Damn Kid

Damn Kid


Seunghyun was still young minded. Even with his body rapidly becoming more masculine, he was still a kid. Ji Yong realized how young he was when the two met Seunghyun’s mother for the first time as a couple. She was exactly like her son. Cheeky and over exaggerated. She didn’t speak as fast but their personalities and the way they spoke were exactly the same. Watching them together was amusing.

She told her son to show him the house while she prepared dinner. They walked throughout the small house, passing chubby baby pictures in the hallway. The closet he used to always hide in when it would storm really badly. The wall his mother would measure him up against every summer. The bathroom where he would always practice his dance moves in because it had the biggest mirror in the house.

As they approached his bedroom, he could tell the other was nervous. He had stopped talking, and he began to side-eye him down the hall. Reaching the door, he didn’t even enter the room completely. He stood in the door way watching to see how his new boyfriend would react to seeing his room. His room was covered in all things dance. From a huge pair of headphones to a large stereo sitting on a desk in the corner. His dancing shoes, Nike high tops (Air force 1’s to be exact), were placed against the wall, right beneath a poster of Shinwha on stage. It fit him. The space resembled him, all the way down to the messy, unmade bed in the middle of the room.

He looked at the bed, then looked back to Seunghyun. He began to wonder just how many people had the priviledge to see this room. If anyone had even come close enough to make it past the kitchen. If anyone had gotten to know the boy past his fast talking, useless stories, and overall obnoxious behavior.

 Seunghyun never made a move into the room. Hands behind his back as he looked down at his feet which seemed to have all of his attention at that particular moment. Instead of focusing on the fact that his boyfriend was in his childhood bedroom for the first time. Or maybe he was trying really hard to not notice that.

Ji Yong walked over to the door and grabbed the younger male’s hand. His thumb grazing the back of it and creating shapes and patterns. Seunghyun visibly relaxed under his touch. Letting out a shaky breath to release his nerves. They looked at each other. Seunghyun searched for a sign to indicate whether or not this was a good idea. That maybe he was way over his head with this. Maybe he was better off crushing on his hyung. Maybe he should have never approached him when he saw him in the park that day. And just maybe that this would kill him if it didn’t turn out the way he wanted.

It never came.

The only thing present was the sudden urge to feel lips on his. A feeling he thought he deserved to grant himself. A feeling that Ji Yong was oh so happy to give him.

They stood in the door way kissing, mouths conforming and molding to fit the other’s. Lips grazing and feathering over each other’s, catching small whimpers and noises caused by just the thought of what they were doing. Seunghyun fisted the back of Ji Yong’s shirt, knuckles digging into his skin through the thin fabric as he was being pushed backwards against the frame of the door. His legs spread on their own accord while Ji Yong settled in between them. Perfect fit. He rocked his hips upward to meet the older, wanting any type of friction that would relieve the tightness that was occurring in his pants. Ji Yong’s hands skimmed lightly across the exposed skin of Seunghyun’s lower stomach; his shirt was bunched in the front from moving against the other’s chest. Calloused pads of his thumbs massaged hip bones; chests rising and falling in unison with rapidly quickening breaths.

“Boys! Dinner!” Seunghyun’s mother called from the kitchen, and everything clicked for Seunghyun. His eyes flew open as he pushed Ji Yong away and righted his clothes. Hands ruffling his hair to its normaly messiness. He looked up at Ji Yong with nothing but fear present in his eyes; face flushed from embarrassment.

“C-coming! I mean um, I’ll be there in a minute!” Seunghyun’s eyes flickered to Ji Yong before he ran out of his room leaving Ji alone.

Ji Yong sat on the edge of the mattress. Damn. He placed his head in his hands, fingers grabbing the roots of his hair.

Damn kid.







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Chapter 1: Hehehehe! They could've gotten caught! Haha! You're an awesome writer! Please write more stories! :)
Chapter 1: Hehehehe! They could've gotten caught! Haha! You're an awesome writer! Please wrote more stories!