One Shot

Seduction Steps


One Shot – Seduction Steps



Eunhyuk sighs, this time of year , how everybody seems has a boyfriend or girlfriend and he has no one, so he grimace at the smiles on the couples and kicks a small rock on the sidewalk, breathing; this really .

He is watching the stores, shining with christmas lights as people walk inside or outside, is chaos but Eunhyuk thinks he is willing to live in that chaos if just… someone is with him, but he chuckles at the memory of his boyfriend breaking with him, oh! that makes him ex-boyfriend and he smiles at his silly thoughts when a young boy around seventeen appears before him, startling him.

The boy has dimples and small eyes but nice ones, so he Eunhyuk stops, waiting for the other that is smiling at him to talk, the boy struggles with himself while pulling out a piece of paper, grinning now.

“Take this and follow those steps with the first person you bump, ok?”

Eunhyuk blinks with the paper on his hand, confusion written on his face as he shouts.


But is late, the boy is nowhere to be found and Eunhyuk opens the paper that was bended in two, and he starts to read the ungainly writing, between all the people passing by his sides.

Don’t share interest

Be yourself

Hold his hand

Kiss him on the first date

Throw yourself at him.

Eunhyuk blinks twice, furrowing his eyebrows and throwing the paper on a trash can, as he mumbles a curse, the next thing he knows is that he bumps against someone as he widened his eyes in surprise, blabbering a ‘what?’ but the other boy just grins pulling away.

“Oh, hyung, what are you doing here?”

Eunhyuk panics, he did say he was to going out with his boyfriend because his friends still doesn’t know that he was dumped, and he stays mute for seconds that seemed hours as sweat falls from his forehead faking a smile.

“Oh, Kyuhyun-ah, is nice to see you!”

Kyuhyun grins when the other avoids his questions. Kyuhyun nods, but inside is so happy, because even when he cares for his hyung heart, he has loved him since years ago, and knowing he is single now, is a perfect chance to take advance of Christmas and making the other fall for him, but Kyuhyun just stays there and blinks, faking innocence.

“Oh, me? Donghae-hyung ditched me, because he went out with Siwon, you know, couple things”

Eunhyuk nods not sure, but is begging on his mind for Kyuhyun to go and leave him in his loneliness. The matter is that the younger seems that his plans are others as Kyuhyun holds Eunhyuk’s arm.

“Well, then we need to go and find some presents for the boys!”

Eunhyuk lift and eyebrow suspicions, why Kyuhyun is to cheerful so sudden when last time he talk to him, and that was when he announce he had his thirty boyfriend, Kyuhyun makes a tantrum saying how much he hates him and now he has this strange behavior, really suspicious…

Eunhyuk stops then, maybe Kyuhyun is taking him to a lonely place to take revenge, no, Eunhyuk shakes his head, they are friends, and so… they can hang around even after a fight, so he relax even when his steps are heavy and with no emotions, but still, Kyuhyun keeps dragging him to different stores, talking about how Sungmin will love the pinks pillow or how Donghae will appreciate the fishy plush or how Siwon will be amazed by that mirror or Heechul will love the new shampoo, and Eunhyuk nods, not noticing the quick glances Kyuhyun stoles at him as he grins.

Kyuhyun runs to another store, this is filled with games and he enters like a kid with sparkling eyes but Eunhyuk stops frowning at the door.

“Kyuhyun-ah, I don’t like how you are so engrossed in games”

Kyuhyun pouts but Eunhyuk doesn’t see him as he turns ready to left when Kyuhyun smirks walking in a rush to catch the other, startling EUnhyuk when Kyuhyun hugged him by the back.

“Aw, I didn’t know you’re jealous of games, so cute my hyung~” Kyuhyun said playfully, breaking the embrace and turning Eunhyuk, so they could face each other as Kyuhyun continue watching Eunhyuk eyes “but you know…” Kyuhyun sees the flustered expression Eunhyuk has now and his heart flutters as he pecks Eunhyuk’s nose “I’m yours”

Eunhyuk backs away, his face has strawberry color, and he hates how his heart skips a bit, but scowls when Kyuhyun is laughing, holding his stomach and Eunhyuk feels a bit played as he yells.

“Yah!! I’m not your funny toy!”

But Kyuhyun keeps his laughs until he stops apologizing half-hearted at the eldest, because the way Eunhyuk has his lips encircled in a pout making them plumper as the pinks color is calling for him as Kyuhyun straightens, coughing awkwardly and watching another side, hiding his pinks cheeks as he mutters a real ‘sorry’, and Eunhyuk knows he can be mad at this boy, so he just shrugs and takes Kyuhyun’s hand, intertwining their fingers.

Eunhyuk is blushing and Kyuhyun is grinning as he tightens the hold, this feels like magic, but then he stops and frowns at the sight and at the loose, at the empty feeling Eunhyuk left taking away his hand, and he curses the culprit; Eunhyuk’s ex-boyfriend.

“Oh, hi!” Eunhyuk starts awkward and Kyuhyun walks next to him, glaring at the tall boy, and Kyuhyun curses, damn it!, even if he is a bastard he is handsome.

“Hi, I see you come shopping” smirks the boy and Eunhyuk nods bashfully, and Kyuhyun clenches his hands in anger.

“Yeah… Em… where’s your girlfriend?”

Kyuhyun stops and the other boy smirks wider.

“So you are still over heels for me, how cute, but you know I don’t love you”

Eunhyuk gasps eyeing Kyuhyun and feeling anger, because he is feeling embarrassed and he was just being friendly towards his ex, who the he is to think is all great, and Eunhyuk sighs, no, anger is bad and he doesn’t like to be mad at someone, but when he watches how his ex approaches Kyuhyun with a smirk and then watches again at Eunhyuk saying.

“Well, if you let me pass the time with this cutie pie, I can maybe take you back”

Kyuhyun is about to yell at the other to off and stay away, but then he shouts when he feels some lips being pressed against his ones and his eyes are wide, but when he sees the brown messy hair, and tastes the sweet flavor of a candy, or maybe an ice cream, he deepens the kiss, because heck! Eunhyuk is kissing him!!

But the moment passes so quick that Kyuhyun yearns for another kiss, but is still in daze so he just blinks when he hears.

“Sorry, but this cutie pie is mine, so back off and go around with whoever you want”

Kyuhyun smirks at the stunned face of the other as he feels proud, because Eunhyuk claimed him as his, but then his smile fades when Eunhyuk lets him go and shyly utters.

“I’m sorry… I mean, you know… it was just…”

Kyuhyun nods, his lips forming a thin line but smiles when he remembers the kiss, and even when it was circumstantial, still had some feeling that Kyuhyun doesn’t know how to express but makes him feel happy.    

Eunhyuk then goes to a store and buys everything that suits him as he chooses clothes for his friends and Kyuhyun, and he is sure that jacket fits the younger shape so he smiles and buys it too.

When the Christmas party is over and Eunhyuk feels dizzy, not because liquor but because Kyuhyun has been holding his hand all the time and following him around, making his heart beat faster every time but that feels nice, and Eunhyuk feels happy and then the door opens and everyone as Eunhyuk turns to see a boy with a grins and a paper, the same boy this afternoon, Eunhyuk mumbles because he is sure and then the boy just walks to Eunhyuk and gives him a wrapped box with a paper before bowing and leaving the place under the astounded eyes of all the presents.

Kyuhyun leans to Eunhyuk, peeking the list as a wide grin breaks on his face and Eunhyuk eyes opens in surprise.

Don’t share interest

Be yourself

Hold his hand

Kiss him on the first date

Throw yourself at him.

Do the last and you will be happy /winks.

Eunhyuk is about to throw the paper but stops, frowning thoughtfully as the memories of today passed his mind, because he didn’t share Kyuhyun interest about games, he was being himself when he left and before holding Kyuhyun’s hand and oh, god! He kissed Kyuhyun because… ok, he will admit it now, he was jealous, but the last thing to do is so… dared. Eunhyuk blushes at his thoughts, he was really considering throwing himself to Kyuhyun, and what the hell the other would think about him? Of course Kyuhyun will call him ert and backed away and then…

Kyuhyun smirks at the flushed face Eunhyuk has right now and he signals every friend to leave and let them alone, so he grins when is just Eunhyuk and him in that room and he pecks Eunhyuk cheek, startling him a bit and making the eldest blush harder.

“Why did you do that?”

Kyuhyun grins again, signaling the paper.

“Helping you to complete the list”

Eunhyuk gasps but Kyuhyun sing song-ed.

“I’m yours~ and you will find happiness once you complete it, so…”

Kyuhyun his lips and leans at the retreating Eunhyuk, whispering.

“I’m ready for you to realize how much you want me”

Eunhyuk stands in vain, because his legs are jelly as he falls on the chair again, and he blinks swallowing the saliva and blabbering how much wrong this is until Kyuhyun smirks and kisses him.

“Doesn’t matter who tops, right?”

Askes Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk nods in daze while panting in a try to breathe again, but when he feels he isn’t stepping on the floor but is being carried away, his brain starts to work again.

“Wha- sto- mmm”

A kiss is enough to shout him as he wraps Kyuhyun’s neck on his arms, and Kyuhyun smirks between the kiss, because he has now the best present for Christmas, his beloved one and is an extra that the deliver-boy fulfill with the tasks to gave Eunhyuk those list and that box with lubricant, that Kyuhyun is sure, he will use very well tonight. 


My second attempt to write fluff, happy season ^^ and holidays. Love you~ Ah! I hope Meehyukkie-unnie like this -winks-.


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pillow4hyukjae #1
Chapter 1: Oh god i love this!!!
EunHae986 #2
Chapter 1: I love it! Kyu's just so naughty!!!
Chapter 1: Cute cute cute
Chapter 1: awww cutie pie kyu-kun. awesome job author-san
GermanIGot7ELF #5
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwww this is seriously a really, really cute story <3 i loooooved it!! thanks for sharing it with us
Chapter 1: kyaaa >.< i don't expect the ending would be this...daring? XD
kkk...thank you for sharing ^^
michikokasiumi #7
Chapter 1: AAAwwwwww.... kyuuuuuuuuuute >0<
omooo... u know,, yesteday all night long i make a GIF of kyuhyuk momment from shows... i post only a few, aaaand,,,and,, the one that i told u how i love cutey hyukkie in certain vid, n since i forgot n cant find the link, i post it heeeeere:
hohohoho.... ^0^
Chapter 1: nice fluffy one shot..keep up a good write something more like this...and dont stop writing your forte...thank kyuuuuu for the lovely story
Chapter 1: Gosh... I love how this progress...

so sweet for christmas. though I didn't celebrate it~
meehyukkie #10
Chapter 1: Woowww,,,you already posted another fic,,i'm so jealous of you hehehehe
now let's start. The business xD
This story is more simple from the previous one,i like it too ^^
“So you are still over heels for me, how cute, but you know I don’t love you”
It supposed to head over heels right?
I will just ignores the typos and mistakes xp
i love sneaky kyu xp and jealous hyuk i love them a loootttt

And last i just want to ask who is that delivery boy?
You have the fluff,but after this just write with your style,what suit you the best,i will still love it and support you.
Thank youu ^^