came running at him in blind rage. Kyung blocked the punches and then sent his leg out in a sweeping kick, knocking the Romulan flat on his back. Once down, Kyung finished him off, snapping the neck.
He straightened himself up and turned to face his Captain. Jiho was staring with his mouth slightly open. 
Kyung couldn't stop the smirk forming on his face even if he tried. "All brains and no brawn huh?"
Jiho held his hands up in faux surrender. "I stand corrected." His eyes shone with pride, as if he was impressed by his First Officer.
The thought may or may not have made Kyung blush a little.
Jaehyo's voice broke through their moment, coming on in their ear pieces. "Captain Woo, Commander Park, our communications system is back online. We're ready whenever you are."
After that mission, their relationship began to see some changes. 
They still bickered but it wasn't as often anymore and it was much more playful than before. The crew could even sense the shift in their friendship.
There was one incident where Kyung got hurt during an escape gone awry and Jiho had personally gone back to rescue him. He showed amazing courage, earning respect from the red haired First Officer.
"I'd like to believe you would have done the same for me." The Captain had said, his eyes twinkling with mirth.
And it was true. Kyung would have done the same for him.
Taeil liked to bring it up because of what happened in the medical bay later that very same day. Honestly, his friend was more of a pain in the than a doctor.
Kyung had been lying down on a cot while Taeil was overlooking his vitals on the screens. Soon after, Jiho had shown up, arms crossed over his chest. He looked relieved when his eyes landed on the red head, his body visibly relaxing.
"How are you feeling Kyung?" Jiho inquired, voice light.
Taeil's head whipped around so fast, Kyung thought he was going to get a crick in his neck. The elder, who was behind Jiho, looked at the Commander and mouthed "Kyung" with curiosity written all over his face. He was obviously questioning him about the name thing.
Jiho never called Kyung by his first name. Ever. Actually, he rarely called anyone by their first name. So it caught Kyung completely off guard.
Hence, why Taeil liked to bring this incident up so many times. "Your face was priceless."
If the doctor didn't have so many ways of torturing Kyung, he would have made a sarcastic comeback. The younger boy did not want a repeat of the viral infection from Melvaren mud fleas. He always shuddered at the memory.
Some time after that, a lower ranked officer got snarky with Kyung and Jiho about ate his head off.
Kyung had been arguing with said officer when Jiho showed up out of nowhere looking none too happy. The officer had stepped back warily, bowing to the Captain nervously.
"You do know who you're talking to right?" Jiho asked, voice icily calm. "His name is Commander Park Kyung, as in the First Officer of this ship." He stepped forward to get closer to the officer. "He is my second-in-command and your commanding officer, you will show him the respect he deserves or so help me God, I will have you aborted to Delta Vega before you can even say Vulcan."
They didn't have any trouble with that officer ever again.
The red head had been so amazed that he told Taeil right away, not caring that Jaehyo and Minhyuk were also present at the time.
The four of them shared a table in the ship's lunch area as Kyung relayed the story. Taeil and the other two shared knowing looks.
"What?" Kyung asked, perplexed by their reaction.
Minhyuk, which Yukwon was right about getting to know him, answered first. "We kinda already knew about it."
Jaehyo nodded as he picked up his sandwich. "Live video feed."
"Jesus Christ, is there any privacy on this ship?" Kyung asked, flabbergasted.
"Never mind that." Taeil waved it off. "Back to the subject at hand. Jiho stood up for you Kyung. Tell me that doesn't make things clear for you?"
Kyung gazed at him. "Okay seriously, you and your cryptic messages. What are you talking about?"
Jaehyo and Minhyuk rolled their eyes skyward as they ate. Taeil was extremely tempted to throw his water at Kyung's stupid face.
Taeil pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay. When the officer was being an to you, Jiho looked furious. He didn't like that someone was being disrespectful to you."
"And?" Kyung asked, not seeing his point. "We might have got off on the wrong foot in the beginning but he and I are friends now. Plus, we work together as Captain and Commander."
Jaehyo snorted. "So you and him getting along better now doesn't give you a hint, really?"
"The Captain holds you in higher regards now." Minhyuk added. "Your friendship with him has obviously changed somewhat."
"And he called you by your first name." Taeil stated, causing the two lieutenants to do a double take.
"Seriously?" Minhyuk and Jaehyo asked at the same time, looking upon Kyung in wonder.
"Commander Park!"
Kyung turned at the sound of his name. Jiho was jogging towards him, stopping just about a foot away and smiling broadly.
"What is it Captain Woo?" The red head asked, trying not to dwell on the fact that the blonde was very close to him.
Jiho's grin widened. "I promised dinner a long time ago remember? We never got to that." He shrugged. "So I thought, why not now? We're both free for another hour or so."
Kyung was at a loss. "But I have to get this report down to deck six, Dr. Lee needs it." He held up a portable data list.
Jiho took it from him and then handed it to the officer who was walking by. It just happened to be Jaehyo. "Lieutenant Ahn, take that down to deck six. The Chief Medical Officer needs it urgently, thank you."
The blonde then grabbed Kyung by his arm and began to drag him away, not even looking back at the probably confused lieutenant. 
"Captain, I would cite regulation about what just happened, but I know you'll just ignore it." The red head said with humor laced in his tone of voice.
"You're learning quickly Commander." Jiho replied, cracking another smile.
Kyung was sitting at one of the lunch tables, trying not to laugh as he watched Jiho look around frantically for something in the kitchen section.
They weren't alone of course, since they were in the ship's main dining area. Yukwon and Jihoon were there as well, they were just sitting at a different table. They were also trying not to laugh at Jiho's shenanigans.
The Commander was curious and so he asked, "What are you looking for?"
"I had it! It was here! I swear it was." The blonde grumbled as he threw items over his shoulder, clearly not caring that he was making a mess. "I had food prepared and now it's gone. There was dessert too dammit." He peeked over the table and eyed the engineer and the pilot. "Did one of you steal it?!"
Kyung face palmed. "Captain Woo, I highly doubt it was misappropriated."
"How would you know?"
"Oh I don't know, maybe because they're both eating sandwiches?"
"You don't know what I had planned for our dinner!"
"That's a minor technicality."
"Using big words to throw me off now?"
"I wasn't under the impression that technicality was a big word."
By the end of their little argument, Jihoon had begun to wheeze into his plate from being unable to control his laughter. Yukwon was having difficulties with his laughing as well.
"The Klingon warbirds have entered the Neutral Zone Captain." Kyung stated with calm and collective authority.
Jiho nodded curtly. "What would be your first plan of action Commander?"
That stunned everyone, causing the entire crew to swivel in their chairs and face him. The Captain never consulted with anyone. He always just went for what he thought was the best idea. Most of the time that got them into big trouble.
The red head was in a state of shock for a few seconds before shaking his head. He stared at Jiho in a new light, the blonde's lips curved upward in a fond smile.
Kyung immediately went to the blonde's side. "We are near the planet Saturn, correct?" Jiho nodded, curiosity piqued. "I say we warp out of here and towards one of the planet's moons, preferably Titan. It will give us some cover and time to sneak up on the Klingon vessels from behind, giving us the advantage."
Minhyuk raised his hand to cut in. "The Commander has a valid point Captain. Saturn's system itself gives us another advantage for we can remain undetected in its magnetic field." 
Yukwon's eyebrow raised in suspicion. "You knew that already though, didn't you Commander?" 
The crew turned to look at Kyung, who was now smirking. "What can I say, I'm always two steps ahead." The red head then turned to face Jiho.
The Captain was highly amused. "All right, you heard your First Officer! Set a course for Titan, get us inside Saturn's system. Warp speed ahead ladies and gentlemen, let's do it."
"Don't forget to have all the shields up." Kyung added. "Also, Lieutenants Lee and Kim, once we're behind Titan you will need to take the ers off." The pilots began their preparations. "We need to make sure we have a clear shot so you two will have to do a manual override."
"Now you're beginning to sound like my second-in-command." The blonde said wholeheartedly.
The Commander broke out into a huge grin. "I have my moments."
"Commander Park, give me your ing hand!" Jiho yelled over all the noise from the surrounding lava.
Kyung had been on a mission when the volcano he was trekking across, suddenly decided to erupt. Now he was stuck somewhere in the middle with his Captain trying to rescue him. Against his wishes, might he add.
The red head glared at him. "You aren't even supposed to be here! Why did you come?! You're going to get yourself killed Captain!" He shook his head in dismay. "Just go, I'll only hold you back. The Enterprise will be nothing without its Captain."
Something seemed to snap within the blonde. "Kyung."
That got the Commander's attention, as he glanced back up at Jiho. The Captain still had his hand outstretched. "The ship may be nothing without me-" He paused to swallow a lump in his throat, "-but I will be nothing without my best friend." He held his hand closer to Kyung. "So please, for the love of all that is holy, give me your hand."
Kyung could feel his heart swell at his words. If someone had told him that Jiho would be risking his life for him a few months ago, the red head would have laughed his off. My, how things have changed.
He reached his hand out and grasped Jiho's hand, a look of absolute relief passing across the blonde's face.
Once Jiho was sure that Kyung was secure in his arms, he called back to the ship. "Captain Woo to the Enterprise! Beam us up NOW!"
"You bet your Captain!" Jihoon exclaimed, as he beamed the two back on board the ship.
Taeil ran forward once he spotted the injured Kyung in Jiho's arms. "Kyung! Captain, how bad is he?" 
"He'll be fine Dr. Lee." Jiho answered quietly. "But if he ever does something like that again, I will kill him myself." His voice rose menacingly.
Taeil and Jihoon looked between the two before giving each other a knowing look.
Kyung chuckled and then ended up coughing, his voice raspy from all the volcanic smoke. Jiho gave him a stern look, "Serves you right."
"All right, that's it for the day." Jiho announced. "Everyone's dismissed."
At that, the crew got up and left the main hull. The blonde glanced over at Kyung and the two began their own meeting about the upcoming missions. These were more private matters and need only be discussed by the Captain and Commander. They were sitting across from each other, engrossed in their classified notes.
Once they got into the rhythm of things, Kyung began to notice something. Whenever it was his turn to talk or discuss, he would notice Jiho staring at him from his peripheral vision. It was as if the blonde was entranced. But why?
"What is it Captain?" The red head asked, anxiety taking over.
Jiho's expression seemed to falter. "Uh, nothing. Keep going with the overview Commander."
Kyung felt like he was hiding something but decided to let it slide for now. He picked up where he left off on their notes.
And there it was again, Jiho was staring. Blatantly, might he add. Did Kyung have something on his face?
The red head was about to question him again when suddenly, the notes were taken out of his hand and thrown across the room. Before he knew it, Kyung was being kissed by Jiho.
Their lips collided a little harshly, the Captain being a little frantic. The kiss slowed to a more languid and sensual pace, making Kyung lean into it and pull the blonde towards him. Then they both stood up from their seats, still kissing, and Jiho backed the red head up towards the console.
The blonde grabbed the other by his thighs, making Kyung hike up his legs around Jiho's waist. Their kissing became open-mouthed and hot as Jiho gently placed Kyung on top of the console in a sitting position. Then the Commander began to slowly lean back, with the Captain hovering over him.
Jiho pulled away and gazed upon the man beneath him. "I know this is out of order, but I like you Kyung." He admitted a little breathlessly.
"I like you too." Kyung answered, looking back at the man above him. "Jiho." He was amazed at how easy it was for him to admit that.
Jiho leaned his head down, pressing another kiss to Kyung's lips, their mouths molding together.
"Oh!" Jihoon suddenly exclaimed, making Taeil stop in his tracks.
"What is it Jihoonie?" The doctor asked.
The engineer turned to him. "I forgot that I needed to give a report to the Captain! I better go now before the day is over!"
Taeil stopped him by holding his arm out. "I don't think that's wise."
Jihoon quirked an eyebrow. "Huh?"
"From what I heard from the lieutenants, the Captain and Commander are alone in a meeting right now. They shouldn't be bothered." The elder answered, smirking to himself knowingly. "It is about damn time if you ask me."
"I'm so confused." Jihoon said aloud.
"Basically, they are going to consummate their relationship by engaging in ." Taeil stated with certainty. 
When Jihoon still looked confused, Taeil added, "They're going to do it."
The younger's expression was priceless.
"This next mission was assigned by Ambassador Spock himself." Jiho stated as he took his seat in the chair. "So yeah, it's a doozy. I will understand if anyone feels the need to step out of this one." He turned his head to eye his lieutenants. Kyung was running a little late.
Jaehyo swiveled around in his chair. "Communications and transmissions are all online. Everything is up and running Captain."
Yukwon pressed coordinates into his screen. "Course has been set Captain, ready for travel whenever you are."
Minhyuk typed in a code. "Ship's ers are on full and ready for warp Captain Woo."
"Medical bay is secure and ready sir." Taeil's voice came on over the com.
"Dilithium chamber is at maximum, Captain." Jihoon added, down from his position in the engineering deck.
Kyung entered the room just then, a toothy grin cast on his face. "Your First Officer is also ready sir." He walked over to Jiho.
The blonde peered at him with a wicked glint in his eye. "You and your ed up red hair, always looking good. You do that on purpose, don't you?"
"Actually, I don't." Kyung rolled his eyes. "Concentrate Captain Woo." 
"So naturally y then." Jiho stated, his eyes raking up and down.
Before Jiho could say any more, Kyung walked away with an amused expression. He sat in his chair and got into position, waiting for the Captain's order like everyone else.
"Now that Commander Park is finally present-" The blonde glanced briefly in the red head's direction with a certain fondness, "-let's punch it."
"Aye-aye Captain!" 
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ying9202 #1
Chapter 2: wow that was one of the best!!!
thank you :DDDD
tiamutiara #2
Chapter 1: love your star trek AU sooo much!! kyaah i love star trek too and your references are very similar, can't help but re-enact the original ones^^p
Meindariini #3
Chapter 2: both of them seems interesting to me - but i guess the shape-shifter story would be good. update soon~
that-sclassy #4
Chapter 2: Ahh, I'm so super excited about both of these ideas! I suppose I'll vote shape shifter... whichever you decide to write will be amazing, I'm sure:) I hope you've been having a great holiday. can't wait to see what you write! author-nim, FIGHTING!
Chapter 2: shape-shifter au but you should still do the bank job au, just afterwards.....^^
Chapter 2: The shapeshifter story (I also think it would be cooler if both of them were shapeshifters)
Chapter 2: so many votes for shape-shifter. i guess one tiny vote for bank job au wont make a difference --
lol ok so bank job au juseyo. ^^
neurodream #8
Chapter 2: bank job AU~
Chapter 2: A shape-shifter!
Chapter 2: Oooh!!! The second idea sonds interseting!!! Definetly the shape-shifter AU
Thank you soooo much for coimg up with these great ideas and sharing them with us~<33
Cant wait to Read what you decide to write about, cuz either way i know you'll give us a hell if a story that we all will be dieing over ;p